White primer under the wallpaper: tips on choosing

During the repair of the apartment, you should decide in advance how the walls will be finished. If the finish is wallpaper, then it is important to first prime the wall surfaces. This is necessary not only to hide cracks and irregularities, but also for better adhesion of cloths with walls. And to ensure a good hitch, you need to choose a quality primer.


White primer under wallpaper called primer. It is a special base that allows you to quickly and firmly fix the wallpaper on the wall surface. The primer has a liquid consistency, which is able to turn into a film, which ultimately allows the wallpaper to easily and reliably seize with glue.

White primer has a number of features, which significantly increases the operational life of wallcoverings. The most important quality is in the ability to penetrate the processing material and fill even the smallest cracks. It can also be used to even out the color of the walls, which is especially important with the further pasting of pastel-colored wallpapers.

In addition, the primer simplifies the process of finishing wall surfaces, since its presence improves the adhesion of materials. This tool increases the strength of the wallpaper, and makes them more resistant to various mechanical stress.

Primer is a good antiseptic - it will never cause mold or fungus. This quality is very important for the preservation of human health and pets.

When choosing a white primer, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface, the level of humidity and the composition of the wallpaper, which will be glued to the primed wall. High-quality primer is the key to the successful pasting wallpaper.


There is a huge amount of white primers, so being in a hardware store, it is very easy to get confused. Each type of this tool has a specific purpose, which is why it is important to find an individual version. Speaking about the appointment, there are the following types of primer:

  • alkydIt is necessary for processing iron, concrete, wood or glass surfaces. Alkyd primer has a liquid mass, which allows it to fill the smallest cracks. And due to its composition, this primer adheres well even to the contaminated surface. This soil is not afraid of temperature changes, and therefore can be used both in residential and non-residential premises;
  • polyurethane. This primer is best suited for the treatment of walls that have low absorption and are regularly dusty;
  • acrylic. This option is well suited for brick and wood walls, as well as primed well plastered places. It allows in an accelerated mode to prepare the surface for pasting wallpaper, as it dries for less than two hours and is completely odorless;
  • latex primer is designed for embossed surfaces. He will cope equally well with concrete, and with plaster, and with metal, and with wood;
  • silicate primer has a universal composition that allows you to apply it on any type of surface. But it is not intended for materials that contain gypsum in their composition.

White primer varies not only by purpose, but also in composition. It can be made on a water basis and contain antifungal substances. Some species have anti-corrosion or antifungal properties. There are primers that have insulating properties, and there are compounds that can penetrate deep into the material.

Antiseptic formulations are designed to prevent the formation of fungal and mold lesions. For this reason they can be safely used in places prone to constant humidity. This may be a kitchen or bathroom.

Methods of preparation and application

Acquired paint-soil can have a thick or liquid consistency. It may already be completely ready for use or have a powdery composition that must be diluted manually. When preparing the primer mass with one's own hands, one should follow the accuracy of its cultivation. Too liquid or too thick mixture will lead to a heterogeneous coating.

When choosing a white primer, it is important to consider all the factors that may affect the quality of the finish. Before buying funds you need to smell it to eliminate the possibility of acquiring a fake. A poor quality primer will smell like glue.

To correctly calculate the amount of white primer, you need to calculate 1 square meter per 0.15 liter of primer mass. And it must be applied twice to achieve full alignment of the walls.


Buying a good product should begin with studying reviews of various types of primers. It is equally important to know the reputation of the manufacturer among customers, because the further quality of wallpapering depends on the quality of the primer mixture, and without the use of primer, wallpaper canvases do not adhere well to the walls.

Buyers note that using white primer You can prepare a wall covering for pasting light sheetswhich is very important for maintaining their true shades.

The best soil, most buyers consider the tool brand "Optimax", which has a uniform consistency, which allows you to evenly distribute it on the walls. It is quite simple to glue wallpaper sheets over this primer. In addition, they quickly mate with each other, forming a reliable and durable surface.

On how to prepare the wall for wallpapering, see the following video.

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