How to wash Roman blinds?

Often in the design of modern interiors there are such interesting products as Roman curtains. These models have an attractive appearance and functionality that consumers like. In addition, manufacturers represent a fairly wide range of color of these models, which allows you to choose curtains in accordance with the features of the interior. But like all textiles, they need periodic cleaning.

Peculiarities of care

Basically, hand or machine wash is used for cleaning Roman blinds. But before proceeding with the process, it is necessary to pay attention to several significant points. The first step is to read the information that manufacturers indicate on the label. It describes the properties of the fabric and features of care.

For example, if the material shrinks, machine wash should be immediately removed from the list. It is necessary to use only cold water,as the fabric is able to deform under the influence of high temperature.

An important point is the weight and size of the material. If the canvas is quite bulky and heavy, it is best to dry it in a horizontal position. After washing, the curtains are recommended to be placed on terry towels, as they perfectly absorb excess moisture.

Wash Roman blinds need soft compositions, which are not based on aggressive components. Otherwise, the canvas will lose its original appearance.


Before washing the Roman blinds, they need to be prepared for the upcoming manipulations. First, determine what kind of fabric the products are made of. Depending on this parameter, a suitable washing mode is selected. For example, products made from natural materials can not be washed either manually or using a typewriter. This is due to the fact that the fibers of the materials are destroyed upon contact with water.

Natural species include bamboo and jute. To remove dirt and dust from them can be used exclusively dry cleaning.

If you decide to clean the house, it is not necessary to remove the curtains from the eaves. A vacuum cleaner will help you in cleaning the textiles.It is best to use a small nozzle that does not damage the material during the cleaning process. It is necessary to go through the canvases several times until the dust disappears.

Wash in a typewriter fabric must be in delicate mode. Also not recommended to use the spin function.

Before hand or machine wash be sure to remove the curtains from the eaves. Preview the web for heavy contamination. Such stains are recommended to be removed manually.


Most often, hand-washing is used to clean Roman blinds at home. To start the product you need to remove from the eaves, remove all the guide elements. Reiki, which are installed in the grooves, must be unfastened horizontally.

Then you need to prepare a solution of warm water (5 l) and dishwashing detergent (50 ml). It is worth noting that the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 35 degrees. Water should be slightly shaken up with your hands, then dunk the curtains in it. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a bath so that the fabric does not deform during the washing process.

In no case do not use products based on chlorine.Such compositions negatively affect the structure of the fibers, removing the paint from them.

As for the duration of soaking in water, in this case everything depends on the degree of contamination of the Roman curtains. Basically, it takes no more than 1 hour to completely dissolve the spots. Products do not need mechanical action. At the end of 60 minutes from the bath, you must drain the water.

Then you need to walk along the fibers of the material with a soft brush. It is necessary to clean the products carefully and carefully so as not to damage the fabric. If dirt remains on the canvas, it is recommended to repeat the treatment in a soap solution. At the end of the wash, the fabric should be rinsed on both sides with a shower.

If the curtain has become slightly wet, you can hang it on the window. Pre-iron the fabric through cheesecloth, then insert it into the slats. You can immediately hang the canvas in place - the material will return to its original shape on their own.

Do not squeeze the canvas. Curtain need to straighten, then lay on a few towels. All that is required of you in this case is to wait for the water to drain.

Machine room

Often, a washing machine is used to clean the Roman blinds. Most often, this method is used in the presence of strong dirt on the canvas.

To begin with, the curtains must be removed from the fixing elements. As in the previous case, it is necessary to prepare a solution using water and dishwashing detergent for the base. In the bathroom, the cloths are soaked for 1 hour so that the strong spots dissolve during this time.

Difficult pollution needs to be removed by means of a porolonovy sponge.

Over time, the water is drained, and the soaked curtain is placed in a special bag for washing things. The washing machine needs to be set to “Handwash” mode. In addition, delicate cleaning can be used. The optimum temperature is 30 degrees. Turn off the spin mode.

For washing it is best to use liquid products. It is also recommended to add conditioner or rinse aid. This will help preserve the original properties of the fabric.

At the end of the washing program, the sheet must be removed and then laid out on a flat surface.

As in the previous case, the curtain should be left in a horizontal position. When the fabric is a little wet, you can hang the product in place. Ironing is not a prerequisite.

It is worth noting that the processing in the washing machine is a suitable option for Roman blinds made of synthetic materials. Natural fabrics are able to lose their properties after the first cleaning.

Tips and tricks

If you purchased Roman blinds, but do not know how to properly care for such products, can use The following helpful tips:

  • it is necessary to wash the products 2-3 times a year;
  • in the process of cleaning, fold the curtains so that dust does not sit on them;
  • the settled dirt can be removed with a soft brush.

You can also use the reviews of those people who use Roman window shades to design windows. Many consumers do not recommend placing these textiles in rooms with high humidity. Also, the curtains are not recommended to hang near the heating devices.

To relieve the material from unpleasant odors will help regular airing. This is especially true of summer.

It is worth noting that many buyers recommend initially to purchase Roman curtains, which are based on a special impregnation. Processing with such compounds prevents dust from settling, the appearance of dirt and deformations.

Particular attention should be paid to curtains that are made of delicate fabrics. These products need careful care. Often, washing products is not recommended, especially in a washing machine. For cleaning it is necessary to use soft gels without aggressive components in the composition.

For example, silk products in no case can not be twisted or squeezed. Curtains are not recommended to be dried in the sun, as the fabric may lose its rich color and shine.

How to sew roman blinds with your own hands, see the next video.

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