String curtain rods

The correct design of the window opening consists in the selection of matching curtains and curtain rods. Particularly popular now stringed cornices. Thanks to their simple design, they fit perfectly in classic style, hi-tech and minimalism. Such small cornices can be mounted both on the wall and on the ceiling - with the help of special brackets. After reading this article, you will learn about the eaves, strings, a lot of useful and interesting.

Special features

The main feature that distinguishes string cornices from other models is a special design. The main parts of this eaves (regardless of the type of installation) are:

  • the string for curtains is a tension steel thread dyed in silver, gold or bronze;
  • brackets are fixtures for fastening steel strings (in the form of brackets), they can be made in the form of decorative tips;
  • hooks or pegs for connecting curtains and curtain rods, usually made to match the color of the cable.

String curtain rods can be attached:

  • on the wall - directly at the window opening;
  • on the ceiling, because of which the height of the room visually increases;
  • between two opposite walls, turning into a screen;
  • on the wall (at an angle).

String for curtains can reach five meters per din, but this is not the limit. Such a thread can be placed not only in one, but also in two, three rows (between brackets). This allows you to combine several different color tulle and create an unusually beautiful interior. After adjustment, you can remove the extra length of the thread with pliers or roll it up and gently hide it from the side. It is worth paying attention not only to the design, but also to the following features of use. On the cornices, strings, you can hang only a light textile fabric: chiffon, tulle, veil are most suitable for them. Curtains or drapes are too heavy, the steel thread under their weight will sag or tear at the attachment point with brackets.

Lightweight jacquard, satin or cotton curtains are better to hook with hooks on two cables at once.To accommodate lambrequins, you can use the third row of strings.

Installation of the eaves does not depend on the type of surface. Brick, concrete, wooden walls or standard concrete and reinforced concrete ceiling ceilings - a stringed cornice for them is perfect. However, there is an exception: this cornice is not installed on plasterboard and stretch ceilings.

A stretched canvas of fabric or PVC can not only stretch out, but also tear under the weight of the structure. If your apartment has such ceilings, then it is advisable to install the cornice-string on the wall.

The steel string is subject to corrosion, as well as any other metals, albeit to a lesser extent. It is not necessary to hang the string cornices in the open air - for example, in the open summerhouse. In wet areas, they will need to be looked after frequently and carefully.

Threads coated with special anti-corrosion solutions help prevent corrosion. But they do not provide reliable and long-term protection, but only prolong the life of the product in room conditions.


The differences between the models of string cornices are expressed by the variety of colors, shapes and the presence of decorative elements.As noted above, the strings for curtains are made in various colors: silver, gold, bronze.

The product can have not only steel, but also brass, chrome or copper coating with a protective layer. It is possible to distinguish single and multi-row types of thread installation. Now a two-row wire wall cornice is especially popular.

Universal method of masking ceiling eaves of the ceiling type - the use of strips. By closing the strings, hooks and fastenings of the cornice, the bar makes the design more subtle and light. A variety of color options baguette slats allow you to enter the cornices, strings in different styles of interior. Transparent plastic baguette is perfect for zoning a room with light curtains.

For decorating the eaves brackets used various shapes and shades. These holders give the product a unique and spectacular look. The materials of which they are made are quite diverse. It can be all sorts of metals, wood - or even synthetic materials. The latter can imitate brass, gold, copper, bronze or silver.The appearance of the brackets should match the style of the room. To do this, they are decorated with glass, rhinestones, wood, plastic or painted. And the very form of the holders is different. They can be made in the form of simple geometric shapes, tips, peak or have a more complex shape.

In order not to get confused in all the variety of options, remember the two main points. First, string for curtains, brackets, strap and clips should fit together in design and proportions. Secondly, the stringed eaves (as a single product) should be harmoniously combined with curtains. It is best to combine them with a light canvas (chiffon, organza, taffeta).


String eaves are simple in design, but the installation can still cause difficulty for an inexperienced person. The algorithm below will help to deal with all the difficulties and contribute to fast and proper operation. For installation will require:

  • installation instructions;
  • disassembled string cornice;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • pencil;
  • dowels;
  • ladder or stepladder.

Define a place for the eaves in advance.Using a pencil and ladders, mark up the wall or ceiling. This is the junction of the bracket with the surface. Mark up for the second end of the eaves. Make sure that both points are on one straight line perpendicular to the other wall.

Place the bracket on the target point and draw a circle. This is necessary for drilling holes.

Take a hammer drill or drill. Attach the bracket, make a groove. Attach the bracket to the surface using dowels. Do these operations on the other side.

Through the hole in the installed mount, skip the steel thread and stretch it to the other side of the cornice. There again pass it through the hole and bring to the first point. Arrange the clothespins or hooks along the entire length (in the required quantity). Now secure the string, avoiding sagging threads. The required tension can be achieved by rotating a special bolt.

After confirming the reliability of the construction, trim or fold the remnants of the string into a neat circle. It is useful if you need to lengthen the eaves. If there is a decorative strip in the kit with screws or nails, attach it to the brackets.Now you can start hanging out tulle.

How to clean?

The need to clean the string cornices is due to the extension of the service life and preservation of the attractive appearance of the structure. Frequent cleaning is better for any products than rare. The less often you clean the surface of the eaves, the harder it is then to get rid of the dirt on it. Dust, rust and various stains are typical contaminants of household metal curtain rods. From the dust on the eaves-strings to get rid of the easiest. It is enough from time to time to wipe the strings, brackets, hooks and slats with a rag. After wet cleaning, be sure to wipe all the items dry. This will avoid rust on metal surfaces. Use only soft natural fabrics or soft brushes to avoid damaging the eaves floor.

Different stains are scrubbed with ordinary detergents. During cleaning, partial or complete disassembly of the structure is required. Thanks to this you will reach all hard-to-reach places and avoid stretching the thread. Cleaning eaves requires frequent changes of clean water, working in protective rubber gloves and using gentle cleaning fluids and powders.

The most difficult thing is to get rid of rust on the surface of the string cornice.In this situation, instead of soft cloths and soap solution, you will need stronger means.

With the help of a metal brush, sandpaper, special household chemicals and certain efforts, you can cope with almost any rust. Further, the string for curtains must be treated with enamel or special varnish - to protect the metal and increase the service life. In addition, the master advised to cover the thread with anti-static effect.

Examples in the interior

The cornice-string can be used in the living room or bedroom, on the balcony or loggia, in the kitchen, in the office or in the children's room. Due to the lightweight design, ease of installation and the ability to adjust the length of such products can be called an excellent option. Especially well they look with rectangular windows. This model is perfect for rooms with low ceilings, as it does not break the wall horizontally. These designs do not overload the interior, they are convenient for installation in a niche.

The cornice-string harmonizes perfectly with the classic style. Planks with complex stucco are a distinctive feature and the basis of such an interior.Light symmetrical strings with shiny hooks will bring a touch of grace and lightness. The variant with complex decorative tips on the cornices of a golden hue will look quite appropriate. If desired, such string cornices can be hidden in a niche.

This model fits perfectly into minimalism. Thanks to its simple construction, it is used here most often compared to other types of curtain rods. The clarity of lines and the severity of metal string cornices correspond to the style of "high-tech".

You can successfully combine this style and this product in offices. Together they represent functionality and conciseness.


Buyers of string cornices are unanimous in their feedback on such products. This is a great model for small rooms or rooms with low ceilings. Yes, such products are not designed for heavy curtains, they can not be placed on a suspended ceiling, but these are minor drawbacks. Numerous positive responses confirm that string curtain rods are becoming popular again.

In many reviews, consumers write about low cost and easy installation of the product.Some note the possibility of mounting two types of light tulle through the use of multiple strings. Others appreciate a large selection of additional decorative elements and length adjustment in string cornices. The undoubted advantage for many buyers is the possibility of ceiling installation of the eaves.

String curtain rods - modern decoration windows of apartments or offices. They combine the rigor and ease of construction with originality - due to the variety of types of tips.

The classic look of such eaves makes you pay attention to the curtains that are attached to them. In combination with straight curtains, they attract attention to themselves - because of the noble metallic color. Eaves-strings advantageously differ from other models in a variety of decorative finishes and simplicity.

Review the curtain rod-string for curtains, see the following video.

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Living room