Hot stamping wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages

One of the most uncomplicated and affordable ways to trim the walls is wallpapering. Thanks to a huge selection of materials, colors and patterns, this is also an unmatched design in which everyone can try. Hot stamping wallpaper is a modern development on the roll materials market. Why it is worth dwelling on them, today we will understand.

Features and types

Hot stamping wallpapers are in fact vinyl double-layer wallpapers. A layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied on the base. In a special device under the influence of high temperatures, vinyl foams. After that, the material is processed with special rollers to get an embossed pattern.

Hot stamping wallpapers today are presented in the following varieties:

  • Silk screen printing. A layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied with a low density. The texture of such wallpaper is not pronounced. The coating is quite thin.

The main feature is the achievement of a three-dimensional pattern due to the refraction of light at certain angles. Cloths resemble silk fabric with characteristic modulations and brilliance.

  • Vinyl hot stamping. Also, this type has a name - contact-vinyl or heavy vinyl. The upper layer is dense, with a highly foamed coating and pronounced relief. Such coatings are heavy and textured.

The manufacturing method allows the wallpaper to imitate a wide variety of surfaces - brick, concrete, plaster, fabric, leather.

  • Another option when on a layer of vinyl are applied in a certain order of substance - inhibitors. At their locations, the vinyl coating does not foam when heated. The pattern is formed precisely by this approach.

Hot stamping wallpaper is, in fact, vinyl double layer wallpaper. A layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied on the base. In a special device under the influence of high temperatures, vinyl foams.

After that, the material is processed with special rollers to get an embossed pattern.

Base materials

In two-layer wallpaper the base can be of two types:

  • Paper. The most uncomplicated pulp base.The use of such a budget material makes the wallpaper with its use affordable.
  • Flizelin - the material created from cellulose fibers, but has the bigger durability, than paper.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hot stamping wallpapers have many advantages:

  • Resistant to moisture. This means that these wallpapers can be used indoors without fear of high humidity. They are suitable for the kitchen, and for the corridor. In addition, they can be cleaned with a conventional sponge and processed household gel household chemicals, which is very convenient and practical.
  • This is one of the most durable wallpaper. Depending on the basis, they have a service life of 7 years (for paper wallpaper) to 15 years for non-woven. If you are not a fan of changes in the situation, this option is definitely worth considering.
  • Not subject to negative exposure to sunlight. Even the most saturated colors do not fade under ultraviolet radiation.
  • If you have temperature variations and directional thermal effects (heating by different radiators), then hot-embossed vinyl wallpapers will withstand such loads and will not affect their appearance and quality.
  • This coating is easy to glue on any materials - concrete, plaster, wood. High adhesive properties contribute to a strong and long-lasting connection with the wall or ceiling.
  • Another important factor in choosing a wall covering is the ability to maintain heat and sound insulation. In this case, foamed surround vinyl does an excellent job with this feature. For noisy city apartments it will be a big plus in the decoration of the premises.
  • If we consider vinyl contact or inhibitor coatings, they can, due to their thick and dense structure, correct the irregularities of the walls and minor flaws.
  • The texture of vinyl wallpaper is very diverse. They can easily be replaced by much more expensive counterparts with imitation of various coatings: fabrics, bricks, wood. In this case, the appearance will not yield to the original.

Among the shortcomings can be identified that:

  • The porous structure of PVC and embossed embossed pattern make wallpaper susceptible to mechanical impact. Therefore, if you have animals with sharp claws in your house, small children or children's vehicles are stored in the hallway, it is better to give preference to other types of wallpaper.
  • Vinyl is an unnatural material. This is his most negative quality. Therefore, it is not necessary to speak about the environmental performance of coatings from it. Even the pulp base does not add safety to use. The walls in your premises will not be able to breathe with such wallpaper.
  • Silk-screen printing, in view of its subtlety and fragility, is suitable only for well-prepared, smooth surfaces.
  • Due to the impermeability of moisture and air, only dry walls should be covered with wallpaper. If moisture treads between the wallpaper and the wall, it will not evaporate, and this will entail the formation of mold. Vinyl-covered rooms should be aired often and thoroughly.
  • The issue price is ambiguous. Vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis is very budget. Silk screening is slightly cheaper than vinyl contact and inhibitory wallpaper. The price tag starts from 400 to 600 rubles per roll.

Wallpaper of European manufacturers can be much more expensive. Non-woven cover, as a rule, less budget. Their price is at least 20 percent higher than paper. But this is justified by their elasticity and durability, and, of course, durability.

How to choose?

Some tips:

  • If you, first of all, focus on the price of the material, then you should look at the vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis of Russian producers. In quality, they are not inferior to foreign, but more budget.
  • Well-finished walls will allow such an attractive and interesting coating as silk-screen printing.
  • Small ornaments and calm colors are suitable for small rooms, and large-scale drawings and avant-garde patterns will decorate halls with high ceilings.
  • If you can not refrain from buying vinyl wallpaper for the bedroom, then use them as a decor for one of the walls. And paste the rest with a more environmentally friendly type of wallpaper.
  • The beauty of silk-screen printing lies in its overflow in the light. Therefore, the illumination of your premises should be sufficient and uniform.
  • In bright rooms, you can apply radical rich and bright coatings, and in dark rooms to give preference to shades of pastel shades.
  • Silk-screen paintings, monograms and ornate patterns with gold or silver colors will perfectly fit into the palace interiors. Baroque, Empire, or Classic will support such coatings.A cozy bedroom will decorate the wall of wallpaper with imitation fabric with delicate light floral patterns.
  • Imitation of brick or plaster on the wallpaper with hot stamping fits perfectly into the trend loft.
  • Ecostyle will support vinyl wallpaper under the tree and stone with a large relief structure. It will be a pleasure to spend on them.
  • If you do not feel like a master of interior design, you can take advantage of modern design, which greatly simplifies decorating the room, but does not lose its claims for style and contemporary design. This is the use of wallpaper companions. Such coatings have the same texture and pattern, and are made in the same color scheme, but in contrasting shades: for example, a combination of dark brown and light brown or pale and bright pink wallpaper.
  • If you have decided on the choice of a particular canvas, do not forget to choose the glue suitable for vinyl coatings.
  • Rolls must be from the same batch (this is indicated on the package). Otherwise, their shades may vary slightly. But in the room it will be very noticeable.
  • Pay attention to the size of the rolls. Standard half-meter wallpaper on a paper basis and meters on non-woven fabric are more common, but other dimensions are typical for European manufacturers.

Manufacturers and reviews

Europe has a long history of producing hot stamping vinyl wallpapers. The widest range and excellent quality are guaranteed by the factories of European manufacturers:

  • Among the companies from Germany are popular and widely known in our country. A. S. Creation, Rasch and Erismann. German manufacturers are distinguished by a high-quality product, and they supplement the choice of colors and a variety of styles by inviting well-known designers and decorators from other countries to cooperate.
  • Italians are more fresh and creative in their design of wallpaper. In the collections of firms Zambaiti and Sirpi You can find coverage for any interior styling.
  • Russian manufacturers produce less expensive products, but its characteristics and the choice of colors and patterns are not inferior to their European counterparts. Positive feedback on technical features, original colors and easy pasting is received from the factories wallpaper. Eurodecor, "Palette" and "Elysium".

Ideas in the interior

Silk-screen printing in pastel beige with a golden ornament will decorate a cozy and romantic bedroom.

Non-fiery wallpaper with an extraordinary pattern will add courage and fashionable accent, even in a simple setting.The ceremonial atmosphere in combination with stylized furniture will be supported by coatings with large patterns of rich shades.

Gray metallic tones and concrete imitation will enhance the sense of conceptuality and spaciousness in the loft space.

For information on how to print on hot stamping wallpapers, see the following video.

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Living room