The subtleties of the choice of paint for walls in the apartment

Fashion trends in decorating apartment walls are constantly changing. Most recently, wallpaper was considered the most popular finishing material. With the advent of new developments, the paint began to actively occupy a leading position. Therefore, modern paints choose to decorate the walls in the apartment.


Today you can use different colors. An ordinary wall can turn into a real canvas, on which it will be possible, having shown imagination, to create a unique drawing. The walls are decorated with ornaments, artistic compositions, patterns, decorative elements. The convenience of painting the walls is beyond doubt. At any time, you can update the wall, repainting the surface in a different shade.

Walls can be refreshed easily and quickly. There is no need for any special efforts or large cash costs.You need to choose only high quality paint products. An inexperienced person is hard to decide. It is not easy to choose the necessary paint from a variety of presented options on the shelves of the store.

To determine the choice, you need to get acquainted in advance with the characteristics of different compositions and take into account the characteristics of the premises for repair.

Coloring the walls: the pros and cons

First you need to figure out what is attractive about this type of finish, as painting walls, and whether there are any disadvantages to this method of decorating.

The advantages of this method include:

  • Numerous variations of wall decorations. There is an opportunity to take up bold projects, combine different shades and textures, apply picturesque drawings. It is possible to experiment with paints and varnishes. Base colors make an unlimited amount of different shades.
  • If the surface of the walls is carefully prepared for painting, for example, level with a putty, the colorful coating will fall better. Decorative coating will last longer if you use only high quality paint materials.
  • Quality coating is not afraid of regular wet cleaning.Appearance appeal will not suffer.
  • Painting the walls is the most convenient way to finish if the room has a complicated configuration, for example, if there are shaped projections, columns and niches. It will be necessary to invest a lot of work and time to paste over such a room with wallpaper, it is difficult to sheathe a room and decorative panels.
  • Possible elimination of the smallest defects. Chipped, scratched or indelible stains just tinted paint the same shade.
  • At any time, if you wish, you can completely change the style of registration. Make it easy.

The disadvantages of painting walls include:

  • High-quality staining requires careful surface preparation. If it is not implemented, the colorful coating will not hide even the smallest defects. On the contrary, it would rather emphasize the existence of flaws.
  • The painting process is not as simple as it seems. Lack of experience, non-compliance with technological recommendations, the use of cheap low-quality material will lead to uneven coverage in texture and color.
  • Paintwork material does not tolerate mechanical effects, as well as aggressive abrasive load.To the appearance of scratches, various chips, ugly scuffs will result in careless operation of a residential apartment.
  • Dust accumulates on painted walls. The exception is a glossy finish.

Basic operational, physical, technological properties

Before purchasing, you should decide on the color of paints. Other important parameters also influence the selection. Decorative quality is undoubtedly the decisive criterion. In the salons usually there is no variety of colors. This is explained by the possibility of creating the desired shade independently.

Different paints create a different degree of gloss on the surface. It all depends on the choice. There are glossy, semi-matte and matte paints. There are high gloss paintwork compositions.

This type of paint creates almost a mirror coating.

Gloss paint

Paint and varnish compositions capable of creating gloss on the walls are attractive for ease of care. This coating is practically not afraid of moisture or abrasive loads. Therefore, stains are easily removed from painted walls, and dust is wiped off. Gloss looks excellent only on ideally smooth planes, because with inconspicuous defects the reflecting light will immediately indicate all the flaws.

Glossy coating is used more in additional design or, if necessary, to highlight some specific finishing elements of the room.

Glossy paints make out rooms with a high level of moisture, for example, a kitchen.

Matte paint

When making living rooms often use matte colorful composition. This type of paintwork creates a smooth surface of the surface, hiding small defects. The matte wall covering visually expands the room, making the space more spacious.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of removing the stains. If the stains cannot be washed off, the affected areas will have to be tinted.

Semi-matt paints

These paint and varnish compositions took an intermediate position, possessing almost the same advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned types.

When choosing, you need to remember the technical requirements for any composition:

  • An important quality of all types of paint is the ability to create a smooth monophonic coating, which completely hides the base color of the base. Typically, this ability determines the minimum number of layers needed to obtain this effect.To get the perfect coating you need to apply at least two layers. Manufacturers in some advertisements claim that a single coloring will suffice, but this promise should be treated with rational skepticism.
  • The color of the base is also considered an important factor in dyeing. To test, you can apply paint on a small piece of the surface. To properly check the paint material, you can use the following methods - apply a small stroke on the surface of black and white. When fully dried, you can see how many layers you will need to do when painting.
  • Other important properties include adhesion with the plane, viscosity and texture of the composition. Dyeing with thick paint can lead to uneven coatings in color. The density of paint leads to unnecessary waste. In thick paint, you must add a base solvent. With a liquid paint composition, the situation is worse. The use of this paintwork material will lead to the appearance of numerous smudges. In this case, the base background of the base is not completely painted over. Fix it will be quite difficult.
  • Thixotropic paints and varnishes are considered beneficial. Such compositions are able to change the density in accordance with the conditions. When mixing, the composition is liquid, at rest, it quickly gains viscosity. Usually about thixotropic qualities described on the packaging. Similar compositions really should be applied when painting walls. The application of such paints creates a smooth surface without smudges.
  • When choosing, you also need to focus on the availability of the method of applying the painting composition on the walls. Such information is usually indicated by the symbol of the pictogram on the image of which a spray gun, roller or brush is painted. Coloring a large quadrature will be faster if you apply the spraying technique.
  • Choosing paint you need to pay attention to the resistance of the material to the daily wet cleaning. This is especially important for rooms with a high probability of staining on the walls, for example, for the kitchen. Washable colors are more expensive than usual. But the result is worth the money.
  • Another important quality is the uniformity of the paint formulations.A variety of paint with specific inclusions will create a special micro-relief, for example, the effect of silk or sand. This textured coating is distinguished by originality. That's just for the correct application of such paints need skills painting work.
  • Vapor permeability - another important parameter paints. Decorative coating should not interfere with the process of the natural exchange of moisture, so as not to cause the appearance of drops of condensate.
  • The use of paints and varnishes should not cause harm to human health. The components of a safe paint include pigment dispersed composition, binder, solvent, additives without unpleasant smell and release of toxins. Use better paint and varnish products with antiseptic properties. The use of this composition will prevent the formation of various forms of microflora. When exposed to flame, the coating should not ignite or form smoke.
  • Every person starting a repair wants the work done quickly. That is why preference is given to fast-drying paints and varnishes with a short polymerization period.Accordingly, the performance of painting work with such compositions increases dramatically. Usually the hardening time is indicated on the package. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that the stated dates were determined for a normal level of humidity and a normal temperature.

Oil based paint

Coloring compositions with solvent mineral or vegetable oils had no competition in the market of building materials.

After the application, the oil paint component oxidizes and dries, leaving a colorful film coating on the surface. That's just the drying process takes too long. In addition, the resistance of the painted coating is small. After a couple of years, the painted coating begins to crack, losing its appeal. The resulting film during painting is practically impassable for water vapor, and this is unacceptable with the normalization of the microclimate.

It is necessary to immediately abandon the purchase of oil paint, because the low price is its only advantage. It will not be easy to update such coverage. Before re-staining after some time will have to completely remove the old layer. Otherwise, the colorful coating will fall poorly.

Therefore, to decorate an apartment, it is better not to choose oil paint at all.

Alkyd resin paint

For some reason, alkyd paints are sometimes confused with oil formulations. Of course, the consistency of these paints is similar, but the difference between these two compositions is quite large.

Alkyd resins, which are obtained by treating linseed, soybean or vegetable oil using a specific technology with the use of acidic components, act as a binder for the paint. In the composition with the solvent may be volatile organic compound - turpentine, gasoline or white spirit.

When applying these paints on the surface of the wall, the solvent evaporates, alkyd resins form the strongest film. The resulting colorful coating due to the quality of the binder resins is elastic, resistant to temperature, ultraviolet and moisture.

Learn more about how to choose paint for walls in the apartment, you will learn from the following video.

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Living room