Children's bed for a child from 1 year and older

To preserve the health of the child has always been the main task for each parent. They are trying to give their fumes all the best and quality: food, toys, furniture.

Baby bed plays an important role in the health of your baby's back. Therefore, her choice has always been very difficult, because for a child it is not just a piece of furniture, but a personal space in which he plays and sleeps.

How can parents choose the piece of furniture for sleep, which does not harm? First of all, you need to remember that for each age period there are different criteria in her choice. That is, a bed that is designed for a child aged 0 to 3 is not suitable for a child who, for example, is 5 years old. Let's see what kind of beds you need to buy for children at different ages.

What to look for when choosing?

  • Security. Best of all, the bed does not have sharp corners, projections. The base of the bed should be strong, not loosened.Must be bumpers.
  • Material. Give preference to more natural or combined products. This tree or metal, because they breathe and do not emit harmful substances, and therefore do not harm health, but on the contrary, will become a good place to sleep and rest your child.
  • Dimensions. You should buy the product according to the age of the child - it may not feel comfortable for too large.

From 1 year

There are only three types of this furniture, namely:

  • Cradle - it is in her that the child feels comfortable and protected, since there are bumpers here. It is also quite light, so mom can easily move her to any part of the house.
  • With sides - this bed is very easy to use. The sides and bottom here are easily adjustable, they can be made higher or lower, or they can be removed altogether.
  • Transforming bed - this type of furniture is very practical, especially if you have a small children's room. After all, in addition to the bed, it has thumbs and dressers where you can put the child’s things. If you do not need such elements of furniture, then they can be easily "unfastened" and the bed will become a little more.

In 2 years, these products become small for babies, which means that they need to be replaced by others, more and more practical. Although their size is slightly larger than the previous ones.

From 3 years old

Here it is possible to choose a bed of different shapes, types, colors:

  • The size of the product. The bed should be about 130x80 or 130x70.
  • The bed should be from natural materials. It can be: oak, birch, clear, hornbeam. The wood from these trees is very durable, the material is non-toxic, and therefore does not harm the child. If there is decor on the furniture, if possible, find out what materials it is made from, whether it will harm.
  • The sides are low, as they are needed only at night, when the child sleeps restlessly and tossing and turning in order not to fall.
  • The mattress should be the same size as the bottom of the bed. It should also be orthopedic, so that the child does not twist the spine.
  • The headboard should be rounded, because children at this age are very mobile, and this will help protect them from bruises on the sharp edges of the bed.

On these beds, children can sleep up to 5-6 years, as they are durable and fit. But a six-year-old child begins to grow rapidly. He adds in height and weight.He has a new status - a schoolboy. And, of course, such beds become small for them.

From 6 years old

Here it should be remembered that the child can completely abandon the product with typewriters or cartoon characters. He may want a more “adult” bed. In any case, it will be much better if you choose it together.

What principles should be used when choosing a bed?

  • The size. For 6 years it should be about 160x70, for children from 7 years 160x80, because the child’s feet should not rest on the sides or hang down from it at all.
  • The height of the product should not be more than 50-60cm. On such a bed it is convenient and easy to climb or just sit down, and also this height will allow the child to clean the bed himself.
  • It is best to choose products with wooden slats. After all, then the bed will be as flat as possible, and, therefore, it will be comfortable and safe to sleep on it.
  • The mattress should not protrude over the side, and lie flat.

If you have a small children's room, then to save space, you can buy a loft. It is great for children from the age of 6 years. The same products are perfect for children from 7 years and even for 8 years, since they are quite large and massive.

From 10 years

Ten years is already a fairly conscious age for a child, so you can completely trust him with the choice of a bed, as he has already formed views on how his room should look. Very often, children want a roll out bed or loft bed.

  • Vykatnaya option great for small rooms, or for those families where there are two children, because it is practical and saves space for games.
  • Loft bed will give the room a more practical character. After all, there may be boxes for toys, cabinets for things, work surfaces. And the most interesting and fascinating is, of course, climbing the bed up the steps. But it should be remembered that the height of such a product should not be higher than the height of your child. It will also be good if there are sides on the sides - for safety.

For a child at any age it is very important that his parents understand him and listen to their needs and desires. Therefore, before choosing furniture for your beloved child, ask what he wants. Then you will see gratitude in his eyes for the purchase of his dream crib.

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