How to remove the varnish from a wooden surface at home?

In some cases, before applying a new layer of varnish or paint, it is necessary to remove the old varnish. This can be done in different ways: to carry out heat treatment, use a mechanical method or remover. Immediately determine the choice of the most appropriate option is quite difficult, because not everyone understands the features of the use of certain means.

Consider how to choose the perfect way and remove the varnish from a wooden surface at home, spending a minimum amount of time and effort.

Process features

There are no universal remedies that are suitable in all cases. The choice of the best option depends on a variety of nuances. Here are the most important ones.

  • The thickness of the previous lacquer layer. If it is thick, it will take a considerable amount of time to remove it.
  • The composition of the paint material.
  • Surface typeMuch will depend on what exactly you have to clean from varnish: parquet or piece of furniture.


The use of chemicals (washes) is a very popular method of removing varnish from furniture, doors and other wood products. Especially well it is suitable if the surface is delicate. You can use conventional solvents, special liquids, gels, powdered products.

The choice of a suitable option depends on the specific situation. Denatured alcohol is suitable if you want to remove shellac.

If there are relatively few varnish layers on the surface (up to 3), you can use liquids. Such funds are not absorbed very deeply, because they disappear rather quickly.

A great option for large-scale works - powders. Powdered products are convenient to transport, they are also stored for a long time. Dilute with water before use. So it turns out a thick pasty mass, which is convenient to apply to the surface. Various ready-made pastes and gels are also suitable for situations where you need to remove a significant amount of paint and varnish material.

To remove the varnish from the tree, you can use sprays in cans. A foam layer appears on the treated substrate. Such tools are convenient to use, but they are suitable only in cases when the scope of work is insignificant.

Instructions on the use of washes

With the help of chemicals lacquer should be removed in several stages.

  • Apply the wash first. This can be done with a brush. One place should be processed only once, the funds should not be too much.
  • The effect can be enhanced with a compress.. Lay on the treated base plastic wrap. Then wait a few hours. The paint layer at the same time may begin to "swell up", and the wash may become brownish or dark brown.
  • When the paint is softened, remove it using a spatula. If the tool is new, its edges may be too sharp. In this case, you can use a grinding stone to round them up a little. So you can do the job more carefully.

When the lacquer "swells up", you will need to press it as carefully as possible.

It is possible that completely remove the layer at a time does not work. In this case, the procedure can be repeated, although some prefer to just use sandpaper.

  • The remnants of a chemical agent will need to be washed off with an acetic solution or plain water. Remove the material with the utmost care, but do not treat the surface for too long, otherwise moisture can damage the wood. After washing the base, wipe it off and place it in a ventilated and dry room. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight. When the tree becomes completely dry, it will be possible to apply on it a new paintwork material.
  • When working with chemicals, you need to remember about safety. The room will need to be thoroughly ventilated.

In the course of work it is recommended to use a respirator and protective gloves.

Mechanical method

The essence of this method is that the varnish is stripped from the surface. This is convenient to do with the help of a cycle (a special tool that looks like a carefully sharpened steel plate with a handle). The pressure on the base is quite strong, because the handle is at an angle. Such a tool can be bought or created by hand.

If you do not have the necessary equipment at home, you can use ordinary glass. To avoid injury, you must use gloves that protect the skin of the hands. Also, this option has a significant disadvantage - the glass quickly becomes dull.

In cases where the varnish on a wooden surface a little, you can use regular sandpaper. You can attach it to the grinder or apply separately.

    There are the following types of special devices:

    • eccentric;
    • vibrating;
    • tape

    The most affordable in terms of cost are vibrating machines. With the help of such devices you can clean furniture from varnish. Place the sandpaper on the “sole” of the device. After that it can be used. During the implementation of such works, a lot of dust usually appears, but this method is more efficient than manually treating the surface with sandpaper. The basis turns out more equal and esthetic.

    It is worth considering that dust can get on objects that are nearby, so they will need to be protected. This can be done with a film of polyethylene.

    Many people who want to remove lacquer prefer precisely the mechanical processing of wood, because in this case it is not necessary to use chemicals that are usually dangerous to human health. However, the use of mechanical devices has one drawback - such work is not easy and requires a significant amount of time.

    Some do not want to do the machining of wood on their own, but prefer to contact the experts. The use of professional equipment allows us to achieve the best results.

    Heat treatment

    To clean a tree, it can be heated. As a result, the paintwork material will hold on to the substrate much worse. Cracks will appear on the coating and it can be removed with a special tool (trowel, chisel).

    In the implementation of heat treatment is worth considering a few important points.

    • If the coating begins to char, rather than flake off, the cleaning method will have to be changed. In this case, you can use chemicals.
    • Wear safety glasses and goggles.Also, during and after work, thorough airing is necessary. When the varnish is heated, it can release substances that are hazardous to human health. It should also be borne in mind that the pieces of paint material can bounce off the base. It should be remembered about fire safety.

              The work may require special tools.

              • Construction dryer. Such a device can heat the surface much more strongly than an ordinary household appliance.
              • Gas or petrol burner. The price of such devices is quite reasonable. However, it should be borne in mind that you should work with the burner as carefully as possible, otherwise you can seriously get hurt.

              Heat treatment has one important advantage - the work is carried out very quickly. However, do not allow the varnished base to overheat, otherwise a fire may occur. Work should be using both hands. One you need to keep the device, the second - a spatula, with which you will remove the paintwork.

              Master class on removing varnish from a wooden surface, see below.

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