Cedar Cushions

Full rest gives a person strength, and with the help of special bedding it can also be curative. Cedar has healing properties. Even in ancient times, it was considered a powerful tree: there is no such person who could embrace it, and even a hurricane cannot uproot it.

Pillow with cedar shavings has not only relaxing, but also healing properties. The owners of this product will forget about insomnia, will be less likely to get sick, and from the very morning they will feel a charge of energy.

Beneficial features

The cedar pillow is a great alternative to a synthetic product. Such an attribute has the following useful properties:

  • Purification of the respiratory system, elimination of inflammation.
  • Improving the immune system.
  • Prevention of diseases due to the content of phytoncides.
  • Elimination of insomnia due to the calming effect on the nervous system.Special substances also relieve depression and relieve stress.
  • Chips provide an excellent head massage. As a result, blood circulation to the brain is normalized and mental activity increases.
  • Relief of pain in osteochondrosis.
  • Facial rejuvenation: during its massage, collagen begins to be produced, which renews skin elasticity, normalizes blood circulation, removes edema.
  • Stimulating hair growth and improving their condition.
  • Increased performance due to the tonic and renewing properties of cedar.

It should be borne in mind that people who have an allergic reaction to cedar, attribute with such filler is contraindicated.


In appearance, cedar product is no different from feather or any other - it uses the same knitted or synthetic materials. But even the filler of cedar pillows can be different:

  • Shavings. In the wood of this breed there are phytoncides with healing properties: they soothe, destroy bacteria, heal the human body. In this case, ordinary sawdust is not used - we need only spiral.The pillow with cedar shavings is elastic but soft, due to which it is able to massage the face and head.
  • Husk Unlike chips, eliminates the possibility of allergies, as raw materials are cleaned and processed. The product with a filler of the husk has orthopedic properties, which allows the body to take a comfortable position during sleep and completely relax. As a result, even with a short rest, you can feel cheerfulness.
  • Shell. Provides excellent orthopedic effect, therefore, is more popular among buyers. Shell pine nuts has an advantage over the husk on the number of useful components in the composition. Such a pillow normalizes pressure and the nervous system, increases efficiency and reduces fatigue, and provides a good and pleasant sleep.

Cedar pillow must be chosen with all its features, so as not to provoke allergies or discomfort.


Manufacturers offer several product options: pillow with cedar filler and goods with combined materials. Depending on which raw material is additionally placed inside the attribute,There are such types of pillows:

  • Cedar. The filler is exclusively cedar shavings, husks or nutshell. The cover of the product is double, created from cotton or linen. Its inner side has a special structure that keeps even small particles inside.
  • Altai. She has two fillers: buckwheat husks and cedar husks, which move freely within the attribute.
  • Baikal. Like the previous version includes two types of filler. However, in this case, the side with cedar material is quilted, which prevents the components from moving.
  • Ural. Quilted side with cedar shavings, so perfectly retains its shape. The other side includes an artificial swan down, the volume of which can be adjusted with a zipper.

Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves according to individual needs.

How to care?

The main rule, which should be followed - only dry cleaning pillows with cedar shavings. It is forbidden to wet or chemical treatment, as under the influence of chemical elements and water, the pillow will immediately lose its shape.

If it happens that the cedar attribute for the rest is wet, you must give it the opportunity to dry to the end. In case of insufficient drying, mold may appear.

Proper care of such a pillow will extend its life, which is so small - it does not exceed two years.

. Over time, the natural composition will lose its original shape, which will lead to deformation of the pillow.


Cedar shavings are popular with buyers, they leave mostly positive feedback on products. The first thing that people pay attention to is that during falling asleep and after waking up, you feel as if you are in the forest, and the pleasant smell of cedar and its components really soothe, relax, relieve many health problems.

You will learn more about cedar pillows in the following video.

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