How to wash acrylic paint from clothes?

 How to wash acrylic paint from clothes?

Paint stains on clothes are an annoying nuisance. Such contaminants are highly resistant, and it can be difficult to remove them. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to throw away the damaged thing than to wash it. But it is not so. If you follow certain tips, you can remove any paint from clothes, even on the basis of acrylic.

The main rule is to act extremely quickly. Fresh contaminants wash off much easier than dried ones. If time is lost, you will have to make a little effort.

Types of pollution

Many housewives simply give up when they see traces of dyestuffs on the clothes of their households. But do not rush to conclusions.First of all, you need to find out exactly what kind of dye stained your clothes. Having defined its appearance, you will be able to understand what remedy you will need. There are two types of coloring compositions:

  • water soluble;
  • based on modern solvents.

Any of them may be contaminated with clothes, so you need to know how to clean unpleasant stains in each case.

General rules

First of all, it is necessary to remember the basic rules of behavior when such contaminations appear.

  1. The paint that did not dry out can be removed much faster. Just soiled thing must be immediately soaked in water. You can add washing powder or laundry soap.
  2. If the spot detected is of a minor size, then the cleaning will be successful. If the area of ​​pollution is large, then it is wiser to throw the thing. Even if you manage to wash a large spot, after it may remain ugly divorce.
  3. Dense material is easy to clean. It is much more difficult to clean the delicate fabric. For example, it will be almost impossible to “save” a soiled chiffon blouse. You can try to take such a thing to a dry-cleaner, but they are unlikely to be able to help you there. Therefore, with such a wardrobe item you will have to say goodbye.
  4. Oil paint wash out worse than a water-based mixture. Wash off traces of water paint can be ordinary laundry detergent. It should be noted that it is necessary to process such things in a separate basin. To remove the oil paint, you will need a solvent.

Improvised means

The composition of modern acrylic paints certainly includes the well-known polymer. This component "tightly" eats into any fabric, and after drying it is almost impossible to wash. That is why it is important to act as quickly as possible. To "save" the thing, you must perform certain simple steps:

  1. Gently blot the acrylic-based paint with a regular paper towel. You can also use cloth for this purpose.
  2. It is not necessary to strongly rub the place of pollution, so that later on the clothes there are no stains left.
  3. Substitute the soiled area under the water jet. It is advisable to turn on cold water. Carefully cover the area with laundry soap or laundry detergent.
  4. If the fabric is not a delicate, you can rub the stain with a non-rigid brush.
  5. In a soapy solution, the thing must lie down for at least several hours.You can wait until morning, but not longer.
  6. After all manipulations, thoroughly rinse the product.


To wash off paint that did not dry out, you may need:

  • vinegar;
  • varnish for fixing hair;
  • ammonia;
  • White Spirit;
  • glass cleaner;
  • alcohol, etc.

The funds listed are recognized as the most effective. Consider the basic methods of their application.

First way

The simplest and also the fastest method is the use of isopropyl alcohol. Such a tool can be found in almost every home.

  1. Soak the pollution gently with a small amount of alcohol.
  2. Scrape off the toothpick. You can use another sharp object.
  3. Move in one direction (for example, from the edge to the center).
  4. Select the appropriate washing mode (you can see the recommendations indicated on the label).
  5. Wash with laundry detergent or laundry soap.

If the result is unsatisfactory, you can repeat the process again.

Second way

The steps are as follows:

  1. Dip clothes into a container of water for approximately one minute. The stain should be sufficiently saturated with liquid. Water should be warm.
  2. Mix one glass of ammonia with a glass of vinegar. Then be sure to add a little salt and mix the solution thoroughly.
  3. Squeeze clothes manually.
  4. Soak a sponge in the prepared solution and treat the stain.
  5. Apply a small amount of force when treating the fabric with soiling. Repeat the process if necessary.
  6. Rinse the product. Wash it in the washing machine and dry it.

Third way

It is necessary:

  1. Blot the paint thoroughly with a paper towel.
  2. The place of pollution needs to be moistened. To do this, prepare a basin with warm water.
  3. Spray a clean sponge with a hair spray.
  4. Sponge the contaminated area. Wipe the stain only in one direction (it is advisable to move from the edges to the center).
  5. Do not forget to wash the product off. This can be done under running water.
  6. Why do you need to wash the thing manually or in a washing machine.

Fourth way

This method can be used if the paint has already dried. First of all, you need to try to gently scrub it. Then it is necessary to carry out a set of specific actions:

  1. Soak the product in cold water.
  2. Leave it to get wet for about 10 minutes.
  3. Lightly squeeze.
  4. Then you need to prepare a solution. To do this, take vinegar and ammonia in equal parts. Add a pinch of salt to the solution.
  5. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture. Repeat as necessary.
  6. Wash the thing manually or in a washing machine.

Aggressive solvents

It is very difficult to remove the dried spot. But if you make some effort, you can even cope with this task. For starters, you can try a mechanical cleaning method. To do this, you can use old blades or a brush with stiff bristles. So you can remove the top layer of acrylic paint. You can then apply more aggressive substances, such as gasoline, solvent, or acetone.

Cleaning with gasoline should be done in a certain sequence.

  • Contaminated product must be placed on a flat surface. Put paper towels under it.
  • Swab dipped in gasoline, treat the contaminated area. It is necessary to move in one direction.
  • Then you need to wash the product manually or in a washing machine.

Perfectly copes with spots of paint white spirit.Acetone is also available. You can choose any of these tools. The sequence of actions will be the same.

  • Take a cotton pad dipped in acetone and process the stain.
  • After that, you can gently lock the item with ordinary soap.
  • Do not forget to rinse the product after the procedure.

How to cope with stains from oil or enamel paint

Oil stains are difficult to remove, especially if they have dried out. You can solve the problem in different ways.

  • First way. The dried-up structure can be removed from clothes mechanically. To do this, moisten the stain with an aggressive agent, such as gasoline. After that, carefully clean off the dirt. After the procedure, blot the stain with a cotton swab and wipe it with warmed glycerin. Additionally, wash the product with soap.
  • The second way. First of all, it is necessary to soak the dried paint. To do this, soak the products in a solution of kerosene and water for at least 2 hours. You can leave the product in solution for the whole night. Fatty traces are well removed by ordinary soap. You can also use soda or talc.

Useful tips

Alcohol-based chemical compositions remove paint from artificial fabrics well. To do this, on the spot you need to put a cloth moistened with alcohol or a sponge. Then you need to wash the product in salted water. For this it is necessary to dissolve one tablespoon of salt in one liter of water. To avoid streaks, moisten the stain with plain water. You can also sprinkle it with baby talc. Then the clothes must be dried in the fresh air for 2 days.

Oxygen bleach copes well with acrylic paint stains on white products. To do this, apply the tool to the stain and leave for at least one hour. The optimal exposure time is 3-5 hours. Then rinse the product under running water and wash the clothes in the usual way.

Using these tips, you can easily remove acrylic stains from clothes, even at home.

For information on how to remove paint stains from clothes, see the next video.

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