Features of the grout for clinker tiles

Performing the final finishing work, we strive to take into account every little thing - one wrong stroke can ruin the whole end result. When it comes to working with construction tiles, special attention should be paid to the design of the seams. Glue mortar can lurk between the elements of masonry, which spoils the impression of finishing. This is especially important when it comes to facing the external walls, because they are in plain sight. Consider the features of the masonry clinker tiles, which are traditionally used in the exterior of houses, terraces, steps and paths.

The clinker tile has a ceramic base and is produced by the method of single firing. Shale clays, fluxes and coloring oxides are used for production. Holland is considered the birthplace of this finishing material, from there it spread throughout Europe, and came to Russia from Germany. This material is not less durable and practical than a stone, and even surpasses it in some characteristics. Such tile easily transfers fluctuations in temperature and moisture, therefore it is widely used for outdoor masonry.

What is grouting for?

Using grout can solve and prevent a lot of problems. The advantages of its use are obvious:

  • Aesthetics. If you choose a grout to match the tile, then the overall look of the masonry will immediately change - it will look perfect. A variant with a contrast grout can also look very well due to the originality of the color solution.
  • Correction. In the hands of a professional, this material is able to work wonders. Even chips on individual tiles will be invisible thanks to the competent use of grout. Irregularities of lines with masonry defects are also easily hidden, the main thing is to entrust this work to the master.
  • Fortification. Thanks to the grouting, the strength of the masonry rises - it becomes more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Protection. Moisture-resistant composition avoids premature deterioration of the exterior.


From manufacturers of grout for clinker on hearing, as a rule, German companies, for example,Quick Mix. Brick, red and brown are the most popular, but if you want to buy this material in another shade is not difficult.

Next you need to decide on the composition of the mixture. They are divided into three main types.

  • Dry powder. They are made on the basis of Portland cement, are composed of plasticizers. The packaging indicates in what proportions they need to be diluted by adding water or liquid latex. They are distinguished by convenient application, even when processing narrow seams, plasticity and low price.
  • Cement. The preparation of this grout is inconvenient. During mixing, dust is scattered around the room, which means that it is better to do this in a respirator, gloves and glasses.
  • Epoxy. The composition of these mixtures - epoxy resin and hardener. They are especially reliable and do not lose their hydrophobic properties even in harsh climatic conditions. Their disadvantage is a viscous consistency, so using this material is not as easy as others.

Whatever type of grout you prefer, work with it is better to entrust an experienced master. If you still intend to process the seams yourself, familiarize yourself with the different ways of working.

Dry application technique

This method is used when working with Portland cement, which only needs to be slightly diluted with water and thoroughly stirred. For work, you need to purchase the jointing of the bricklayer, corresponding to the width of the seam on your laying. The minimum depth of the seam should be 5 mm. Here is the progress of the work with this method of applying grout:

  • adding a little water to the mixture, make the composition resembling wet sand;
  • put the right amount of mortar on plywood or other material;
  • move the tile to the tile under the treated seam, and lay a little mixture in it by jointing it.

The texture of the seams filled in this way will have a rough surface, however, in the case of clinker tiles, this will look good, and in some cases will even give the building an interesting “aging” effect.

The unusual texture of the seams treated in this way is a definite plus of this method. As for the drawbacks of using semi-dry machinery, they consist in the complexity of implementation and a very modest color scheme of the used grout.

Pistol technology

This is the easiest and most popular way to apply grout to clinker tiles. which can be mastered not only by a professional, but also by an amateur:

  • prepare a paste-like solution from grout;
  • fill them with an ordinary construction pistol and squeeze the composition out of the tool into the cavity of the seams, without touching the tile itself, and if the mixture still gets onto the masonry elements, immediately wipe it;
  • after the initial setting, remove the excess with a knife;
  • Now, more carefully lay the material in the seams with your finger or a spatula, avoiding strong penetration, otherwise water may accumulate in these places.

Where vertical and horizontal seams meet, it is better to first make T-shaped strips, since these are the most difficult sections. Then you can walk through the rest of the intervals. Then the overall appearance of the surface will be neater.

The biggest plus trowel for guns - it's ease of use, and the minus - their high cost. Also plasticizers in their composition can lead to the displacement of the tile, if she did not have time to grab.

Grouting on the surface

This method is also not particularly difficult. It consists of several stages:

  • prepare the solution and let it stand for up to 15 minutes;
  • using the construction mixer, stir it again - it should become like sour cream;
  • coat the wall with a mixture, and then remove the excess with a rubber trowel, leaving the seams at tile level;
  • Finally, go over the tiles with a foam sponge.

Excess composition must be removed as early as possible, until they are dry, otherwise you will have to use construction chemicals.

Any clinker grouting gives the building a more well maintained and expensive look. Be sure to use this element of decoration, and do not forget that Such work is better to trust an experienced master.

You will learn more about how to grind the clinker tiles in the following video.

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