Features of wall painting in interior design

Repair is a good opportunity to dilute a boring interior with new colors and realize the most interesting design ideas. For interior walls use a variety of materials, but it is painting that is most popular due to a number of advantages.

What colors to choose?

A large role in the final appearance of the room plays the choice of colors. This is a rather complicated and most important process, because with the help of color you can both brighten up the flaws and turn an ordinary room into a cozy and comfortable room, and visually hide all the advantages and spoil the design as a whole.

The variety of colors and shades allows you to make the right choice for a particular room. First of all, it is necessary to understand the differences between cold and warm colors. It is necessary to make a start when choosing a color both from one’s own sensations and with respect to expert advice.

The first category includes: blue, gray, turquoise, blue, graphite, some shades of green and purple. Cool colors are suitable for those rooms that do not require excessive light due to its location. They look fresh and encouraging in the interior, while visually creating depth.

Designers advise the use of cool colors in large rooms and small rooms. If necessary, cool shades visually expand the space, while adding depth.

The use of cold colors should be abandoned in rooms where the sunlight practically does not penetrate, as they will look cold and dull. It is better to pay attention to the warm colors that will create a cozy, pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the room. They not only have a beneficial effect on mood and attitude in general, but also significantly intensify mental activity and increase working capacity.

The second important point when choosing colors is brightnessbecause the mood of the person will depend on it. For example, red is a rather bright and even flashy element in interior design, therefore, from an emotional and aesthetic point of view, not every person is suitable.After a few days of staying in the red room, many people have a headache, irritation or anger. Red is considered a hard color for perception, so experts recommend using it in areas where homeowners have not been staying for a long time, in particular the hallway, dressing room or kitchen, but in metered quantities.

If you wish, you can replace the red with some shade of it in order to achieve a calm, but not boring design. The same rule applies to such bright colors as yellow, orange, green.

An important nuance when choosing shades for the future design is a combination of warm and cold shades, which compensate for the lack of one or another component in the color scheme. For example, the yellow color is immediate, lively and very active, with the result that they can easily overload the room, but in combination with more “cool” shades, it becomes a bright accent that only decorates the room.

Almost every year, the gurus of the fashion world and fashion magazines make a list of “trend colors” that look unique, interesting and unusual in the interior. In 2018, green, gray, white, blue and caramel colors were added to this list.

The choice of color also depends on the nature of the room. So, the children's room should bear warmth and comfort, therefore, pastel shades are relevant here, and furniture or separate zones painted in active colors can serve as bright accents.

In general, pastel shades look appropriate in any room., especially in the design of such styles as classic, neoclassic, shebbi-chic and, to some extent, vintage. At the same time, they can act not only as an independent element, but also as a white sheet for the entire design.

Surface preparation

Despite the seeming simplicity of this method of interior decoration, as the color of the walls, this is just an illusion, since behind a beautiful covering there are always several stages of thorough preparation.

The process of preparing the walls begins with the removal of the previous decorative elements. The surface of the walls should be perfectly smooth, so that the paint lay evenly without gaps, cracks and baldness.

First, the imperfections of the wall are completely removed, in particular, holes are plastered, protruding parts are rubbed in, and cracks are plastered. After the performed manipulations, a primer is applied so that the putty adheres to the surface.

Experts advise not to skip the stage of applying antibacterial agents that will protect the walls from the appearance of such unpleasant phenomena as mold and various fungi.

After priming, the puttying stage begins, when a layer of special mortar is applied to the walls, which covers the previous coating and allows the walls to be evened out. However, the preparation of the walls does not end there, since a special grout is also needed.

It takes a lot of time for these stages, but in the end you get almost perfectly smooth walls, provided all the necessary procedures are followed.

Next, the owner already picks up the materials. It can be wallpaper, special plaster, giving a decorative coating, or just paint. There is a large selection of wallpapers on the building materials market, on top of which the paint is excellent. In this case, the coating becomes monotonous, but not boring due to the presence of various patterns and ornaments on it.

If the premises are redecorated and only walls will be painted, then first you need to cover the baseboard and the floor with foil or any polyethylene to avoid damage or dirt that cannot be washed off later.

Considerable attention will have to be paid to the choice of paint.This concerns not only the color, but also the properties, application features, as well as operational characteristics. Most of this applies to repairs in the kitchen or bathroom, because there are other operating conditions, and therefore the requirements for materials should be somewhat different.

Many experts agree that of a wide variety of paints and varnishes, water-based paint is the most relevant and practical tool. It is used in any premises, is easy to use, has a long service life and is completely safe. It is easy to experiment with it, if there is a desire to paint the walls in two colors or to create a unique drawing.

The undeniable advantage of this paint is that it is available in white, and the shade itself is added separately. This allows you to create the necessary shades, starting from personal expectations and requirements.

When buying such a paint, you need to immediately calculate the amount of materials needed, and also use the color once for a certain amount of liquid, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to repeat the selected shade.

Ideas for different rooms

During repair, you must take into account the characteristics of a room, as well as features of its use. This will not only help you make the right choice in terms of materials, but also contribute to the pleasant atmosphere in the room in the future.


The bedroom is an immediate resting place, which is why it should be repelled in the selection of design. People who want to organize a warm, pleasant and most comfortable space, you need to choose calm and easy-to-understand shades that will not attract a lot of attention.

Color is a mood with which you have to fall asleep and wake up every day.therefore its shade should be as close as possible to the owner of the room. It can be both a neutral color, giving peace of mind, and a fairly bright shade that will awaken positive, active and willing to act.

In the bedroom, you can apply several shades, if they will be combined with each other.

When choosing a neutral scale, it is necessary to use different textures so that the design is not flat and one-sided. Additional volume and decor will add beautiful wallpaper for painting with an embossed pattern, which, despite the restrained style, will stand out thanks to the ornament or pattern.

Designers often use a combination of neutral paint with bright wallpaper, which is painted with a colorful pattern. They can paste over either one wall, or use only a few strips to highlight the work area or the head of the bed. This decision is relevant for several years and meets all current trends.


The hallway, according to its characteristics, implies a neutral color palette with several bright colors, although it is acceptable to use quite variegated colors. The room receives guests, so it should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also functional.

Most modern apartments have corridors that are small in size, where you don’t turn around, but even for these cases, the designers have come up with many interesting solutions. For a start, it is worthwhile to dwell exclusively on moisture-resistant materials that do not require special care. This applies mainly to the flooring. In terms of wall decoration there are no restrictions, although experts do not recommend to glue wallpaper in the corridor due to the rapid wear of this material.

For the interior of the hallway, it is advisable to use paint for walls, since it is resistant to mechanical damage, does not require special care, is easily updated and is appropriate in most style directions.

With regards to style, the design of the corridor can be anything, the main thing is that it harmonizes with the rest of the dwelling and supports the general style direction. For example, when decorating an entire apartment in a classic style, it is not necessary to decorate the corridor with stucco or chic baguettes. All this is better to replace the decor of a minimalistic nature.

Choosing a color for painting the walls in the hallway it is necessary to make a start not only from the style of the other rooms of the apartment or house, but also from the practicality, which is especially important for this room.

In particular, white color, universal in nature, will cause a lot of inconvenience, since the corridor is characterized by an abundance of dirt and excessive moisture from both the soles and large items: baby carriages, bicycles, and suitcases.

Living room

The living room is the soul of every home, because it is here that cozy evenings with family are held, various events are organized with friends and the most important events in the life of each family member are simply celebrated.

During the design of the living room interior, one should proceed from this to create a truly cozy space where each family member will feel as comfortable as possible.

When selecting colors, it is desirable to take into account three main factors: the area of ​​the room, the dimensions of future furniture and the presence or absence of natural lighting.

In small living rooms inappropriate to use deep and dark shades.if they go in solo version. They greatly overload the space, creating a painful and heavy atmosphere in the room. Compared with a large room, it requires a bright, pleasant eye and a neutral palette, where several textures will be combined at once.


At the word “hall”, many people represent an exquisite, but at the same time quite cozy room, where several chic shades are combined at once. It can be bright colors that highlight a certain area, and a calm palette, because in the hall, above all, they rest with their close and pleasant people.

The main problem in the design of the hall - a combination of comfort and functionality. In most modern, low-room premises, the hall can act as a storage space, a place for leisure activities and even recreation.In such cases, designers advise using different color accents to divide the room into zones for rest, work and reception.

This is especially true in situations where repairs are carried out in the studio, where it is necessary to distinguish between the area of ​​the dining room, kitchen and hall.


Veranda is a flight of imagination of every owner. Most often it acts as an additional space for relaxation, a room where various things are stored, as well as a separate room. Someone arranges a greenhouse on the veranda, some create a private space, and someone likes to have breakfast on the veranda, enjoying the views from the window. Hence it should be repelled when you make this room, which requires careful repair. Selection of shades occurs depending on the needs of the owner and the general characteristics of the room.

Designers are advised not to forget that the veranda is a continuation of the rest of the apartment or house, so its style should not stand out much.

The room initially has a lot of natural light, so any shades are applicable here. The main thing is to use those colors with the help of which you end up with a space for relaxation.


Painting walls is a modern solution that will be relevant in most designs and styles.

Most often, this method of interior wall decoration is used in the classical style, when you want to paint the walls in a uniform color. In this case, the paint can act as an independent component, or as an additional coating on top of the wallpaper or decorative plaster. However, the classic requires a wide space and a large amount of light, which is inappropriate in small rooms.

In rooms where it is difficult to hide ventilation shafts, pipes, or any other communications, you can use the loft style, which assumes the unusual space of languid trifles. It is appropriate for most rooms. The walls will not even need to be leveled, the paint is applied over the standard coating, as a result it resembles worn plaster. This is the descriptive feature of this style.

Applicable painting walls and when you make a room in the neoclassical style, which represents a revision of the usual components of the interior with the current trends.It is suitable for those who love beautiful, seasoned and expensive items of decor and furniture. It involves the use of stucco or mirrors in elegant gold frames, but without excess, and as a nice addition.

Quite often, walls are painted in a wooden house, especially inside a clapboard trimmed room.

Choose paint only proven firms. Reviews and ratings of one manufacturer or another can be found on the Internet. Thus, you will choose the best interior paint.

Thanks to its versatility and characteristic qualities, paint has become one of the most popular types of wall decoration. Painted walls are simple, beautiful and appropriate in any interior solutions.

Beautiful examples

Choose matching colors for painting walls. It can also be different shades of the same color. Many users choose a discreet gray color for the bedroom. He will fill the room with light and calm before bedtime.

Bright colors can be chosen not only for the children's room, they look great in the living room.

Paint the walls in blue are not solved by many. Such a solution is only suitable for a large room.

To learn how to paint the walls with water-based paint, see the following video.

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Living room