What are the curtains suitable for green wallpaper?

The interior of the room depends on many components. All elements must be in harmony with each other and match the color combinations. Only in this case an aesthetic composition will be obtained. The design of the room is determined by the decoration of the walls, as the walls occupy the largest visual area. Consider which curtains to choose for a room pasted over with green wallpaper, what color the furniture will look better in such an ensemble.

So different green

Green has a very rich palette. It can be dark green, almost swampy, rich grass color or light green spring, sunny color. Wallpapers may have a pale olive color or mint and turquoise. In each case, the colors of the companions will be completely different. What fabrics are better for using for curtains - the same shade or contrast, it is worth deciding depending on conditions of illumination.In the northern room, decorated with wallpaper of noble color of mature grass, you can hang curtains of similar color and get a gloomy, even dull interior. The same ensemble in a bright sunny room will look elegant and refined.

Bright and active spring green with the same curtains will eventually act irritatingly. Diluted with white or lilac pattern, will give the interior a pleasant dynamism.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice of textiles, it is worth getting acquainted with the rules of the combination of colors.

The rules of the combination of tones

At the first stage it is necessary to determine the color of the wallpaper, for this it is worth buying special circular range of colors. From the spectral circle, choose your own, you can do this by applying the sectors of the spectrum to the wallpaper. Choosing the exact shade, we look at the opposite color - it will be a contrasting tone, suitable for your wallpaper. Opposite the range of green shades are usually located red, purple, brown. It is safe to purchase curtains of these colors to create a vibrant interior.

If you like a calmer atmosphere, it is better to stop the choice on the neighboring sectors of the color wheel.To the right and left of the green are blue, beige, sand tones.

For rooms decorated in classic style, there is a monochrome finish. Portieres are matched to the tone or slightly different from the wall decoration - a few gradations are lighter or darker.

Monochrome design may seem boring, then the window is decorated with double curtains. Fabrics of cloth are chosen in two colors, nuanced and contrasting. For example, one color of curtains and walls are separated by white, beige or gray additional canvas.

Modern stylistic solutions for interior design very boldly operate with various combinations. If your fantasy goes beyond traditional preferences, then, taking a sample of wallpaper, It is necessary to attach it to your favorite fabrics and imagine how it will look in the room.. Perhaps this composition will delight you at home, but to avoid disappointment, it is better to listen to the designers' advice on how to create a harmonious interior.

How to choose harmonious solutions?

The king of all colors is white. White curtains - the perfect solution for green wallpaper of all shades.The basic rule here is to combine the snowy cold tone of textiles with the cold tone of the wall decoration, and the warm, milky range with the natural warm green of the wallpaper. In the first case, a bright contrast, clarity of form, coolness and spaciousness of the room will be created. In the second version you get an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and tranquility.

The combination with white is a classic, is used in all stylistic decisions, it always looks relevant and fashionable.

Yellow drapes in the green room - a win-win. Mustard shade will add sophistication and modern mood to the room. Pale yellow textiles blend beautifully with rich green, light green gamma looks better with bright canary yellow.

Recent design developments often use a gray-brown palette of textiles for interior design in green tones. It is better to use fabric and wallpaper of the same saturation of the color scheme. Light brown with light green and gray – brown with active green. Tulle is better to choose one of these flowers, white can "jump out" of the inflorescence line.

Blue window decorations add air to the room.The southern rooms will cool in such a combination, it will be nice to spend time here.

Blue curtains will create an atmosphere of confidence and concentration.

Black draperies can have the same strong influence on perception, but if you skillfully separate active green and heavy black with snow-white double canvases, create separation barriers between these colors, then such a solution also has a place to be. The use of black and green colors in the interior decoration helps to create spectacular and creative compositions.

The red color is so self-sufficient that it should be applied very delicately. Red curtains, sometimes only one canvas, already a very strong accent. The rest of the interior should be monochrome green. A maximum of a pair of accessories of a different or better red color can be afforded.

Pink is the best companion to the entire green-olive wallpaper palette to create a romantic mood. Burnt green walls with pink-flowered curtains are a classic combination for Provence-style interiors.

Bronze and gold textiles in the decor will give a luxury atmosphere in the Empire style.

Metallic silver fabrics are good for front rooms with a gray-green range of walls.

An important role is played by the presence of a pattern on the walls or textiles. If the surface of the walls is decorated with an ornament, then the curtains should be plain or with the exact same print only the size of the pattern can vary. It is unacceptable with the roses on the walls to combine the curtains with daisies.

Curtains and wallpaper are not the only elements to create a harmonious interior, you need to choose the right furniture.

We take into account the color of the furniture

Furniture is an item of decor that is rarely to be replaced; it is used for many years. Curtains change much more often. This is due to the price and ease of changing the annoying image. Therefore, choosing curtains, you need to take into account the color and texture of furniture. Heavy classic furniture does not tolerate frivolous floral paintings of ultraviolet shades. Conversely, modern utilitarian furniture of a simple form will look strange against the background of festoons and frills. Satin and silk are suitable for interiors in art deco style, metallized fabrics - satellites high tech.

Art Deco
High tech

The color of furniture plays an important role in shaping the visual perception of space. The color of natural wood is the best companion for green wall decoration. Light colors of furniture look good with a similar palette of curtains, dark wood looks nobly against a neutral background, contrasting bright violet, blue, lilac draperies will harmoniously shade yellow furniture.

Room decoration options

The functional purpose of the rooms obliges to decorate the interior in a certain way. Winning combinations for the living room will look ridiculous in the bedroom or kitchen.

Hall and living room - this is the front rooms of the house, their design allows for maximum solemnity. Contrast textiles with floral or geometric patterns, metallic fabrics, gold and bronze weave. Refinement and magnificence adds white color. This may be an extra curtain of expensive fabric, upholstered furniture or decor items. Turquoise and sapphire shades of windows will accentuate the magnificence of dark furniture.

The office does not require elaborate fabrics, but requires to maintain order and strict design.Laconic simple curtains, monochrome or geometric colors, are selected in a restrained gamut of beige-brown or blue palette. Monochrome trim in green tones will add an atmosphere of concentration.

A bit of romance and relaxation will bring white, beige, pink, cornflower blue, light yellow curtains into the bedroom. A very nice combination of a soothing light green wall design with brown wallpaper.

The nursery is the most energetic and lively place in the house. It can be decorated with bright combinations of blue, pink, yellow curtains. The presence of a large or small pattern in textiles will not be superfluous. Wallpaper here is also better to choose more cheerful fresh colors.

The kitchen can be decorated in avant-garde colors: black, brown, purple, yellow.

For families with children, it is better to stay in warm shades of pink, beige, coffee, orange.

In the room of a young girl a mint-colored wallpaper and yellow or pink curtains will be a pleasant combination. For a young man, you can apply the bottle green color of the walls with red and silver decor.

The general rules for all rooms are as follows: in a narrow room, curtains with a horizontal pattern would be appropriate; in a low room, horizontal stripes should be preferred. A small room can be visually enlarged in light colors of curtains.

Taking into account all these nuances, you can create a stylish and unique interior, where all members of the family will be pleased to be.

Beautiful ideas in the interior

Design a living room in a classic style.

Bright, dynamic interior room.

Stylish interior with turquoise curtains.

On how to choose the right curtains to the wallpaper, you will learn from the following video.

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Living room