Trelax Pillows

A headache in the morning can be caused by two reasons. This is a fun party with all the consequences or a wrong dream. If everything is clear with the first option, the wrong sleep occurs when the neck muscles press on the vertebral artery, and therefore, the brain lacks oxygen, as a result - headache, numbness of the hands, neck leaking. Blame the wrong pillow. The “correct” Trelax pillow will help to cope with all these problems.

The company Trelax is engaged in the development and manufacture of orthopedic products for sleep and rest. The leading position among its range is occupied by pillows - this product enjoys the greatest consumer demand.

Models under the head

Trelax pillows offer their owner the position of the head and neck, conceived by Mother Nature herself. All models have a “memory effect” function that helps to accept and maintain individual “settings” of a person.This is primarily the shape and size of the head, as well as the height of the shoulder girdle. Trelax offers 4 models under the head:

  • "Optima". The model has one pronounced roller, whose height varies depending on the size of the pillow. Ideal for the prevention and complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Pillow "Optima" is not suitable for those who prefer to sleep on his stomach.
  • "Respecta". Unlike the first model, the “Respecta” has two rollers, the difference between which is 2 cm high. The correct width allows you to place the head on the pillow so that the back of the head is located between the rollers, which eliminates the need to lift the head to the second roller. This model serves as a good tool for the prevention of diseases such as IRR, fibromyolgia. Depending on the position in which the person falls asleep, the pillow is given the direction. When positioned “on the back,” it is turned around with a large roll down. If the position is “on the stomach”, then a small cushion should be placed under the neck.
  • "Respecta Compact" - This is the “Respecta” model in miniature. Designed for people who often travel on business trips, have to be in transport for a long time and those who love to travel.Its size 38x30x10 (W x D x H) provides convenience during transportation. Has a complete storage bag.
  • "Sola". This model is distinguished by a special recess under the shoulder, which was provided by the developers for those who like to fall asleep in the “on the side” position. Pillow "Sola" helps to normalize blood circulation. At the heart of the design is one roller, so this model is not suitable for those who like to sleep on your stomach.

In a separate group I want to put two collars pillows:

  • "Diva". This pillow is an excellent solution for travelers who are forced to spend many hours on trains and airplanes. Firstly, it is very light and does not cause any trouble during its transportation and storage. Secondly, the pillow maintains the correct position of the head and neck, thereby helping to supply the brain with oxygen in full, which is important for a person resting in a horizontal position.
  • "Cruise". This model differs from the previous one only by the presence of the “memory” effect, which is able to give the pillow a position of the neck and head, starting from the individual features of the anatomical structure and allows you to save it until the end of the trip.

For back

Specialists of the company Trelax in close cooperation with orthopedists and neurologists found out that not only the head needs proper posture during sleep, but also the spine, which bears even greater loads. Therefore, the company has developed pillows not only for the correct position of the head, they also set up production of the series for the correct position of the back and pelvis. There are three such models:

  • "Spectra". Orthopedic back cushion is good for people with lumbar osteochondrosis. Usually appointed by the orthopedic surgeon for diseases and injuries of the spine, as well as in the postoperative period. The cushion design allows you to keep your back in the correct position. The side rollers fix the back and do not allow it to bend, which has a beneficial effect on the posture. Mounting on a pillow provides for horizontal and vertical installation on the back of the chair.
  • Spectra Seat - pillow on the chair seat. The shape of a beveled triangle forces one to straighten up and stay in this position for a long time. Initially, assuming the correct position, the back muscles are less tense, thereby reducing the pressure on the intervertebral discs.The pillow has straps for more secure fixation on the chair.
  • "Medica". The shape of the pillow prevents the pelvic ring from touching the surface of the chair. This model is recommended for problems with the sacral-coccygeal spine. It can be diseases and injuries of the pelvic region, perineum, coccyx. Also, the “Medica” model is used by women in the postpartum period.

For people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, Trelax created the “Auto” series:

  • "Autohead" - orthopedic pillow under the head. This model has the form of a roller, equipped with a memory effect. Mounted on the headrest with elastic gum. Suitable for any car seat.
  • "Autoback" - orthopedic pillow under the back. Designed to fill the void in the trough of the waist. Highly elastic polyurethane allows you to do this very quickly and accurately, creating on the surface of the pillow an exact copy of the back bends.

The manufacturer offers pillows not only for adults, Trelax found it necessary to supplement its range with models for children and pregnant women.

  • Model "Mimi designed for the smallest (from 1 to 18 months). The shape of the pillow is designed in such a way that the development of the spinal column of a baby in the most important period for this will proceed correctly.Anatomical fossa contributes to the correct growth of the baby's head. Whatever position the child chooses, his head will not touch the strictly horizontal surface, and the memory effect will smoothly adjust the pillow to the individual features of the child's skull.
  • "Sweet" (from 5 to 18 months). This model is exactly the same design features of the model "Mimi", with the exception of the effect of "memory", which is not in this pillow. But this does not prevent her from correctly influencing the formation of the spine and the natural curves of the back.
  • "Prima" (from 1.5 to 3 years). This is the next step in the line of children's models. Prima has two rollers with a height of 4.5 and 6 cm. Their height strictly corresponds to the age-specific features of the body structure of most children. Therefore, parents whose children are above or below the average growth of this age gap when choosing a pillow is better to consult with a specialist. It has a memory effect.
  • "Bambini" (from 1.5 to 3 years). This pillow is distinguished from the Prima model by increased rigidity and density of materials, as well as the absence of a “memory” effect. As the child grows, the pillow is turned over and a larger roller is used.
  • Optima Baby (from 3 years). As a rule, this form of pillow (one pronounced roller) is recommended by orthopedic doctors and neurologists. Children get used to such a pillow for a long time. But the result is not long in coming. Hyperactive children quickly calm down and fall asleep. The muscle tone of the cervical spine becomes less pronounced.
  • "Respecta Baby" (from 3 years). But children choose this model with pleasure. At this age, the pillow, above all, becomes the subject of the game. They like to play with the “memory”, which long keeps traces of not only the head, but also the palms. They are not afraid of the form, because the design with two rollers is very similar to the usual down pillow.
  • "Baby Comfort" (from 0 to 3 months). Orthopedic pillow design. Contributes to the normalization of muscle tone from one side or another. It is very important for babies in the first months of life to have a physiologically correct position of the body and spine. This can be a position either “on the back” or “on the side”. In the first three months, pediatricians recommend a “lying on their side” position, especially for babies who are prone to frequent regurgitation. For giving of a pillow of such position in a set there are two rollers of the triangular form.For fixing the back is used a large, and under the belly attach small. In the case of torticollis with a small roller, you can also fix the neck in accordance with the recommendations of the orthopedist. Indications for the use of the constructor cushion is fixation of the spine according to the physiological position, prevention of asymmetry of the spine and skull, muscular dystonia. The kit includes a retaining sheet, two oval rollers of the same size, one small roller and one large. Each of them has an individual cover of 100% cotton.

Leaving in the “on the back” position, mothers are very worried that the baby suddenly does not turn around and put its nose in the pillow. Cushions of the designer cushion allow you to put your baby on the back comfortably and safely. With Velcro rollers are securely attached to the simple, thereby creating a barrier.

  • "Clin". Pillow-transformer 2 in 1 for expectant mothers and babies. Usually lying on your side (this is the only position during sleep and rest of expectant mothers) because of the severity of the fetus, you want to lower your stomach on the surface of the bed. And this inevitably forces you to make a turn and trough of the spine.And the stomach already in this position has to hold the entire weight of the body, which also brings discomfort. It is in order not to force the spine to take a forced position and a small cushion of the transformer is provided. The angle of 12 degrees is just the necessary amount so that the future mother’s belly does not pull down, keeping the correct position and eliminating the load on the back muscles. The use of a pillow is necessary primarily to normalize the position of the fetus, as well as to prevent stretch marks and to relieve tension and discomfort in the abdominal wall area.

After the baby is born, the pillow is transformed back, returning it to its original shape. The angle of 12 degrees is just the allowable amount of raising the torso of an infant in the first months of life.

For crumbs pillow latest model will be useful for the following reasons:

  • To reduce the risk of gastroileal reflex, which often manifests itself in regurgitation.
  • Reduces the risk of colic, as a consequence - improving the sleep of the child.
  • To reduce the risk of increasing muscle tone.
  • Reduces the risk of plagiocephaly (skull asymmetry).

Customer opinion

A huge number of buyers in their reviews thanked the doctors, who recommended them to buy an orthopedic pillow from the company Trelax. They note improved sleep, stress relief in the neck after the start of their use. The young mothers are very pleased to discover the possibilities of the designer and transformer models.

But there are dissatisfied with these models. Many people are confused by increased rigidity, but if it was soft, then what kind of orthopedic effect then can we talk. They do not like the long addiction, although not only the manufacturer warns about this, but also the doctors.

Properly organized bed - 50% of tomorrow's success. Good mood, cheerfulness, clarity of mind - all this can give the right pillow.

See the following video for a video review of the Trelax Baby Comfort pillow.

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