Entrance doors with glass for a country house

In the arrangement of a country house you can afford more freedom than in the case of a city apartment. And it begins directly from the entrance to the home. To see the glass outer door within the city will be a wonder, but for a house outside the city it will be an attractive and practical option.

Special features

Entrance doors with a double-glazed window is a system of doors made of metal or other material with a special slot into which a double-glazed window is installed. A piece of glass can vary in size, they can be made several and arranged in any order, guided by their own taste. The double-glazed window plays a role not only decorative, but also a functional element.

Glass as a whole visually gives the design lightness, visual appeal, originality. With it, you can emphasize the individual style of a country house.Types of glass packs are different, respectively, different is the strength and type of design. In addition, the door may be warm or cold.

In the manufacture of doors using similar window glazing. They are single, double and even thicker. Most often there are double options. The door structure is more secure compared to the window, because it is usually made of metal, and it also provides for multiple opening and closing cycles.

All glass must have a high degree of strength. The most commonly used is resistant to mechanical damage tempered glass.

It is almost impossible to break an armored glazing, so there is not even a need for a grid.

Functional characteristics

First of all, it is necessary to dispel the myth about there, that the doors with double-glazed windows do not provide an adequate level of reliability, compared to the deaf ones we are used to. In fact, the same requirements are imposed on products of one and the second type:

  • Vzlomostoykost. For the production of glass used tempered shock-resistant glass is used, which guarantees the reliability of the design.The strength of the door leaf, the presence of locks with high secrecy, anti-removable bolts and other attributes of protection.
  • Heat and sound insulation. Materials used in production are characterized by a low degree of thermal conductivity, with the exception of metal. And in the metal part of the canvas there is insulation, as well as in the usual solid metal doors. In addition, the door box and the canvas are laid at least a double sealing circuit around the perimeter.
  • Finish The blind part of the entrance door can be processed by various techniques: powder paint, veneering, lamination, MDF lining, paneling, forging, inlaying and carving. Glass inserts also come in a variety of designs.


This version of the entrance door combines the elements of functionality and decoration at the same time and has the following advantages:

  • The glass fragment is an additional light source in the house. In the daytime, you can not turn on the light in the corridor and thus save electricity.
  • Through the glass you can look out into the courtyard without opening the door and not using the peephole, which is very convenient.
  • It does not let the heat through, because the design of the door is hermetic, by analogy with the window.
  • Glass is, first of all, a decorative fragment, which is able to give your home uniqueness, style and comfort.


In the production of the deaf part of the door leaf can be used different materials. Accordingly, the following types of products are distinguished:

  • Wood Available in two types: massive and fully framed. Expensive elite models are made from solid valuable types of wood (the most common option is an oak massif), and low-end models are made from coniferous species (such as pine and larch). In addition to the solid array, the manufacture also uses glued.
  • Plastic. Their analogue is PVC balcony doors: a reinforcing frame is included in the profile design. Pretty practical at a relatively low price.
  • Metallic - This is perhaps the most popular version of the street door. Here there are options with glass the size of a small window at eye level, down to almost continuous glass cloth framed by a steel frame. However, in the cottages the second option is quite rare.
  • Aluminum. By analogy with steel doors, glass size can vary. However, it is worth noting that the strength of such structures is somewhat lower. An excellent design method for a glassed-in porch of a country house would be an all-glass sliding aluminum door.

In addition to the above, doors are available in different color variations. The easiest option is when the product is painted in one color. More interesting will look door, decorated with marble, wood or other material.

Especially attractive is painted in the old-style canvas.


Structurally, external doors with glass can be any. It all depends on the design of the country house, its location and the tastes of the owner.

However, consider the following features:

  • If the cottage is located in a protected area, then you can not make high demands on burglary doors.
  • In cold areas, treeless terrain, in the open space, the role of heat saving increases.
  • If the door leads directly to the living quarters, to the fireplace room, to the living room, bypassing the corridor, then you should not make it completely transparent.
  • Entrance doors with glazing for the veranda can be folding or sliding design, fully transparent, with engraved patterns, photo printing, etc. This is exactly the option when there is complete creative freedom.
  • Clear glass in the doorway is typical of public institutions. For a residential building it will be inappropriate. In this case, install opaque doors with frosted glass, tinted, mirrored or with stained glass.
  • In the country house space allows you to install the door with additional side glass inserts. This technique will further expand the space and will attract more light.

Cost of

Buyers initially need to be ready to pay a rather large amount for a purchase. This is quite reasonable, because such a quality product can not be cheap.

The price of the finished product will depend primarily on the base material used in the manufacture, as well as on the dimensions of the door and the glazing itself, in particular, the quality of auxiliary materials and accessories, finishing, protective characteristics, and the manufacturer.

The most inexpensive option is the standard plastic door swing structure.Iron door with glass is in the middle price range. Quite expensive to cost the door with forging. Here, of course, much depends on the type and complexity of the forged linings of their sizes.

The cost of a wooden door depends on the type of wood. Pine can be purchased for an average price, but for the massive oak will have to pay much more expensive.

The cost of sliding glass doors can vary in a fairly wide range depending on the size and design features.

Selection rules

The front door is an important investment in the improvement of your home, as well as in ensuring its reliability. In addition, it is his business card, because a person first of all comes across it before they get inside the house. Therefore, the choice of such an important attribute should be approached with all the responsibility.

There is a wide variety of glass entrance doors of various designs, materials, designs and, of course, prices on the market.

You should not save on the door, because the windows of budget options can not boast a high degree of durability. And such fittings look in accordance with the price and can quickly come todisrepair because of its weakness and insecurity. Locks, handles, hinges, etc. should be of high quality. First of all, profile and fittings are important, and design is in second place.

If you are inclined to options with large glass sizes, it would not be superfluous to install a wrought-iron grille to uniquely ensure the safety of your home. It will not spoil the appearance at all, but on the contrary, will become an ornament, because you can choose it from a variety of decorative designs.

Before purchasing, be sure to look at the main parameters. The design of the door must necessarily include insulation. Necessary characteristics are tightness of closing and additional noise isolation.

So that after installing the door there are no cracks, it must be equipped with a seal. This important element ensures the preservation of heat in the house, preventing the penetration of cold air and moisture. The important detail is the porch. With it, the door tightly attached to the box itself.

It would not be superfluous to clarify with the seller what the double-glazed window is being filled with: gas or ordinary warm air.

This parameter is important, since in the first version the door will be better to keep warm, and this has little effect on the cost.

It will not be superfluous to pay your attention to the guarantees provided by the installer, the installation process and the possibility of free service if necessary.

The front door with a double-glazed window is a much more interesting option for a country house than an ordinary blind door.

It provides reliability and durability not worse, and in addition it looks more beautiful, lets more light into the room, gives you the opportunity to look out into the street through the glass.

You will learn more about the entrance door with a double-glazed window for a country house in the following video.

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