Emoticon Pillows

XIX century - the era of new technologies, when it is impossible to imagine your life without a smartphone or laptop. Sometimes there is no time or opportunity to phone with friends and family. Messages come to the rescue.

An integral part of the correspondence became emoticons - text signs denoting emotion. They complement the main text, conveying the sender's mood.

According to research, the brain perceives a smiley as a real smile. The smiley itself, according to one version, appeared in the United States of America as early as 1963. The author is the artist Harvey Ball. But only in 1980 the smiling face was registered as a trademark.

An incredible gift for yourself and friends

Smilies are so tightly embedded in everyday life that you can meet them anywhere: on garments, accessories and even in the decor of an apartment. Decorative pillows are very popular - “emoticons”. Soft accessories can be a bright decoration of any room. And they are in demand not only among teenagers, but also from well-established adults. There are several reasons for the popularity of pillows:

  • excellent thematic complement of the interior;
  • interesting emotional attachment to the main gift. The birthday party will always remember you, looking at a cheerful bright souvenir;
  • a way to get distracted in the middle of a busy day. It will be pleasant to eyes to be switched from the monitor and documents to a smiling small pillow;
  • pillows create a positive attitude. After all, it is impossible to remain indifferent at the sight of such charming soft little faces.

It would be more correct to call such pillows “Emoji” - this is a word of Japanese origin, denoting ready-made pictures that can be used instead of words. A smiley, from the English "smile" - a smile, this is a graphic text set of characters. For example, a colon and a bracket. But the word “emoticon” has become applicable to any visual graphic object denoting emotion.

What are they made of?

Such pillows are made of hypoallergenic materials. They do not absorb odors, they lack a breeding ground for parasites. They are environmentally friendly and last a long time. The fleece covering interferes with formation of a pellet even after washing. For filling, mainly used material sintepukh.A feature of this filler is the spiral structure of the fiber, which provides cushion elasticity. Such pillows are absolutely safe for young children and for people prone to allergies.

How to do it yourself?

The pillow does not have to be a round classic shape. For convenience, there are pillows in the form of a square or curly, with pockets on the sides for the hands, for every taste and color. It turns out that in the literal sense, emotions can be bought, donated and even made yourself.

No wonder they say that the best gift - it is made with your own hands. Creating such a gift, you think about a particular person, give him a piece of your soul. Making the pillow yourself is pretty easy.

To create emoticon pillows at home you will need:

  • colorful sheets of felt or fleece fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer for filling;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • dish or plate;
  • markers or crayons;
  • sewing pins;
  • threads;
  • needle.

Stages of work:

  • Fold the yellow fabric in half. Place in the middle a round dish with the desired diameter of the finished product. Let it be a big plate. Circle it with a marker.
  • Stepping back about 1 cm from the circle, draw another dotted line.This will be a seam allowance area. Fasten both sides of the web with pins and cut along the dotted line.
  • Sew two parts on a sewing machine or manually on the first solid line, leaving a small opening for filling open.
  • Turn the future smiley inside out and start thinking about the design of emotions. Choose your favorite character, draw eyes and mouth on paper. Finish the finished parts to a fabric with a contrasting yellow color and cut it out like a stencil. Glue them on a yellow base.
  • When the eyes and mouth are in place, fill the yellow pocket with a padding polyester. Using glue to close the hole, turning the open parts inward. Round pillow "smiley" is ready!

Volumetric details will help you to make a handmade pillow unique. Use black thick laces to style the lines of the mouth, eyebrows and hair. Eyes can be made more expressive using acrylic fabric paints. Add your piece, let it be a beautiful patch pocket on the side or a seam of the product embroidered with beads.

This method can make a pillow of any geometric shape.

Attract the child to the process. Let him draw his eyes, make a smile, let him use his imagination. Creating a bright pillow-toy will delight the baby.If you like the process and the result, you can try making pillows to order. High-quality handmade is very much in demand.

Variety of choices

Among the commercially available pillows, in addition to various forms, there are many colors. The most popular are classic yellow faces with various smiles and eye shapes. In addition to yellow pads are purple, pink, brown and even colorful. Pillows look beautiful, where the base is a “smiley”, and the edging is bright, like seven-color petals. This is a great alternative to a bouquet that will not fade. So if you want an emotional pillow, but the classic yellow color confuses - you have a choice.

Most Popular Models

A cute brown smiley that looks like a truffle or a tip of chocolate ice cream is very popular among children and adults. But it means completely different. Many manufacturers delicately call it "Kuchkin", protecting the psyche of children from a bad word. Such a pillow will certainly appreciate a person with a good sense of humor:

  • Cunning - the most mysterious of emoticons. Until the end it is not clear what is on his mind.The one to whom it will be presented will be puzzled, with a hint such a souvenir is presented, why such a sly smirk.
  • Draznilkin - blinked eyes and mockingly stuck out to the full length of the language makes to do the same in response.
  • Sweet - as if saying: “Everything will be fine! ". This smile you want to believe and wink at the answer.
  • Tongue - pleased. Cheerful closed eyes and defiantly protruding tongue on one side is a guarantee of good mood.
  • Kiss - A pleasant reminder to the person who is not indifferent to you. Such a pillow will definitely take the most prominent place in the house.
  • Nibbler - a wide smile in his entire mouth, whether from irritation, or from surging emotions. Depending on your mood, such a pillow will carry a certain meaning.
  • Cool - discreet smile and black glasses. This is an indispensable attribute of the most authoritative and self-confident person. Such a souvenir will appeal to any man, regardless of age.
  • Surprised - impressionable people will appreciate big round eyes. Such a pillow can be a good gift in exchange for the incredible news.
  • Suspect - peepholes and a straight line of the mouth, which slid down to the side.Such a miracle will cause affection, and maybe someone will recognize himself in it.
  • Purple devil - for those who have a cute appearance and completely non-angelic character.
  • Sleeping Smiley - for lovers to rest in a horizontal position. These pillows will fit well into the bedroom, making it clear that this room is exclusively for rest.
  • Laughter to tears - one of the most popular emoticons, expressing the maximum joy. Such a pillow in the house will give a sense of celebration. The owner of such a pillow simply must be a cheerful person.
  • Red angry - such a pillow at work during the period of delivery of the report will scare everyone with unnecessary questions. Very convenient and saves nerve cells. And it will be a good addition to the collection, where there are only yellow pillows.
  • Smiley in love - such a pillow speaks for itself. It will certainly invoke fond memories, even if the donor did not dare to utter aloud the cherished three words.

Nice accessory for all ages

Very harmoniously pillows "emoticons" will look in the children's room as a boy and a girl. You can decorate them with a sofa, an armchair, a bed, a rack and even a desk.Pillows look modern. It is not only beautiful, but also practical. You can put a pillow under your head, support your back for reading, use for a fun photo shoot. Depending on the gender of the child, you can choose thematic pillows: for a girl with a smile from ear to ear, with hearts instead of eyes, with tears of laughter. For a boy, it can be a winky smiley, a face in glasses or with a cheeky grin.

A useful thing would be such a pillow in the car. The driver will always have a positive or harsh companion who will smile at passing motorists. For passengers on long journeys will always be where to lay your head for the rest. The child in the car there is something to take the pens and play.

Already no one surprise at the holiday with balloons. And here are some fun emoticon pillows that will add a special thematic variety. Everyone will want to cuddle their favorite toy attractive faces, take a photo with the appropriate emotion. Such entertainment will appeal to both children and adults. There will definitely be a person who wants to have the same original pillows at home.

This cute souvenir will be the way to almost any holiday - whether it be the birth of a child,promotion at work or relocation. This is a win-win option if you have not figured out how to surprise the hero of the occasion. The main thing is to choose an attractive face. Positive emotions are needed by everyone, and to give them to a loved one, an excuse is not at all necessary.

To learn how to crochet a smiley, see the next video.

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Living room