Moldavian carpets

Moldavian culture has long been distinguished by a reverent attitude to its life and history. Their carpets personify beauty and harmony, so many customers prefer them. By carpets originally from Moldova, you can explore the artistic culture of this nation, plunging into their past.

Special features

For quite a long time, Moldova is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality carpets that stand out for their uniqueness. After time, these canvases began to be selected on the basis of their manufacture. Thus, the ornament, composition and color palette were decisive factors determining the Moldovan products:

  • Carpets from Moldova is always a work of art, which embodies the national qualities and cultural heritage of the country. Each piece contains touches of the Thracian, Romanesque, Slavic and Turkic ancient cultures.
  • Despite the fact that a huge number of foreign manufacturers engaged in the production of carpets, Moldovans are famous for their high quality and reasonable price.
  • Long since such products have played a huge role in the life of a young girl. She had to independently create an oval carpet, which later became her dowry. If for some reason she could not make a canvas or it was not beautiful enough, then she was denied marriage. It was believed that if the bride is not able to make a carpet, it means that she is not accustomed to work and therefore cannot become a good wife and mistress.
  • All Moldavian products have a unique edging. They are framed on both sides, and each of them has its own color scheme. This production technology creates oval canvases with an image enclosed in an unusual frame.

Advantages and disadvantages

Moldovan products have a number of advantages that distinguish it against the background of carpet products of other countries:

  • The main advantage of carpets is their naturalness. They are created from natural wool, without the addition of synthetic materials, which means that they are completely hypoallergenic.
  • An important product quality is wear resistance.Carpets can not dozens of years to change their appearance even with daily use. Paints used in the dyeing of products, do not wash off and do not fade after a time.
  • The high quality of carpets allows them to serve a long life and to please any generation of tenants. And besides, it is very pleasant to walk barefoot on carpets from Moldova. They have good sound insulation and heat insulation, which greatly facilitates life in an apartment.
  • Possessing many positive qualities, oval or rectangular carpets also absorb water well. This allows you to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.
  • Moldavian carpets are made from natural sheep wool. They differ from the products of other manufacturers unique floral ornaments, depicted on a dark background. Thanks to their design, they are able to decorate houses decorated in any style.
  • If you compare products from Moldova with counterparts from other countries, it can be noted that it has a low cost. And in terms of quality, it is no worse than expensive carpets.
  • It is also good that these products do not shed, which is an undoubted advantage.Special thick threads allow to increase the service life without changing the appearance of the product.
  • Each canvas is subject to mandatory certification to prove its safety and quality.
  • As for the care, there will be no problems with it, since it is enough to simply remove the dirt from the surface of the canvas with a vacuum cleaner or detergent.

The only minus of Moldovan canvases lies in their ability to collect dust. But with regular cleaning this minus is reduced to nothing.


The design and pattern of Moldovan paintings has a unique look and is very different from products from other manufacturers. The perimeter carpet is framed with a clear frame, which creates a sense of picture.

On canvases animals, plants, a landscape, geometrical figures, flowers, fruit, birds and unusual patterns can be represented.

Among the geometric shapes, especially the most popular are crosses, squares, rhombuses, stars and polygons. They distinguish products from many others.

Canvases are made both manually and on machines. Manual work gradually loses its relevance, but any buyer can place an individual order.At the same time, the future carpet will be made of natural materials and paints, and its drawing will be made in the national style.

The high popularity and demand for carpets from Moldova led to the fact that for their creation more and more people began to use synthetic fibers and artificial paints. But this does not change the quality of products, and each product has a long service life.

Wool as the main material

Despite the fact that in the production of carpets factories began to use synthetic materials, wool remains one of the most popular materials for their production. It is the woolen cloths that differ in traditional design and unusual pattern. Carpets can be round, square, rectangular or oval.

Wool can be thin, semi-thin, coarse and semi-coarse, and the type and softness and thickness of the product depends on which type is used. Also, wool is resistant to dirt and does not change its shape, which gives Moldovan canvases their unique features.

Among the variety of forms and patterns you can find the perfect carpet, which emphasizes a particular interior. It will not only decorate the room, but also protect the floor from the cold.

An interesting fact is that for centuries the Moldovans themselves invented patterns for their carpets. Therefore, modern models have traditional designs, while maintaining the originality and originality of paintings.

Selection rules

When choosing a carpet from Moldova, you need to consider a few nuances that will greatly facilitate the choice:

  1. For a small room fit classic canvases in bright colors. Having laid them on a floor, it is possible to increase space visually. Therefore, for a small apartment, it is undesirable to use dark carpet products.
  2. The size of the product must be such that a distance of 20 centimeters remains between it and the walls.
  3. Natural carpet should not smell anything. With proper production, all products are treated with special agents that eliminate odors.
  4. If someone from the tenants suffers from allergies, then it is worth buying a carpet with synthetic additives to prevent the rapid accumulation of dust and dirt.
  5. Wool product quickly collects dust and debris, so when buying it you need to understand that it will often have to be vacuumed on both sides. Wet cleaning is needed only if a stain appears on the canvas.
  6. Place any carpet - on the floor.The time when it was fashionable to hang it on the wall has passed. Now the only purpose of any carpet canvass is to warm and decorate the floor.


Many Russian buyers give preference to carpets from Moldova, because they combine quality and affordable price. Their composition may include natural wool, and sometimes it can be diluted with polypropylene or other synthetic materials. Regardless of whether the carpet is completely natural or not, it is durable and long lasting. This is what the user reviews say.

You will learn more about Moldovan carpets from the following video.

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