Pillow sizes

Pillow - an important component of good sleep. It is this one that determines the convenience and comfort of rest, the search for a comfortable position and turning in a dream from side to side depends on it. Few people know, but in order to improve sleep, to make it full, you need to know the size of the pillows and be able to select them taking into account the usual sleeping postures.

What does the pillow size affect?

The dimensions of the pillow are the length, width and height of the product, which may vary with the weight load depending on the type of filler. If earlier these accessories were not given due attention, they did not have a variety and were considered ordinary bedding, today the opinion has changed dramatically. Scientific evidence and a number of studies have shown that size and shape matter, while the lack of a pillow is harmful to health: the spinal column is bent in the shoulder and cervical regions.

The size of the pillow affects:

  • quality, convenience and comfort of sleep;
  • the formation of the correct curvature of the spine in the form of a flat line (in the supine position);
  • the morning state of the user;
  • improved respiratory function;
  • normal blood flow to the brain;
  • human performance during the day;
  • adjustment of metabolic processes of the body.

If the size is chosen correctly, the aching and spasmodic pain in the spine are reduced, blood circulation is normalized, insomnia and snoring disappear.

Sometimes it is possible to ease the pain associated with injuries of the upper spine, as well as cervical osteochondrosis.

The use of pillows has no contraindications, the main thing that needs to be taken into account: the size must be correct - not too large (barely fit across the bed) or small (not able to accommodate the head).

Standard sizes

The cushion is necessary in order to relieve the tremendous burden on the vulnerable parts of the spine, relaxing in the horizontal position of a person. This accessory can save the user from the general weakness, stiffness of the shoulder girdle, is the prevention of many diseases, is divided into standard and orthopedic models.

The first are classics, they only add convenience and are suitable for healthy people.

There are several types of pillows:

  • classic - under the head;
  • accessories under the back;
  • models on the chair.

Each line has its own product parameters, calculated in such a way as to create maximum benefit and comfort, eliminating the inconvenience associated with an excess of size. Products on the chair, the purpose of which is to reduce the shock load on the spine and unload the genitals, are often used with accessories for the back.

The size range of pillows in our country is not very wide: it has a variety due to the standards of trademarks of other countries, and today the indicators of children's models are equal, the sizes of models for adults are excellent.

If earlier accessories were made in the shape of a square, today the assortment has a rich list of options, among which are common (usual rectangular shape, roller, slides) and non-standard products (like boomerang, ring, horseshoe, bone, soft toy, face-emodzhi , butterfly, crescent and others).

Standard measurements of pillows are indicated in centimeters and have a double indicator: length and width.For more convenience, some companies offer three parameters to the attention of customers, adding a height level (relevant for orthopedic models).

The sizes of non-standard models are different and do not obey any standards. The line includes decorative cushions that are made in production and home-made analogues, created by themselves with their own hands. Their sizes can vary from 30 - 40 cm for small accessories and up to 60 - 80 cm for larger ones.

The difference depends on the design: often the sofa is decorated with pillows of different sizes in order to create the desired effect, emphasizing the idea of ​​design. For example, products with parameters 30x30, 40x40, 45x45 and 50x50 cm may be included.

Sometimes, if the design allows, roller models with parameters 30x60 cm are added to the total mass.

Differences in different countries

Standard pillow sizes vary from country to country. Typically, the length of the product varies from 40 to 80 cm, the width can be 30 - 70 cm. Most brands adhere to these indicators (40x40, 50x60, 60x60, 65x65 cm), although there are individual models whose parameters differ radically from accepted norms. These include products for pregnant women with a length of more than one meter.

The modern dimensions of Russian manufacturers remain true to square shapes: the sizes of standard pillows of our companies are 60x60, 70x70 cm. In addition, recently, an indicator of 50x70 cm has been added to them.

Import standards are more elongated and resemble rectangles in shape. They are made in three sizes: 75x50, 85x50, 50x100. The latest models allow you to sit on one pillow alone or together, they also find their buyer.

The developed European standard includes three parameters, which are the generally accepted norm and are already familiar with the name “euro”: these are pillows of 65x65, 40x80, 50x75 cm.

Often, trademarks for the convenience of buying a particular model enter the size range of pillows in a special table, thereby offering customers a visual aid of their choice.

Sizes of orthopedic models

If, when buying classic models, the size is chosen at will, in orthopedic counterparts, an irresponsible choice may cause nightmares.These products are bought strictly in accordance with the observance of body build parameters and the recommendations of medical specialists, otherwise the morning and the whole day will be spent on restoring vitality and getting rid of the feeling of general crush.

The sizes of the models depend on the purpose: the models for the head and the chair are different. The difference is not so great, but it determines the mobility of the pillow and the degree of its comfort.

Unlike classical analogs, the parameters of orthopedic models are smaller.

They are not designed for the body: only the head and neck should be located on the product area. The main models come in small sizes: 40x50 for women and 40x60 for the stronger sex. For large-scale men, trademarks offer options with a size of 50x70 cm. This is enough for the location of the head and neck to be comfortable, eliminating the discomfort of the extra space of the product.

Selection implies an individual approach: the shape is very diverse, not every species can fit. For example, a product in the form of a ring may not seem as comfortable as a slide with different rollers for the head and neck.

Height matters

The height of any pillow is one of the key criteria for a comfortable sleep. It should be sufficient so that the user does not want to put a fist under his head. On average, the indicators of manufactured models are 6 -16 cm in thickness.

Do not think that the more the better:

  • optimal height of pillows for women 8 - 10 cm;
  • the level for men reaches 12-16 cm;
  • ruler for children is more demanding and varies from 1 to 9 cm (models are much lower).

If the possible range of numbers doesn’t mean anything, you can focus on shoulder width: in order for the product to fit the user in height, it’s enough to measure the width of the shoulder — this is the desired parameter. The maximum permissible deviations from the measurement are 1 - 2 cm (for example, if the length of the shoulder is 12 cm, then you can buy a product with a height of 11 - 13 cm).

Both low and high pillow exclude a straight line of the spinal column, which leads to pain and fatigue associated with high muscle tension.

Selection Tips

Choosing a pillow is an individual occupation, because what suits one user can cause headaches for another.The choice of models is extensive, it is difficult to understand: every manufacturer convinces that it is his models that are the best. You should not believe everything: even widely advertised pillows are not as versatile as they seem.

You can take your favorite pose in a dream as a basis for choosing:

  • on the back - you need a model of medium hardness of small height;
  • on the side - it is better to pay attention to the medium-high model;
  • on the stomach - preferably a low soft pillow plan.

The pillow should not be larger than the width of the mattress. In addition, in the process of buying it is important to carry out a "fitting" to understand the degree of convenience. A distinctive feature of orthopedic models is addictive to a particular form.

You can take into account the features of sleep, because everyone sleeps differently:

  • a stiff neck indicates that the pillow is too low;
  • if the hand is always under the pillow, its height is insufficient;
  • the constant search for a comfortable position indicates that the accessory is too high.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to several nuances:

  • if the mattress is soft, the desired cushion effect will be reduced to zero;
  • a standing prone position provokes the appearance of muscle spasms;
  • the classic model does not provide the necessary support for the neck and head;
  • the ergonomic option prevents a change of posture during sleep, forcing the user to adopt a minimum of the “correct” for the cervical spine type;
  • rigid pillow is needed only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the angle between the shoulder and the neck when lying on its side should be 90 degrees;
  • the filler should not be coarse or "floating" sideways under load.

When choosing, you can start from body build: the greater the weight, the higher the cushion should be. If accessories are selected for a double bed, you can find more or less the same height options that will harmoniously look together. However, if the weight difference is large, you should not be equal to a partner with a large weight: he will be able to sleep, while the woman will have to suffer all night on an uncomfortable pillow.

Do not forget about the type of filler:

  • puhoperovye models have an acceptable cost, take the desired shape, but not suitable for everyone, accumulating dust inside - the environment for the appearance of dust mites, provoking an allergy;
  • Wool products are notable for excellent breathability, do not clot, retain heat for a long time, but are difficult to care for and are not suitable for allergies;
  • Bamboo accessories are environmentally friendly, dry quickly, hypoallergenic, but absorb moisture from the premises, impairing the structure of the fiber;
  • options from buckwheat husk are peculiar, are considered a good method of dealing with headaches and insomnia, but not suitable for everyone, are quite tough, noisy in operation, have a short service life;
  • products made of synthetic fibers (holofiber, synthetic winterizer, ecofiber, latex, comfort, memory foam) are resistant to dust accumulation, do not accumulate static electricity, have a different price range, but are not always simple and easy to clean.

In choosing a decorative model, it is worth starting from a more or less standard size: it’s easier to buy a case of the right size.

If you have certain sewing skills, you can make it yourself, and having chosen the original texture in a similar style with one of the design elements.

Features of children's options

The line of children's models of pillows is various. However, not everything that is in stores may suit a particular child.If the classic options are recognized as the norm, the opinions of doctors about orthopedic counterparts are contradictory. Experts believe that up to 7 years old child is quite enough of the usual model.

When choosing anatomical pillows with a preventive effect, you should take into account age:

  • for a baby, a height of 1 to 2 cm is sufficient;
  • to one year old baby a cushion of 3-4 cm in height will go;
  • toddlers and preschool-age children are shown products 4-7 cm;
  • schoolchildren of primary classes have a volume of 7–9 cm.

The height of the children's pillow does not depend on the width of the shoulder of the child. The parameters of the length and width of the pillows range from 20x35 to 35x50, 40x50 cm. The dimensions may vary slightly depending on the shape (ring, half ring, butterfly, other). The main thing that is worth taking care when buying a bed accessory for a child is the small size of the height and excellent elasticity, but not rigidity.

This is especially true if the child constantly throws the usual pillow out of bed.

You will learn more about pillow sizes in the following video.

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