Paint for wallpaper for painting: which one is better?

 Paint for wallpaper for painting: which one is better?

No matter how high-quality and beautiful the interior of an apartment is, over time a person has a desire to change something. If during the decoration of the walls were selected wallpaper for painting, changing their color - the easiest and most inexpensive way to refresh the room. Currently on the market there is a huge selection of both the wallpaper and paints for them.

Types of wallpaper for painting

Modern paints are suitable for painting both bare walls and walls with wallpaper. The surface covered with wallpaper has several advantages. The relief structure helps to hide minor defects of the wall that may appear over time.

Due to the variety of textures, the color of the paint will look more interesting exactly on the pasted surface.

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of wallpapers, all of them can be divided into several types.


The most inexpensive type of coverage. It is a two-layer canvas. The first layer performs the function of the base, the second is impregnated with a water-repellent compound. By their texture paper wallpapers can be embossed, structured or smooth.

Embossing is created by treating the upper layer with a stencil roller. For the formation of the structure using wood fibers, placed between layers of paper. The larger their size, the more pronounced the relief of the canvas.

This type of coating has not the highest strengththerefore, to increase their service life, they are often coated with a special varnish. However, the glossy surface will visually highlight all minor defects, and it will be possible to remove the coating only using special solvent formulations. Paper wallpapers are not intended for frequent repainting. On average, the number of stains should not exceed five.


This type of wallpaper has two layers.The first layer is foamed vinyl, the second is a PVC layer applied by spraying. This cover quite soft and embossed. Well adapted for frequent color changes. You can repaint up to ten times.

On the market you can find another type of wallpaper, consisting of two layers of vinyl. They are much stronger and more moisture resistant. Basically, the surface texture imitates tile or tile, so the scope is limited to the kitchen.

Also on sale are wallpapers, silk fibers are added to the upper PVC layer. This coating has very bright and interesting surfacewhich, unfortunately, is slightly smoothed when stained.


Flizelin - widespread nonwoven fabric. It is made by gluing two types of randomly applied fibers: cellulose and textile. Speaking of wallpaper, they often mean non-woven wallpaper. Paper or foam vinyl is added to the base layer of non-woven fabric.

This type of wallpaper is often blamed for insecurity. The fact is that when heated vinyl formaldehyde are released. But, having studied in detail the question, it can be concluded that at room temperature, this danger is excluded, and non-woven fiber itself is an environmentally safe material.

This covere very durable, well perceived repaintingdue to a certain elasticity withstands shrinkage of the walls.

You can change the color up to fifteen times.


It is necessary to mention this type of wallpaper as liquid. This type of coating is a mixture of cellulose, mica, dyes and adhesive. Wall-paper is applied on a pre-primed wall with a spatula or a pistol. Covered in this way the surface is seamless.

It must be remembered that colored liquid wallpapers lose some of their structure. It is almost impossible to repaint them into a new color, you can only change the shade.

Glass fiber

Glazed wallpaper stand apart. This type of decorative coating is interconnected fibers obtained by heating a specific type of glass. These wallpapers do not lose their relief, even with repeated staining. They are fireproof, eco-friendly.

Glass fiber perform a reinforcing function, very durable. European manufacturers make them with the use of a paper substrate, domestic - produce single-layer.

What paint is needed?

In order for painted walls to please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right paint. This choice depends on the type of wallpaper, the type of room and the desired result.

There are three main types of paints.


This type of paint is most popular. The main advantages are durability, moisture resistance and variety of color solutions. The acrylic composition is harmless; no harmful chemicals are released during operation. The paint does not have an unpleasant, sharp smell, it dries within 24 hours.

After drying, a film does not form on the wall, which allows the wallpaper to breathe. Due to this, the surface will not start a fungus, and the wallpaper will not be deformed.

Acrylic paint is suitable for any type of room. The painted surface will be washable. It can be used in an apartment with high humidity.

This coloring composition can be used on any type of wallpaper, however, when used on paper, the number of repaintings will be reduced due to the weighting of the canvas.

Water emulsion

Water-based water-based paint - the cheapest option paintwork.The main disadvantage of this paint is its fragility. Color from the wall is easily washed off with ordinary water, which greatly limits the range of its use.

If direct sunlight hits the surface of the wall, it is better to opt for a different coating, as water-based paint is subject to fading.

For interior decorating is often used not only wallpaper, but also decorative plaster. Aqueous emulsion paint is well suited for this type of finish, though it must be remembered that the final color will always be a shade lighter.

Most often this paint paint paper wallpaper.. It is also best suited for ceiling processing.


The most expensive paint, but at the same time, the highest quality. Dust and dirt are easily removed from it, as it has a high degree of moisture resistance. Suitable for any residential premises, does not contain harmful substances. It has a very rich silky texture. When choosing a latex paint is worth considering that to achieve bright color is extremely difficult. It reproduces soft shades better.

The paint is applied in a very thin layer, and an air-permeable coating forms when dry.When painting it is necessary to remember that it dries very quickly. In order to prevent the formation of smudges and noticeable transitions, it is necessary to work as quickly as possible.

When buying latex paint you need to pay attention to the degree of gloss, the higher it is, the stronger the coating.

Coverage options

Paint for wallpaper for painting is distinguished not only by chemical properties, color, but also by the effect, which can be achieved:

  • Glossy. Strongly reflects light, it is recommended to apply in dark, northern rooms. Great for rooms with small footage. It emphasizes all the irregularities and defects of the surface, the walls should be perfectly smooth.
  • Semi-gloss. Optimal light reflection, suitable for any premises, as well as glossy, highlights the imperfections of the walls.
  • Matte. Suitable for creating a cozy, chamber environment. It is better to use in large rooms, as it has the ability to absorb light.
  • Semi-gloss. The ability to reflect light is small, an ideal choice for a bedroom.
  • Pearl. Depending on the angle at which the light falls, changes shade. The greatest visual effect can be achieved with ambient lighting.
  • With sparkles.It creates the effect of glare and overflow. It is suitable if wall lamps and floor lamps are used as lighting devices.


The beauty and durability of the coating is directly dependent on the quality of the material used. Before choosing paint for wallpapers, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturers rating and examine the available reviews. Each price segment has its own leaders, producing quality products.

Cheap paints:

  • Maestro acomix Turkish company Marhall is well established among the budget options. The wall painted with this paint can be wiped with a damp cloth, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with a high degree of pollution. It is necessary to avoid direct interaction with water;
  • Finncolor from the Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila has a sufficient degree of wear resistance, contains additives that protect the wall from mold and mildew, when used in wet rooms.

Medium price segment:

  • interior paints Belinka have high density, tinting occurs in tone to tone. The surface is well washed, well protected from dirt. A significant drawback is quite a strong smell;
  • Alpina Caparol group of companies is well applied, resistant to washing, high strength, the paint does not fade during the entire period of operation. Fairly high consumption;
  • Dufa produces a different line of paints, characterized by high resistance to abrasion, texture richness, and moisture resistance. Some species add silver ions, which increases the bactericidal properties.

High price:

  • Dulux They are rich in color, durability, and can be used in bathrooms and in the kitchen without fear. Easy to apply, have a deep velvet structure;
  • Beckers produces paint that passes quality control at all stages. All products have the appropriate certificates, is absolutely safe. It is not subject to attrition, high coefficient of moisture resistance.

The choice of colors

The main advantage of painting walls is that you can choose almost any color. Most manufacturers initially produce white paint, and the tinting is already on the choice of the buyer, by adding to the basis of coloring pigment.

There are two ways to create colors: independently and with the help of computer tinting in the store.When mixing at home, there may be a number of problems. For evenly colored mass, The pigment must be thoroughly mixed.

It is quite difficult to do this manually, so the paint from the same can may differ in tone.

To achieve the desired shade independently is not an easy task. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of pigment, and to get a complex, deep color, mix a few colors in the right proportion. Even if this was done, the second and subsequent jars of the same color will not work.

Therefore, it is recommended to use computer tinting. Each manufacturer produces its own special color palette, each tone in which is assigned its own code. The buyer needs only to choose the shade he likes, and the program will automatically indicate the amount of the pigment needed. Special equipment at high speeds mix any amount of paint. Even if an error occurred while calculating the quantity, buy exactly the same paint will not be a problem.

The choice of colors depends primarily on the properties of the room and the individual preferences of the owner of the apartment.

There is a basic rule: for small rooms, light, beige or pastel colors are used, with large footage the choice of palette is wider. However, modern designers have proven the fallacy of this statement.

Increasingly, you can find small cubic capacity, painted in dense dark or brightly bright colors. In this case, light light curtains, neutral upholstery and a quiet flooring help to bring the room to harmony. Thus, it is possible to avoid the feeling of the atmosphere, cramping, and the walls in this interior begin to play the role of the main decorative element.

If you need to choose a color for the northern room, in which there is a minimum of natural light, you should opt for a yellow color scheme. Bright, warm colors and a glossy surface will fill the room with sunlight.

Painting walls, it is possible to combine various colors and textures to highlight individual zones. Graphite paint is very popular. It is rarely used for solid staining, but as a color accent, it is very much in demand.

Gold and silver paint will help create the effect of an aged, slightly worn wall.Over the finished painted canvas with a dense texture, using a hard brush, put paint. Since the staining should be uneven and not overlap the main color of the wall, the brush is used semi-dry.

The effect can be maximized by choosing a different type of paint: the main surface is matt and the inclusions are glossy.

How to calculate the flow?

In order not to be mistaken with the amount of paint, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • quality of the painted surface. If at the preparatory stage violations were committed, and the wall does not meet the required parameters, the expense increases. This affects both the amount of paint per layer and the number of layers applied. Therefore, wanting to save money, you can achieve the opposite effect;
  • It is important to accurately measure room parameters such as length, width and height. The calculation is made in meters;
  • At the final stage, you need to know the consumption per 1 m2 from a specific manufacturer. This information is written on the can of paint and on the official website. It is important to remember that different paint lines from the same manufacturer differ in consumption;
  • for the convenience of customers, all well-known companies have built online calculators into their websites. The calculation is performed automatically using the entered parameters.

How long does it dry?

The speed of drying of the paint depends on a number of factors:

  • surface porosity - the higher it is, the more time it will take. On an unglazed ceiling, the paint will dry faster than on a wall decorated with embossed wallpaper;
  • temperature conditions of the room - it is indicated by manufacturers. It is a mistake to assume that the hotter the room the better. High temperatures may contribute to the dilution of the composition;
  • air humidity;
  • the presence of ventilation - all paints dry better with a constant flow of air, but drafts are contraindicated;
  • thickness of the applied layer.

Modern dye compositions dry from 2 to 14 hours. But do not rush to re-coat, the optimum drying time is 12 hours.

Why is it crumbling?

Any paint can begin to peel off and crumble from the surface of the wall. In this case, you must correctly establish the cause and correct it:

  • humidity requirements violated. The paint was applied to the wet surface, or the room does not meet the requirements of the manufacturer;
  • discrepancy between the old and the new paint.It is not recommended to apply over, for example, acrylic water-based paint. Without removing the old coating, you can change the color of the walls, but not the look of the composition;
  • not observed staining technology. Each manufacturer tries to improve the properties of its product by adding different substances. Therefore, on the banks indicated instructions for applying a specific paint.

Using modern coatings, it is not enough to have a paint brush and roller, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Secrets of professionals on how to paint the wallpaper, see the following video.

Can I re-cover?

The choice of paint for painting wallpaper as a finishing material is primarily due to the ability to change the color of the walls at any time. Therefore, re-staining is possible. Depending on the types of wallpaper to repaint the surface, you can:

  • paper - up to 5 times;
  • on non-woven base - up to 10 times;
  • glass wallpaper - up to 15 times.

These are common numbers. In each case, everything is decided individually. For example, if there is a relief on non-woven wallpaper, repainting is possible only while the drawing is visible.If thick paint was used, it may become imperceptible after just 7-8 times. It is also problematic to apply lighter paint over bright or dark wallpapers.

Recommendations for selection

Paint must meet the characteristics of a particular room:

  • It is necessary to take into account the humidity, throughput and lighting. So, for the hallway or living room you need to use a material with a high degree of wear resistance. For bathrooms suitable only a special coating, with protection from moisture. Water-based formulations burn out when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • do not neglect the preliminary preparation of the walls. Both the paint consumption and the drying time will depend on the quality of the finish;
  • when choosing a complex color, you must first try it out on a small area - it is important to remember that the dried paint changes its tone;
  • it is necessary to select the right tools. For the first layer suitable roller with a long nap, it will help evenly distribute the paint. The second layer is applied with a roller with a short nap, it helps to avoid overspending and get rid of smudges;
  • paint application technology is different.Painting walls first horizontally, then vertically and diagonally, it is impossible to achieve a uniform color;
  • Use paints from approved manufacturers only. They comply with all safety standards. Each company tries to give comprehensive information not only about the composition, but also about the methods of application and the rules of operation.

Walls decorated with paint will be a bright and unique element in the decor of the room. A rich color palette will allow you to achieve the perfect combination with the rest of the interior. And the ability to repaint the finished surface will provide a chance to change their apartment, obeying internal need.

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Living room