Landscape design: the subtleties of creating a flower garden

Flowers are the brightest and most attractive representatives of the plant world. They are the main elements in the compilation of flowerbeds and registration of house territories. Different types are used to create stylish and vivid landscape designs.

Registration of flower beds

Proper preparation of the flower bed is a great way to decorate the land near the country houses, villas and other buildings. Plants of various colors and shades will add to the exterior colors and expressiveness. Decorative properties of flowers are known for a long time, and a huge selection of varieties offers designers unlimited possibilities.

Flower beds are settled in various locations of the local area. Proper design will turn the most ordinary and compact area into a colorful decoration. Specialists from the field of decorating the territories have compiled a list of standard accommodation options andarrangement of flower beds. Using the recommendations, anyone can make a flower bed with their own hands.


The best options - colorful flower garden near the gate or along the fence. Such a design will transform the overall exterior and attract the attention of guests. Experts are recommended to use the delphinium - a perennial tall plant, which has about 450 species in various colors. Complement the composition can be using viburnum or cherry.

The beautiful and delicate color of the fruit trees will give the decor a note of sophistication, and in the summer, bright berries will harmonize well with other plants.

Entry Registration

Entry to the local area creates a first impression. A colorful flower garden near the gate says that good-natured hosts live with excellent taste in the house.

For decoration flower garden in the initial location, near a private house or cottage, use these plants:

  • Petunia. Miniature colorful flowers with a pronounced aroma.
  • The Rose. Queen of the flower world, you can choose varieties in the form of shrubs or climbing plants for decorating high gates and fences.
  • ThujaEvergreen cone-shaped plant in rich green color.
  • Lily. Gentle and romantic flower of various shades - from snow-white to bright and dark options.
  • Sage. Healing grass with bright purple inflorescences.
  • Clematis. Climbing plant covered with bright colors.
  • Cuff. Herbaceous plant with wide leaves and small yellow-green buds
  • Virginia. A variety of tobacco with broad leaves of light green color.
  • Sedum. The plant has many species. The most popular is a shrub with lush, bright pink buds.
  • Chistets woolly. The leaves of the plant are covered with fine and soft villi of silver color.
  • Balsam. Flowering plant of low growth, which is decorated with large and bright buds.
  • Veronica (garden). Herb with small blue flowers.

We divide the flower garden into sections:

  • In order for a live composition near the entrance to look beautiful, it is necessary to split it into specific locations according to the type of plants.
  • For tall and large flowers, a separate area of ​​one meter is allocated. In this zone we plant no more than three plants.
  • About 5-6 medium size is necessary to fill the area of ​​about 70-80 cm.
  • Planting of low-growing plants in the amount of 8-10 units is carried out at a location of 30 cm.
  • If you use dwarf plants, they can be planted in 20 pieces on a plot of 17 cm.

Flower garden along the walkway

The usual path can be a colorful and expressive decoration of any garden or courtyard. Before starting work, you need to dig up a section along the path, and then remove the top sod layer. Further, in the obtained indentations, it is necessary to fill in the prepared in advance soil suitable for specific plants.

Perennial plants recommended, such as: highlander, aster and tentacle (creeping). They do not need special care and will delight with beauty for several years.

To make the flower garden look neat, mark its contours.

Decor "Sunbed"

Experts often use in landscaping a technique called the “sunbed”. Flower bed is placed in a bright place. Natural lighting will give flowers greater expressiveness.

For the arrangement of these types are perfect:

  • Hibiscus. Flowers with large and colorful buds of different tones.
  • Juniper. Evergreen with blue berries.
  • Kufei. Shrub with small flowers of various shapes and colors.
  • HeleniumFlowers look like daisies, but have a rich color.
  • Petunia. We spoke about this charming representative of the flora above in the article.
  • Vatochnik They are characterized by bright and small inflorescences.
  • Penstemon Tall and elongated plants, flowers have the form of bells.

The landing should be carried out in the evening or in the morning. A few hours before starting work you need to water the plants.

Composition near the bench

Reception "Rainbow Bench" is a design of a flower garden near the bench or bench. This design will create a cozy area for rest and relaxation on the territory of the land plot. In this case, such plants are used:

  • Fern. Perennial plant of dark green color with leaves of an original form.
  • Mouse hyacinth. Low plant, decorated with inflorescences of bright miniature flowers.
  • Lemon Verbena. Narrow green leaves on thin stems.
  • Malvaviscus. The plant attracts the attention of scarlet flowers.
  • Goryanka. The unusual shape of the buds and the attractive color makes the Goryanka popular in the field of exterior decoration.

Additional item

Live butterflies will make a flower bed charming.Insects pay attention to the buds of plants that attract their attention with coloring and aroma: purple echinacea, chamomile, sage, thuja, zinnia (the people call them majors).

If you decide to give the flower garden a round shape, consider the color of flowers, their shape and height in the process of creating the composition.

Skillfully alternating various representatives of the flora, you can create a dynamic and original flower garden.

Recreation areas

Another standard arrangement of flower arrangements is next to recreation areas in the courtyard (gazebos, open verandas and much more). These elements on the local area will be many times more attractive and more beautiful after placing a number of flowerbeds.

Flower Garden near the arbor

In the warm season gazebo is the best place for a comfortable stay in nature. The best way to create a flower garden is to split the overall composition into separate squares and plant the plants in them. Experts strongly recommend Do not choose more than six colors for decoration.

Ideal such options:

  • Sage. The plant will especially appeal to lovers of purple color and shades.You can also purchase a variety with white and blue flowers.
  • Sedum. Different varieties outwardly significantly differ from each other. Choose any.
  • Coreopsis. Unpretentious plant with bright colors. The most popular species are yellow or burgundy.
  • Chubushnik (jasmine). This species attracts the attention of white flowers close to each other, and enchanting aroma. May be in the form of a bush or a small tree.
  • Clematis. Curly flowers of amazing beauty.

To visually separate the individual parts of the flower bed, use sawdust, chalk, brick chips, sand and other similar materials.

Decoration for border and wall

Flower beds are often drawn up along the walls of the house or curb. A variety of plants planted around the house, make the building more attractive and will decorate even the most simple and budget fencing.

In this case, ideal:

  • Lilac. Shrubs with lush and fragrant inflorescences. Colors: purple, white, lilac, pink, blue.
  • Turn The turn is blooming with white flowers that look like a flowering cherry or apple tree. After the branches appear large blue fruits.
  • Holly.A genus of shrubs and trees, which is characterized by bright red berries and leaves of the original form.
  • Geykhera. This representative of the flora attracts attention with a large variety of foliage colors: from standard green to red, yellow, blue and other varieties.

Dark areas

If the territory where you plan to equip a flower garden, there is a lack of solar lighting, make a choice in favor of such plants: fern, lily, host, begonia, balsam. After planting, do not forget to water the plants carefully. Tall plants need to be fixed on props.

Gardening and decor of the area around the bath

If the area around the bath is empty, it is necessary to plant it beforehand. For this ideal lawn grass. It is unpretentious in care and is available in the price. To make the grass look great, it needs to be cut periodically. This plant feels great in different regions of Russia.

Coniferous and evergreen plants are actively used to create a flower garden near the sauna or bath. They look great at any time of the year, do not need care and easily tolerate the vagaries of bad weather.The most popular are: juniper, thuja, mountain pines of various varieties, dwarf spruce. Plants not only decorate the territory, but also give a pleasant aroma.

The choice of style

There are few styles of landscape design that are suitable for arranging flower beds near the baths.


This option is especially liked by the stronger sex. In the center of the composition is the object itself. Bath should have concise and strict forms. From the structure of the plant is placed in a checkerboard pattern. In between, you can equip a recreation area.

Make a choice in favor of the eastern flora. They grow slowly, due to which they do not need to be cut. Give shrubs a strict form. This design technique is classic. The garden will decorate a small "live" maze.


In this style, special attention is removed smell. Choose fragrant, fragrant plants. On the territory of the garden near the bath place a lot of benches, next to which stand out the various plants. The main characteristics of the decor - peace and relaxation.


This is a village style. When decorating use a lot of stones. There is no place for strict forms and lines. Stone paths can be decorated on both sides with low plants. In the garden, place the furniture made of natural wood.

When choosing flowers for flower beds, choose options with colorful buds. If you want to complement the style of trees, the ideal variety of fruit varieties: pear, apple, cherry. Great climbers climb.


The main characteristics of this area are lightness and simplicity. Perennial plants are used in harmony with an abundance of stones. The elements used are shrubs of red color. The rest of the colors are green and gray.

It is recommended to equip a small pond in the garden.

Russian village

The perfect style for arranging a garden with a Russian bath. The flowerbeds are made up of flowers in pots (an old bucket or a watering can can serve as a container). In flower beds planted flowers of different varieties and colors. Complement the composition with stacks of firewood.

See the following video for interesting tips on flower garden design.

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