Carpets from pompons

Carpets serve not only as an exquisite piece of furniture. Often they are used to protect the feet from contact with too cold a floor surface. They come in all shapes, sizes and materials. Special attention deserve carpets of pompons - the original addition to the interior.

These products will decorate any room, make the inner atmosphere of the house more comfortable and pleasant.

Special features

Every hostess knows how to create comfort in the house. It is enough just to surround yourself with things that are dear to your heart, which will lift your spirits, will make you smile. Curtains, the design of the walls and the floor should please the owners, be combined with each other, harmoniously complement each other.

The soft fluffy rug from pompons is not only a pretty product that creates a good mood. This is a practical thing, saving their owners from cold floors. Such coverage will be especially successful in the nursery. To the surprise of many, such a mat collects as much dust as carpet from other materials, no more and no less. And to get rid of unpleasant pollution, simply wash the carpet in a washing machine.

Rugs made of pompons are good because they can be of different sizes, shapes and colors. Pompons are found from knitting and shreds. In any case, the product of such elements will be not only beautiful, but also one of a kind, since two identical carpets from pompons cannot be.

Advantages of pompon carpets:

  • have completely different sizes and shapes: geometric figures, products in the form of animals and cartoon characters, fairy tales.
  • The combination of pompons of different diameters creates the effect of a 3D product.
  • presented in a wide color palette.

How to do it yourself?

Rug of pompons can be bought or made independently. And although there are not so many difficulties in such work, it takes a lot of time to create such a thing.

This is not a one-day project, so you need to prepare yourself in advance for having to spend several evenings on this work.

To make a fluffy rug, you will need:

  • Two flaps of fabric measuring 50 cm each.
  • Cotton wool for stuffing.
  • Threads and sewing machine.
  • Yarn of different colors and patterns.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle.

The first stage of the work is sewing the base of the rug. Visually, this is the simplest thing, consisting of fabric and cotton wool or, more simply, a pillow. You can make another form of flooring, for example, create a butterfly-shaped rug or a flower for a child's room, cut out the tiger contour in the form of an animal skin and sheathe the beast in the living room.

The cotton fabric cuts are not completely stitched, you need to leave a hole of 10 centimeters so that the product can be turned out at the right time.

This is followed by a process of sewing on pompons. You can buy ready-made balls of any color and shade you like, or you can make it yourself. This option is more time-consuming, but the end result will deliver the maximum pleasure to the craftswoman.

If you want the carpet to be very lush, you need to sew the maximum possible number of pompons and sew them close to each other. Pompons should reach the brim so that the fabric base of the rug is not visible.

After fixing the pompons, you need to make a few final touches, remove all the bumps. Soft flooring is ready!

Little secret: If you fix several rows of pompons among themselves, you can get the original soft ottoman for sitting.

A special feature of carpets made of pompons is the fact that it is pleasant to do them not only for yourself, but to give to relatives. If, however, for any reason, it was not possible to personally make an interesting floor covering, you can purchase it in a thematic shop specializing in original souvenirs and non-standard decor items.

Another way to make a rug of pompons do it yourself in the next video

Place in the interior

The finished floor covering of soft lumps can be laid in any room. A large product of bright colors will decorate the nursery, in calmer tones suitable for the living room.

The main thing - do not overdo it and find a middle ground in the color palette of the product and the inner filling of the room.

Rugs of small sizes will harmoniously fit into the bedroom interior of the owners of the house or will “meet” their owners in the hall.

Bright pastels from medium-sized pom-poms will perfectly serve in the children's room. Soft bedding will be both a toy and a comfortable seat.Adults will be able to quietly watch the game of their favorite children, without worrying that the child may catch a cold sitting on the cold floor.


On woolen pom-pom carpets, in most cases, they speak very positively, especially people who have small children. Parents say that it is not only beautiful products. They like adults for its versatility. Carrying out decorative function, such floor coverings protect children from overcooling. Spending time on a soft canvas, the kids will never freeze. Also in the room where there is an original rug, children will not be bored. Soft multi-colored pompons will replace any plush toy.

However, there are opponents of the use of carpets from pompons. Some believe that fluffy lumps are nothing more than objects that collect dust, which means they are sources of pollution and can trigger an allergic cough attack.

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Living room