Synthetic carpets

Many housewives today refuse carpets, as they need to be constantly cleaned and dust accumulates on them. But there are many situations where the carpet in the house is a must. In these cases, synthetic products can with dignity replace expensive natural.

Features and benefits

To lay or not to lay a full pile carpet in a modern apartment is an individual matter. Opponents of textile flooring say that debris, parasites and dust accumulate on the carpet. It can become a source of unpleasant smell in the house and represents a fire hazard. Fans quite rightly claim that some interiors literally require a carpet. It gives a cosiness, comfort and status, and besides, perfectly keeps heat. Carpet on the floor can be laid and those who have high audibility in the house, since it absorbs sounds (for this reason, carpets were so often hung on the walls in Soviet times).

Traditionally, carpets were made from natural materials - silk, wool, cotton. Today such products are very expensive.

Spread carpets made from such synthetic materials:

  • acrylic carpets (100% synthetic fiber, originally created as a replacement for wool);
  • polyester (polyester) products;
  • polypropylene carpets;
  • models of modern types of synthetic fibers, for example, “hit-set” or “frieze”.

Very popular products made of artificial materials. They differ from synthetics in their origin. If synthetic fiber is made from inorganic raw materials by chemical means, then artificial fibers are created on the basis of natural materials, in particular, cellulose. These include:

  • viscose carpets;
  • products made of rayon.

All these materials have their pros and cons.

If we compare them with natural ones, then:

  • Synthetics are resistant to friction: such carpets will not lose their appearance for a long time.
  • Moth does not settle in them, mold does not appear.
  • Dirt does not accumulate on them, and household stains (spilled juice, wine, etc.) can be easily removed at home.
  • Many synthetic materials retain paint very well, which means that such a carpet is not subject to fading and fading.
  • These products accumulate much less static electricity.

The disadvantages of synthetic mats: high fire hazard (when burning can emit toxic substances) and non-environmentally friendly.

Although most modern artificial materials do not emit any harmful compounds into the air, fans of all environmentally friendly materials do not accept the use of such coatings.


Acrylic fiber is a very popular raw material for carpets. Such models should pay attention to those who want the floor covering to be as close to woolen as possible. It will be as soft, fluffy and pleasant to the touch. Acrylic is easy to paint: products from it can be the most incredible shades. Acrylic carpet perfectly keeps its shape.

Those who are not afraid of dust and want to lay a rug in the nursery, the best model is suitable from this material. It is hypoallergenic and mild. You can choose a coating of acrylic on a cotton base: such a rug would be better to "breathe."

Products made of acrylic can have different pile heights.Now models where high and short pile are combined are very popular. This creates a nice embossed pattern.

Acrylic models are affordable, although not the cheapest on the market. Most often they are made by machine, but there are also handmade samples with the addition of wool, cotton and other fibers.

Acrylic products are popular with customers due to their brightness, original design and the possibility to choose any pattern. Mistresses say that they are well insulated sound and retain heat. However, acrylic is very difficult to care. According to reviews, such a carpet can roll, and if it is embossed (with a different-sized nap), then the dust that accumulates in the patterns is very difficult to clean out. A number of buyers were forced to clean these models twice: first with a vacuum cleaner with a regular nozzle, and then with a small turbo brush. If there are animals in the house, wool will accumulate between the villi.

At the same time, buyers note that the cost of a good acrylic carpet is often comparable to the price for a wool model.


Polyester is a refined product. But do not be afraid of this.Modern technology has made it completely safe. Polyester yarns can take a wide variety of forms. It is hard to imagine, but high-tech clothing for professional athletes and a cheap T-shirt, which can be bought at a flea market, are created from the same raw materials.

For carpet weaving, polyester is simply a find. The fiber can be completely arbitrary, which means that polyester can be made as lint-free palases, as well as the popular “shaggy” today - rugs with a soft and long pile.

The inscription on the label "100% polyester" ensures that the product will not be torn and bulged for many years. Polyester carpets retain heat well. The fiber does not absorb moisture, which means that little gets dirty.

Reviews of polyester carpets are controversial. Popular soft long-haired models. They are incredibly pleasant for the feet! They are laid at beds, sofas and in children's rooms. Attacking them is a pleasure. In addition, such models decorate the interior, help create a modern stylish design.

Polyester long-nap carpets are absolutely contraindicated for those with allergies or asthma.

They accumulate a huge amount of dust and debris that are not visible to the naked eye.

"Shaggy" requires daily painstaking cleaning. There are housewives who do it with pleasure, especially if there is a powerful washing vacuum cleaner in the house that can deeply clean the pile. Many buyers of such carpets noted that the usual cleaning measures for this model is not enough. Periodically, it should be knocked out in the old manner on the street.

The shaggy pile is easily crushed, both from the legs and from the furniture, if you put something on it. Small creases can be lifted with a brush of a vacuum cleaner, but in general, if the pile began to deform, this process can no longer be stopped. Polyester fiber carpet accumulates static electricity.

Carpets of this fiber can be made independently: experienced knitters know that in specialized stores you can buy polyester or synthetic rope. From these threads, according to the technology of lace napkins, surprisingly beautiful carpets are knitted, which will serve for a long time and decorate the interior.


The most important advantage of carpets from this material is bright coloring.Polypropylene fiber is deeply stained and keeps the paint in such a way that the product never threatens fading. Their service life is short - 3-5 years. This carpet is inexpensive and great for those who regularly change the interior. After a fresh repair, you can lay a synthetic rug, and by the time you want to freshen up the situation, it will not be a shame to throw it away. Polypropylene, compared to polyester, accumulates less static electricity and is easy to clean.

Much better on the properties of an improved material based on polypropylene - “hit-set” (you can meet the name Hi-Set, Heatseat). This is a special fiber that twists around its axis many times. Because of this, it perfectly keeps the paint and long keeps its splendor. It is important that during the heat treatment the fibers can be additionally treated with antistatic and dirt-repellent additives. This significantly improves the performance of the carpet.

According to reviews, these rugs are really easy to clean.

Stains are cleaned with a sponge and foam (a special agent for carpets or dishwashing liquid).

From two strands “hit-set”, twisted in a special way, fiber frize is obtained.From these threads create a separate kind of carpet. They are more dense, fluffy, and their nap is curly, as it were. Such coatings have a modern, “informal” look.

Frisian carpets are more expensive than propylene, but they are more wear-resistant. According to reviews, "curly" pile perfectly hides footprints, splashes and stains. This mat is good for rooms with high traffic, for example, for the hallway.

Where to lay and how to care?

To serve the carpet for a long time and please the eye, you need to pick it up, based on the properties of synthetic fiber.

For the living room is well suited carpet with medium or short pile, for example, a hit set. You can also purchase an acrylic model if there are no fluffy animals in the house.

Polyester long shaggy “shaggy” - bedroom option. The less you walk on it, the better. You can put such a rug in the living room, but not near the sofa, but in the center of the room. Then he has more chances to stay beautiful for several years.

For children, polypropylene bright carpet is best suited. If the house has cold floors, let's say acrylic option. Models made of fiber frize also suit: they are fluffy and hide dirt.

For a hallway, a short-haired rubber-based mat is ideal.

The main guide for the care of your carpet will be the information on its label. But in general, any mat needs regular (at least once a couple of days) vacuuming. Many housewives know that synthetic models (and especially long-haired ones) are best vacuumed from two sides. The washing vacuum cleaner - the excellent assistant in this business.

Carpets made of synthetic fibers "tolerate" the usual household cleaning: the stain can be fixed with detergent, soapy water, detergent for washing carpets and furniture. You can rub them with a sponge or cloth.

It is strictly forbidden to subject the synthetic carpet to aggressive cleaning, for example, with gasoline, acetone or bleach containing chlorine. It is not recommended to put hot objects on them, since many of them do not tolerate high temperatures.

Any synthetic carpet for washing and care can be attributed to dry cleaning.

You will learn more about synthetic carpets in the following video.

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Living room