Polyurethane mattresses

The quality sleep of a person depends on several factors. One of the main ones is the type of surface. Today, problems are solved with the help of special mattresses that form a kind of layer between the bed frame and the body of the sleeper. There are several types of such products on the market. If you are going to buy such a product, it is important to consult with a doctor who will select the desired polyurethane mattress for you.

Basic concepts

Polyurethane mattresses are special products, which are based on foamed polyurethane. This substance is synthetically synthesized. This material is soft, while its density may change during production.

This product is used not only in the manufacture of mattresses, but also in other areas. Polyurethane is an excellent filler and heat insulator. These properties are very often used in the construction of residential buildings when it is necessary to achieve quality indicators of heat preservation.

Product Benefits

Polyurethane mattresses are unique products that replace natural latex products. The production of this substance has certain positive features:

  1. Quality orthopedic indicators. This is achieved due to the fact that the material perfectly restores its shape and adapts to the position of the human body.
  2. Hygiene. Dirt does not accumulate, which is very good effect on the quality of care for the mattress.
  3. Hypoallergenic. The substance almost does not cause allergic reactions and can be used by people of any age.
  4. Wear resistance. Synthetic material is very well resists physical effects and long retains its original properties.
  5. Low weight. This feature is characteristic only for springless thin models (about 10 cm in height).
  6. Relatively good value for money.

It should be noted another positive feature of such mattresses - it is their practicality. Twisted into a roll, it is easily transported or transported in a car - without the need for additional effort.

Negative sides

Polyurethane foam mattresses can not be called an ideal option, as they have several disadvantages:

  1. The porous structure is a kind of sponge for moisture. The material perfectly absorbs water even from the air; therefore, it is desirable to use mattresses only in dry rooms.
  2. Product quality depends on the cost. The lower it is, the worse the orthopedic properties of the product. Often, these products are no different from the usual sheet of foam rubber or foam.
  3. It is necessary to clean the surface only with special means. Do not use aggressive chemical solutions that significantly degrade performance.
  4. Service life does not exceed 10 years. This feature can be considered a relative disadvantage, since almost all types of mattresses are operated for no more than 15 years. This can be said about products on a natural basis.

Some users claim that polyurethane foam is hazardous to health.

This characteristic is rather controversial, since there is no substantial evidence that this is so. Under standard conditions, the material does not emit any harmful substances into the air.A similar phenomenon occurs when a substance is heated above 200 degrees. Experts do not recommend ironing on these surfaces. To decide whether harm or benefit is a polyurethane foam mattress, only for buyers.

It should be noted that the previously described pros and cons depend only on the quality of the mattress. If you purchased an expensive model from a reputable manufacturer, the quality will almost certainly be high. Before making a purchase, it is very important to evaluate the features of the purchased goods.

Care rules

It is not only elastic and soft, but also very demanding material. To preserve the structure of the mattress, it is important to adhere to several rules:

  1. It is desirable to air the product every few months. To thoroughly clean the pores, you can sometimes vacuum the surface.
  2. Material cleaning should only be done with special laundry detergents.
  3. Drying the mattress is carried out only in the open air - without the use of artificial heat sources.
  4. To prevent orthopedic surface properties from deteriorating, it is desirable to periodically turn the design.
  5. Load on mattress must not exceed the maximum values ​​specified by the manufacturer. If this is not adhered to, then the design will quickly lose its technical properties.

By following these simple rules, you can significantly extend the life of the product.

Surface structure

To mattresses of this type include products that include polyurethane. Depending on the design features of the support layer, these products can be divided into several main types:

  1. Spring systems. As for polyurethane, here it is a filler. Very often, separate barrels for springs are made of it. The latter type of mattress refers to designs with independent blocks. Products filled with polyurethane crumbs are considered among the most expensive and high-quality. The surface of such mattresses perfectly responds to the position of the body, supporting it and reducing the load.
  2. Springless designs. The mattress of this type is a continuous canvas of foam of a certain stiffness. Similar products also come in several varieties. Some manufacturers complement the surface of the product with gel inserts that provide a massage effect.

Many mattresses are 2-sided, which allows them to be used more effectively. As for the size, these characteristics depend on the specific manufacturer. Today on the market you can find products with sizes of 190 × 80 and 60 × 140 cm. This allows you to use them not only for adults, but also for children's beds.

Polyurethane Density

Orthopedic properties of mattresses of this type are provided with elasticity and softness. Today this product is divided into several types (according to the level of density):

  1. Usual.
  2. Very soft.
  3. Hard.
  4. Polyurethane of increased rigidity.
  5. Highly elastic Polyurethane of this type is also called artificial latex.

Viscoelastic PU foam should be classified as a special category.

A distinctive feature of this material is that it is able to remember its state. After the body is located on the surface, it adapts as best as possible to it. This type of material also perfectly remembers the warmth of the human body. When a person gets up, viscous polyurethane slowly returns to its original position. The effectiveness of this product is much higher than the rest. Therefore, its cost is slightly higher, which should be considered when choosing.

How to choose?

It should be understood that the quality of the sleeping surface affects not only physical but also mental health. When choosing a polyurethane mattress, you need to consider a few simple recommendations:

  1. Do not buy cheap models. Price reduction is achieved only through the use of low-quality (and sometimes unhealthy) materials. Read reviews about a particular manufacturer.
  2. It is advisable to give preference quilted options. This eliminates the change in the position of the surface during sleep. It is important to check the quality of seams, as well as the presence of gaps stitches, which practically should not be.
  3. Covers preferably purchased only from natural materials. A mattress covered with synthetics can cause severe allergies. The best option would be jacquard. If you do not have the funds, replace the fabric with cotton.

Polyurethane mattresses are high-quality orthopedic surfaces that ensure a pleasant and comfortable sleep.

When buying such products, it is important to first consult with experts to find the best performance.Ask them all the necessary questions, get detailed, detailed answers - and only then determine the choice.

You will learn more about mattresses of this type in the following video.

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