Paint Beckers: Material Features

The Swedish company Beckers has been manufacturing paint materials since the end of the nineteenth century. Today its products are the most environmentally friendly in Europe. The concern has plants in Italy, France, Germany, England, Norway. The scientific department of the company is engaged in constant search and development of advanced modern dyeing agents.

They cooperate with environmental and medical centers interested in quality control and guaranteeing the use of Beckers products in rooms where people with asthma and allergic diseases live.

The paint and varnish products of this company appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, but have already gained great popularity and are marked by positive reviews.

Features and specifications

It is possible to work with paints and varnishes Beckers without respirators. They do not emit harmful substances, dry quickly, do not leave smell. They are used in the arrangement of kindergartens and hospitals.The paints of the brand, made on a water basis, do not contain ammonia compounds, therefore they are hypoallergenic.

In paints, Beckers use components that, mixed with water, form the strongest structure, which in terms of wear resistance is not inferior to any product on solvents, which guarantees the particular durability of the material. In Sweden, severe weather conditions. Given this factor, the company has developed resistant products to any climatic situations. Beckers outdoor products can withstand large temperature fluctuations, precipitation, freezing and summer heat.

The company produces a wide range of matte and glossy paints and varnishes. In its color palette more than twenty thousand shades, which allows you to make any interior unforgettable. The materials of the company are designed for various types of work. It is difficult to find a scope related to painting, in which it would be impossible to use the products of this brand.

In addition to a stable and even painting of the surface of walls and ceilings, these products can be used to cover facades, surfaces made of wood, concrete, metal. Produce products in containers of 3 and 10 liters.

The only disadvantage of Beckers paints and varnishes is their price. But this, too, can be argued. To get a rich, smooth surface with cheap paint, you will have to put more than one layer. Unable to withstand temperature fluctuations, a different paint burns out, peels off and needs updating. Cheap materials are toxic, have a strong odor, dry for a long time. It is better to buy Beckers paint once, than to update the dull surfaces of the bases every year.


Before you start painting the house, the walls should be freed from the overhanging branches and other interfering plants. It is necessary to prepare the surface, removing the old finish (you can use Malartvatt). The base must be cleaned, rinsed and primed..

Before painting you need to cover and glue everything that can get dirty in the process of painting. The paint is usually not diluted, it is thoroughly stirred and proceed to staining.

To work with a porous loose surface, a reinforcing primer with greater penetrating power is required. This composition contributes to high adhesion, it makes the structure of the base homogeneous.

It should be started with the removal of the old paint with a stiff brush from the wall.. Then the cracks are carefully cleaned, putty putty inside. All roughness masked with a sealant in several layers and smoothed with a spatula.

Paint surfaces will look perfect if properly carried out painting work. The technology is simple: using a roller, apply paint in horizontal stripes, then move vertically. So they alternate in the process of painting.

At the final stage, the surface is aligned with a roller in the direction from top to bottom. In this case, you should not put too much pressure on the instrument so that stripes do not form on the surface.

Beckers coating materials are applicable to any surface. If the walls are made of wood, they must be thoroughly cleaned of old varnish, paint, primer, fungus and mold. The prepared surface should be treated with a special tool Ute-Mogeltvatt. Then it is necessary to apply a primer, and the seams should be treated with Grundolja oil.

Beckers paints are well suited for concrete surfaces. It should be remembered that fresh coating can not be painted. It should dry out within a few months. When working with concrete opaque paints are chosen.

You can paint the plastic, metal in the same way: you need to clean the base well, rinse with a mixture of Malartvatt, then water.

Rust should be removed with a stiff brush, then it is necessary to apply a primer, after which it remains to paint the surface.

Paint consumption 1 square. m usually ranges from 120 to 170 g. You can handle concrete, plaster, wood, metal, plastic. The paint dries within 3 hours., it needs to be considered when drawing the following layer. Coloring is possible at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.

For outdoor use

Beskers products have a large selection of exterior paint. They protect the surface from contact with the external environment.

  • For painting bricks and ceramics suitable primer mix Putsprimer LS or primer with Putsgeund.
  • For concrete facades or plaster surfaces, paint with acrylic resin Beckers Putsfasadfarg P is suitable: creating a film, it reliably protects the painted surface from abrasion.
  • Akrylatfarg paint, which dries quickly and withstands weather conditions, can be used to work with wood and metal.
  • For work on linoleum and concrete buy paint Beckers Golvfarg.
  • Beckers Sockelfarg is made with the addition of latex, which increases its strength. It is good for covering the foundation and drain pipes.

For indoor work

Most Beckers products are water based. This does not affect their strength and durability. The paint dries within three hours, it is wear-resistant, does not change color for many years.

  • Elegant takfarg - high-quality paint for works with walls, ceiling. It is applied to cleaned surfaces, painted, used to update the color.
  • Elegant grundfarg apply on the cleared walls and on old paint (at repeated coloring).
  • Matt paint Elegant Vaggfarg Helmatt apply in rooms with high humidity (in the bathroom, kitchen, bath, pool).

Choosing Beckers products, you can be confident in the quality of the coating.

You can learn more about water based paint from Beckers from the following video.

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