Acrylic paint consumption per 1 m2 when painting in 2 layers: calculation details

Repair work is impossible without the correct calculation of material consumption. It is especially important to correctly calculate the amount of paint, which will significantly save not only monetary resources, but also time.

Acrylic paints are one of the best on the market, but they cost a lot of money. If you buy too much substance, there will be too much, but the drawback threatens not only to interrupt the workflow, but also to violate the identity of shades on the painted surface.

Consider how to correctly calculate the amount of paint needed for repair work.

What can affect paint consumption?

Often on paint cans they write what volume is enough for a certain area. Only blindly use such figures is not worth it, because all the averaged calculations are based on the fact that the walls in the house are perfectly smooth.In real life, the paint needs much more than what is said in the instruction sheet that is present on the container.

The main factors that affect paint consumption:

  • method and methods of applying paint on walls or facades;
  • what color was chosen;
  • wall texture;
  • what type of paint will be used.

Possible methods and means of application

When applying acrylic paint using a variety of tools. Using a roller with an average pile flat terrain, you can create a flat terrain, and if you want to achieve the effect of a stone wall, better to use a short-haired roller. The specifics of the "rolling" in both cases occurs on the same principle.

If we talk about the spray gun, the result of the work will depend on what kind of tool will be selected, what mechanical pressure will be used during the work.

A wide brush is best used to give a scuff wall. To make feathering, use hard sponges or plastic trowels.

Standard flow calculations

On average, when it comes to acrylic paint (front or for interior work), then from 170 to 210 grams per square meter.You also need to take into account the factor that for acrylic paint all calculations are made in grams, not milliliters.

It is important to know that average rates are only suitable for perfectly smooth surfaces.

To correctly calculate the number of square meters for painting, calculate:

  • distance between floor and ceiling;
  • the length of each wall of the room;
  • multiply the length by the width.

Often, rooms are complex configuration, so it is important to take into account the complexity of the "relief". Be sure to during the calculations should be guided by the plan.

You will learn more about paint consumption per square meter in the following video.

Calculate the amount of acrylic paint for wallpaper

Acrylic paint for wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • does not emit toxins;
  • has a good adhesion coefficient;
  • dries quickly;
  • is inexpensive;
  • resistant to moisture and temperature.

If you apply acrylic paint you need on non-woven wallpaper, the standard consumption will be 210-260 grams per 1 m². In order to make the painting as economical as possible, the main thing is to choose the right roller. If you apply paint in 2 layers, costs will be, respectively, 400-450 grams per square meter.

Not only the material consumption, but also the layer structure will depend on which roller is purchased..

If we are talking about painting wallpaper with a completely flat surface, then to save money, a roller with a long nap of at least five millimeters is selected. To cover the textured surfaces takes more material; for painting such planes, a roller is needed with a long pile of at least 25 mm.

Here you should know the measure, because too long a nap will absorb a lot of substance, and it will be distributed unevenly.

We consider the consumption of dye for painting the facade

    There are options when you can significantly save paint without compromising the quality of the coating. The consumption of the substance will depend on the tool that will have to use, as well as on the material from which the facade is made, and its texture.

    At the standard rate, about two hundred grams of paints per one square meter of dye is spent on painting the facade. If staining is performed on decorative plaster, paint consumption increases by at least fifty milliliters for every square meter.

    When using textured acrylic paint, it is necessary to stock 40% more coloring material.

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