How to wash acrylic paint?

Acrylic paints are universal, are widely used both in repair and in art.

Even small stains from acrylic are very difficult to remove from various kinds of surfaces, so when interacting with this type of paint, care must be taken to be careful, and in the case of stains, you must know how to safely clean the surface.

Special features

A distinctive feature of acrylic paint is its unique composition, which includes: water, dye, acrylic acid and film former. Thanks to the film, helping the layer to quickly harden, and there are difficulties with the washing of acrylic.

First aid

To remove stains will require a certain set of tools:

  • cloth;
  • hard brushes;
  • sponges;
  • special gloves;
  • safety glasses and a respirator.

Stains from dispersion paint, oil based paints are easier to remove while they are fresh. Therefore, when contamination occurs, certain actions should be taken immediately to remove them.

Within an hour after applying the stain, it is easy to wash off the acrylic with plain water. It is recommended to dip the sponge into the water and gently wipe the contaminated area with it. To obtain a more effective result, you should apply detergent or soap.

Within a day after the formation of a stain, the pollution is rubbed off with a brush, water and a degreasing agent.

To speed up the cleaning process, you can dilute some soda or vinegar in water and then gently wipe the surface with this solution.

Wash brushes will help hot water, in which they should be lowered for half an hour. After waiting for the specified time, the brush must be washed with soapy water. Acetone helps soak hardened brushes.

What is erased?

Remove the dried paint will help: gasoline, acetone, kerosene, White spirit, nail polish remover. A contaminated area is rubbed with a rag on which one of the means is applied and a time is waited - half an hour, after which the treated area is carefully wiped.

An effective method of removing dried acrylic stains will be the use of a wash - a special substance suitable for all types of paints. Such a tool can be purchased at the store building materials. If you have any doubts in the choice of wash, you can always contact the seller for help.

Applying a solution that has a pungent smell and corrodes the skin, it is necessary to strictly observe safety regulations. A number of activities should be carried out, including the opening of windows and doors, the use of special gloves, a respirator and goggles. The wash should be applied to the cloth, process the surface with it and wait 10 minutes. Finishing the cleaning procedure will help wipe the contaminated area with a clean cloth.

It is possible to purchase one more store remedy, coping with different types of paints, a universal cleaner. It is applied on the damaged surface, which is then wiped with a cloth.

With furniture

Stains from metal or plastic are removed with a knife, blade or other similar tool. When pressing lightly on the tool, you should very carefully and carefully remove the dried paint.

Stains applied to wood, concrete, metal or plaster can be rubbed with a gel remover. It is necessary to work with such a composition in a respirator, glasses and gloves, and in the room it is necessary to open the window. The wash is applied evenly to the surface with a brush. Paint leaves layers. Its remains are removed with a spatula, and the surface is washed with water.

To wash acrylic off the glass, one of the cleansing options is used: surface treatment with one of the above remedies or spot cleaning with the safest cleaner for this type of surface — a special wash.

From the floor and walls

Linoleum is a surface that is not afraid of mechanical damage, so it can be cleaned of acrylic paint with a knife.

It is possible to wipe the acrylic stain from the wooden surface with a gel remover. Wearing personal protective equipment and preparing a room for working with a chemical, the remover should be applied to the floor by pouring and then evenly spread over the surface with a spatula. Peeling paint should be removed with the same spatula, and the surface should be washed with water.

It is possible to remove paint from a window, ceramic or tile using a special cleaner sold in a specialty store.The specialist will help you choose the right tool, based on the material from which you intend to remove the stain, and the type of paint applied.

Cleaning windows, ceramics or tiles with improvised means is not recommended.

With clothes

Quickly clean acrylic contamination from the surface of clothes is very difficult and difficult, and in most cases - almost impossible.

But there are some effective means of purification and methods for their use:

  • Sunflower oil, hot water, laundry soap. First wipe the fresh stain with oil, then soak the product in soapy water for 15 minutes.
  • "Vanish" or White Spirit. Thoroughly rub the stain with a selected agent, and then wash the product in a typewriter.
  • Window cleaner, brush. Apply liquid to the stain and wait for the paint to dissolve. Then wipe the cleaned area with a brush. At the end of the procedure, the product should be cut.
  • Nail polish remover (non-acetone), cotton pad. Place a paper sheet under the contaminated surface and wipe the stain with a fluid-treated disk.
  • Remover (solvent), sponge, gloves, respirator, goggles. Wear personal protective equipment.Apply a small amount of product to the treated area and leave it for 5-10 minutes. After that, sponge, soaked with the same solution, gently wipe the stain. After completing the cleaning procedure, the item should be washed in a washing machine.

It is better to use the solvent in cases when attempts to clean clothes with the help of available materials were not crowned with success.

You will learn more about how to remove the stain from acrylic paint by watching the following video.

Choose a tool

When selecting a cleaning agent, the following points should be taken into account:

  • surface type;
  • paint adhesion to the surface;
  • type of paint;
  • the number of applied layers.


Purchased products that specialize in removing stains from acrylic include:

  • wash;
  • universal cleaner.


Folk remedies coping with acrylic are:

  • hot water;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • soap;
  • detergent;
  • "Vanish";
  • White Spirit;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • nail polish remover;
  • a rag, a sponge and a brush.

Tips and tricks

Compliance with the following conditions ensures safe removal of acrylic paint:

  • when working with chemicals, it is imperative to use protective equipment: respirator, rubber gloves, goggles, masks;
  • it is recommended to scrub fresh stains immediately;
  • Before using this or that cleaning agent, it should be tested on a small area of ​​the product;
  • it is almost impossible to wipe off acrylic paint from clothes, because after a spot has been removed, the fabric will be irretrievably damaged.

In order not to spend a lot of effort on removing acrylic stains from various kinds of surfaces, it is necessary to work very carefully and carefully with paint.

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