The choice of wallpaper for the bathroom

One of the popular finishing materials are wallpapers. Today, they decorate the walls of not only the kitchen or living room, but also the bathroom. Unusual, at first glance, the use of wallpaper in the bathroom has many advantages. The main thing - to pick up the material, focusing on the features of this room premises.

Special features

The bathroom is in many ways different from the rest of the rooms in the apartment. It is characterized by:

  • High humidity;
  • Strong temperature drop.

At the same time, the bathroom is a conditional zone of relaxation and rest. Therefore, the design must be approached carefully and deliberately. Wallpaper in this room will create a corner that matches the mood, style and lifestyle of the owner of the apartment.

In order to stick the wallpaper and they held firmly for a long time, you need to know the "right" places for this.Since the humidity level is constantly changing, more wet and dry zones appear in the room.

It is accepted to allocate four areas:

  • The surface of the walls directly above the bath, sink or inside the shower stall. These areas are most susceptible not only to high humidity, but also to the constant ingress of water. As a rule, wallpaper on this site is not glued, as even the strongest and moisture-resistant materials may fall off and lose their appearance over time;
  • An area of ​​the wall above the bath about 20–30 cm is considered acceptable for pasting. It is necessary to choose a material that is durable and dense, since water still reaches that height. Plus, the canvas must withstand private cleaning, as dirt and dust quickly collect on this area;
  • The section of the wall above 60–70 cm from the bath, sink or shower is considered to be a more dry zone. Therefore, here you can safely glue different types of wallpaper;
  • The safest and most suitable for pasting is the area above 70 cm from the bath. Any combination of canvases will work here.

After determining the safest areas for pasting, you need to select the appropriate type of wallpaper.

Suitable materials

Wallpapers, like any other type of finish, have both pros and cons. This bath material has the following advantages:

  • Price availability. Depending on the amount of money for repairs, you can choose both expensive and budget options. In this case, the quality is not affected;
  • Wide range of. Production of this product is constantly being improved, so today you can find both cork and bamboo wallpapers. A wide range of colors will help you find material for any interior;
  • Easy installation and disassembly of the product. In order to stick the wallpaper, there is no need to hire special workers. You can cope with this yourself, since this work is not very complex;
  • Versatility and compatibility. This material is easy to match for any style and combine with other materials. They look good with plastic panels or ceramic tiles. They can be painted (for example, with silicone paint, which has almost no flaws and is suitable for the bathroom), apply a picture or combine with different types of finishes;
  • Visual space correction.With the help of wallpaper you can visually increase or decrease the size of the bathroom.

Among the drawbacks, it is worth noting the possibility of swelling and peeling of the material, as there is constant contact with water and high humidity. But this can be avoided if you choose the right glue and wallpaper. It is worth noting that glue for paper wallpaper, as well as such wallpaper itself, is not the best option for a bathroom. Preference is better to give a material that:

  • It is made from water-repellent components;
  • It has high moisture and waterproof properties;
  • Impregnated with a solution of the appearance and reproduction of fungi;
  • Maintains frequent temperature drops and moisture.

These qualities are inherent in the following types of wallpaper:

  • Washable;
  • Vinyl;
  • Flizelinovye;
  • Liquid;
  • Glass fiber;
  • Self-adhesive.

Washable wallpaper is a paper-based material with a waterproof film. It also helps to withstand high humidity and maintain the attractive appearance of the wallpaper. The advantages of such a coating are:

  • Good ability to stay on any surface. Therefore, they are applied on concrete walls, plaster and paint;
  • Long service life;
  • Easy installation and disassembly;
  • Easy and quick care.

In order to preserve their presentable appearance, it is necessary to wipe the surface with a damp sponge. The disadvantages include poor throughput. Therefore, the room should be well ventilated or ventilated.

Washable type of coating has several types that differ in the degree of moisture resistance. Each type has its own labeling:

  1. A straight line means that the wallpaper is not designed for active washing. They will withstand only a little moisture;
  2. Two lines are wallpapers that stand washing with mild detergents;
  3. Three lines mean high strength and water resistance of the product, so they can be washed with more aggressive agents;
  4. Brush and line - marking of wallpaper that can withstand cleaning with a hard brush;
  5. Brush and three lines mean the most durable and dense type of product. They can be treated with strong cleaning agents and wiped with a brush.

When choosing such wallpaper should pay attention to the colors. So, a bright surface can quickly lose its original appearance due to frequent washing.Therefore, preference should be given to the material in a calm range.

.Vinyl wallpaper - a coating consisting of a fabric, paper, non-woven base and the top layer of PVC. Its main advantages are:

  • It is an environmentally friendly and safe material;
  • Easy care. Dust and dirt can be easily removed from it using a damp cloth;
  • Preservation of the original appearance for a long time;
  • They hide the irregularities of the walls due to the dense structure of the canvas;
  • Wide range of. You can pick up the wallpaper for painting and change the color design as often as you want.

Among the shortcomings can be noted only the high price.

Flizelinovy ​​type of wallpaper is most often used in the bathroom, as it is made from natural and synthetic fibers. This allows the material to have the following qualities:

  • Easy installation and maintenance;
  • Fire safety;
  • Ecological purity;
  • Availability;
  • A large assortment;
  • Big service life, thus at the same time initial appearance is almost not lost.
  • Paint can be used to change the color and exterior texture. This look maintains a large number of paint layers without deformation of a surface.Such wallpaper is an excellent option for budget repair.

Liquid wallpaper is a modern type of finish, which is a plaster of cellulose and special glue. In the composition you can see additives such as cotton, algae, tree bark, which affect the texture and color of the product.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper:

  • Environmental friendliness. This type is one of the safest, as it contains natural ingredients. They do not allow dust to settle on the surface and are hypoallergenic;
  • Lack of docking seams. The technique of applying liquid wallpaper implies one large canvas that creates a smooth surface;
  • A good degree of air permeability, which does not allow the fungus and mold to appear on the surface;
  • Good sound insulation;
  • It can be applied to any surface (concrete, drywall, brick);
  • A wide range of color and texture;
  • Easy assembly and disassembly.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high price and unsuitability for washing with cleaning agents. But these wallpapers are easy to repair. In the presence of contamination, this area is cut and a new layer of wallpaper is applied to this place.

Glass fiber is made from glass filaments that are very thin. Depending on the method of manufacture, they can have both a smooth and a relief surface. Smooth wallpapers are less dense, so they are rarely chosen for the bathroom. The main advantages of this material are:

  • Ecological purity. Fiberglass does not cause allergies and does not "collect" dust;
  • Increased resistance to moisture. They do not change the appearance and do not lose quality due to exposure to high humidity;
  • Fiberglass is a material that promotes air circulation. Therefore, mold and fungus does not appear on the walls under such material;
  • Good susceptibility to coloring matter. Such a surface can be repainted more than once without harm to the appearance;
  • Easy and quick installation of the material.

Although the installation of wallpaper is an easy process, there are several nuances that must be strictly followed:

  1. When working with this material it is necessary to use gloves and clothing with long sleeves;
  2. Glue is applied only on the walls, but in no case on the material;
  3. Since the wallpaper is dense and heavy material, then the glue should use a special one that will withstand the weight of the canvas.

Self-adhesive wallpaper is the easiest and cheapest material for decorating the walls of the bathroom. They are a waterproof adhesive film. Therefore, glue for applying them to the surface is not required. The advantages of such wallpapers include:

  • Durability thanks to which they stand moisture and water well;
  • Fast assembly and disassembly of the product;
  • The ability to create an unusual room design.

The disadvantages include a small range. Most often there are wallpapers under a tree or a stone, but in the presence of imagination they can be combined with other types of wallpaper or finishing materials.

What to choose?

Before choosing the finishing material for the bathroom, it is worth remembering that this room is both a room for awakening and for evening relaxation. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose only flashy shades or a complex plot. You should also pay attention to the following features:

  1. Choose the wallpaper you need, based on the overall design of the room.This should be traced both in the canvases and in the plumbing and floor and ceiling decoration;
  2. The beige, apricot, white, contrast (black and white), blue palette will be a safe color scheme for such a room;
  3. The choice should be influenced by the style of the room. For a modern interior fit liquid wallpaper or fiberglass. For classics it is better to choose washable vinyl wallpaper. For avant-garde or pop art, vinyl material with an emphasis on one wall or a part of it will be the best solution.

According to reviews, photo wallpapers are very popular. Material with a 3D pattern or a panoramic image allows you to create a unique interior. A frequent plot is a wallpaper with dolphins or an image of the sea. Such wallpaper is easy to glue and remove from the walls.

This material is affordable and budget, while they are of high quality.

Oiled wallpaper will also be an excellent option for a moisture-proof room. A wide range will allow you to arrange a room in various variations, they are suitable for any style. Moisture resistant oilcloth will last for many years and provide quick and easy cleaning.. Affordable price will allow you to change them as often as the desire.

Choosing a wallpaper, you should carefully consider their color solution, because:

  1. Pastel colors (beige, peach) are versatile and blend well with other colors. They also bring peace and harmony, as well as allow you to visually expand the space;
  2. Yellow tones and its derivatives allow you to cheer up and at the same time have a calming effect in evening procedures;
  3. Turquoise and blue hues allow you to emphasize the depth of design, tune in to the working mood and relax after a hard day. This color is pleasant to the eyes and does not cause irritation;
  4. Brighter colors should be combined with contrasting colors for a harmonious interior and a comfortable stay in the bathroom.

Undoubtedly, you should take into account the budget laid down for the repair of the bathroom. For elegant repair, you can choose and liquid wallpaper, and vinyl, and glass wall. With a restrained budget, the choice is to stop on washable, non-woven or self-adhesive wallpaper. You can use interesting ideas with a combination of material and at the same time save a lot.

Design Ideas

The bathroom is a great place to experiment and translate their design ideas. Wallpaper is easily and harmoniously combined with other materials therefore, the interior of the room can create the most diverse:

  • The most common combination is wallpaper and tile. Most often, tiles are installed in places where water falls (near the edge of the bathroom, near the sink), and above can be placed wallpaper. Even in the interior of the bathroom tiles are used to create a mosaic on a separate wall or area next to the plumbing. The tile can be an additional insert or panel in certain areas of the room.
  • Wallpaper and wood or stone allow you to get an environmentally friendly interior with a unique design. Under natural materials especially suitable liquid wallpaper, vinyl or fiberglass. In this case, you can choose the wallpaper in any color and texture. The disadvantage of this combination is the susceptibility of natural material deformation, so they must be further processed with a special solution.
  • Another popular combination is wallpaper and plastic panels. This combination has a low cost, easy installation and maintenance, practicality.Such panels will look good with both wallpaper and monochrome material. In the latter case, you can use multi-colored panels and alternate them with wallpaper. The result will be a modern and original design. This design helps to visually enlarge the room, which is especially important for small or combined toilets.

Wallpapers with panels can not only alternate, but also to combine the zones. So, the lower part of the wall is trimmed with panels, and the upper - with wallpaper. You can only use the panels in close proximity to water, and on the drier areas stick wallpaper.

With the right combination of colors and materials, even the smallest bathroom can be transformed beyond recognition.

Beautiful examples in the interior

The following solutions are possible:

  • Floral print wallpaper in combination with white walls makes the room fresh and comfortable. The combination of panels under the brickwork at the bottom of the walls and wallpaper above makes the interior more practical and visually expands the space.
  • The accent in the room on one wall with the help of photo wallpapers allows you to create an original design.The mountain plot paired with white walls allows you to feel comfortable in the room both during the day and in the evening.
  • The discreet light brown shade of the wall and mosaic tile in combination with white color gives the room a noble look. Decorating the sink area with a tile is a practical solution. This allows you to keep this area clean. The presence of plain wallpaper does not overload the overall atmosphere, which has a positive effect on the well-being of those present.
  • The blue color of the wallpaper and panels allows you to enjoy the feeling of complete cleanliness and freshness. Floral ornament and weave harmoniously look like a bathtub, sink, and with the entire interior of the room.

Making the most damp area completely panels allows you to keep the interior for a long time.

See how the wallpaper in the bathroom, its pros and cons look in the next video review.

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