Holofiber blankets

With the onset of cold pores, many people are engaged in updating bedding. A special place in this list is occupied by a warm blanket with a filler called hollowfiber. In comparison with other options, this type of bedding has a lot of significant advantages, which are worth a closer look.

What it is?

Before you get acquainted with all the advantages of holofiber, you need to understand what is this material. For a start it is worth saying that this filler belongs to synthetic non-woven types. The material is based on hollow thin fibers, which are formed in a spiral in the production process.

The main feature of the material is that when it is created, these soft elements are not amenable to gluing, as it happens with a padding polyester. Soldering is used to form the base.The connection of the fibers occurs under the influence of high temperatures.

Thanks to this production technology, the material has high strength and stability.

To date, holofiber blankets are very popular among buyers. Products have excellent thermal insulation qualities and are therefore ideal for cold pores. In addition, blankets are easy to clean, which is an important point.

Another feature of products with holofiber is that the synthetic base does not provoke allergies. Harmful microorganisms do not start inside the material, in particular, this concerns fungus and ticks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like every modern material, holofiber has certain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the filler include:

  • products with holofiber have lightness;
  • blankets provide a high level of comfort;
  • pores filled with air, allow the material to "breathe";
  • the foundation has anti-static.

Also the advantage of the material lies in a wide range of choices.Manufacturers offer a variety of options designed for different bed sizes.

An important advantage is the environmental friendliness of the material. Even with prolonged use, the filler is not contaminated and retains its freshness.

In addition, holofiber does not lose its original appearance and properties. Even when folded, the material retains its elasticity and shape, which is important. The filler remains soft and airy and does not give in to deformation.

It should be noted that blankets with this material are suitable for both adults and small children. The basis "adjusts" to the individual temperature of the baby and provides a peaceful and long sleep.

But besides the advantages, there are some disadvantages that are worth paying attention to. No matter how regular and careful the care of a blanket is, over time the material loses its pomp. As a result, the product becomes heavy, which causes some discomfort during sleep.

Another disadvantage of blankets with holofiber is that during frequent washings the structure of the fibers is disturbed. Basically,This happens when the wrong temperature condition is activated and the Spin function is activated. Therefore, experts recommend setting indicators at 40 degrees and the “Delicate Wash” mode.

Also, the products should not be dry cleaned.

The impact of aggressive components destroys the structure of the fibers, resulting in a blanket losing its original properties.


Modern manufacturers offer several basic types of holofiber blankets. Products may differ in thermal insulation properties. For example, the most popular are warm models. Winter blankets perfectly retain heat and can not be deformed for a long period.

Also there are so-called overheated products. The peculiarity of these models lies in the presence of a dense base through which the minimum amount of air passes. Most often, these products are used in too cold a time.

Universal options can be called all-season blankets. Such models will be an ideal option for both warm spring and cold winter. Products are light and airy, but at the same time retain heat well during sleep.

Also, manufacturers offer models designed for summer. Thin blankets have a "breathable" base and at the same time perfectly warm at night.

Another criterion by which the blankets differ is the distribution of the filler. The cheapest are quilted models, which are processed on the upper part of the cover. The lack of material lies in the fact that over time it begins to stray in one place.

The best options are cassette blankets. The base is divided into certain sections by stitching, which allows the material to remain in place practically forever.

Another interesting option is the kostep, resembling the previous species. The difference lies in the fact that the line is distributed over the surface in the form of a pattern. Often, original designs are used to process expensive models.

In addition, blankets may vary among themselves cover. Basically, materials such as calico and satin are used for this purpose.

Polyester has good performance properties.

Comparison with padding polyester

Often modern buyers are wondering about the factwhat kind of filler is better - sintepon or holofiber. To understand this question, it is necessary to compare the performance properties of both materials. To begin with, it is worth recalling that different methods are used for the production of these species. Fibers of holofiber connect without the use of adhesives, which cannot be said about padding polyester.

But modern manufacturers have slightly improved the production process. Often, the same method is used to create a synthetic winterizer as for a hollofiber - the connection using temperature effects. Due to this material has dimensional stability and durability.

But even such processing in the process of creation does not prevent the appearance of lumps with prolonged use of a blanket with a padding polyester. Compared with hollofiber, products with this filler are deformed much faster. Fibers stray in one place and it is almost impossible to return the original look to the blanket.

Another disadvantage of the synthetic winterizer, in comparison with the holofiber, is that the soft base is able to “migrate”. Over time, the fibers are able to crawl through the cover, which does not look very attractive.

Often, second-rate raw materials are used to create sintepovonovyh blankets, which negatively affects the quality. In addition, this method of production significantly reduces the operational life of products.

Special attention should be paid to such a criterion as safety.. In comparison with holofiber, the sintepon is able to release toxic substances. It is unsafe for human health.

Not less important parameter - heat insulation. Basically, blankets with padding are designed for the autumn and spring.

Products with holofiber will be the perfect choice for a cold winter.


As already noted above, the blankets can vary among themselves in size. For example, for one person, a 1.5-bedroom product is ideal. The one-and-a-half model got its name because of its width, which is 150 cm.

It is worth noting that there are baby one-and-a-half quilts with holofiber. In this case, the size is 160x205 cm.

Double quilts are also in high demand among buyers. The standard size of modern models is 220x220 cm. The blanket has quite impressive parameters and is therefore ideal for two.

Some manufacturers produce models whose size is 195x215 cm.It should be noted that such options are not in particular demand among buyers and are rarely available for sale.

For a child, it is worth buying a blanket with a holofiber size 110x140 cm. These options are perfect for standard baby beds.

But for a newborn you need to buy a square blanket with a side length of 140 cm.

For a teenager, you can choose a standard queen size quilt.

In the process of purchasing the product, you immediately need to decide on a suitable set of bed linen. It is worth noting that not all blankets can be found accessories, which is why it is recommended to choose models with standard sizes.

How to choose?

Choosing a blanket with holofiber, you need to pay attention to several important features. First, determine the size of the model. Please note that the soft product must fully comply with the parameters of the bed.

The following equally important criterion - thermal insulation properties. Decide in advance what type of blanket will be most suitable for you. For example, if you often freeze in your sleep, it is best to give preference to the winter variant.If you can not decide on a suitable option, choose an all-season blanket.

Also note the type of distribution of the filler. As noted above, cassette models are the best and most durable. Let the cost of these options is somewhat higher, but you will be completely confident in the reliability of the product.

In the process of acquisition do not forget that the blanket needs to be washed.

Find out in advance about which compounds can be used for cleaning. But basically, synthetic fibers lend themselves well to washing and are not deformed during drying.

Consider that the blankets should never be ironed. Exposure to high temperatures adversely affects the structure of synthetic fibers.

In addition, reviews of buyers who have already managed to buy a holofiber blanket will help in acquiring a quality product. Consumers are advised to give preference to options from proven well-known manufacturers. In this case, you will surely be assured of the high quality of the products.

Experts recommend choosing blankets with a "breathable" basis. Please note that the products must be ventilated at least once a month.Machine wash required 1 time in half a year.

An important point is the design of the product. The blanket should have an attractive appearance. Check its base for defects, pay attention to the evenness of the seams. The filler should not crawl out of the fabric.

You will learn more about how to choose the right holofiber blanket from the following video.

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