Two-color stretch ceilings: design features and care

 Two-color stretch ceilings: design features and care

Monochrome stretch ceilings with a simple texture are still in fashion, and they will remain popular and in demand for a long time. However, gradually the attention and interest of consumers moved to unusual colors and textures. With the help of new materials you can realize the most amazing and extraordinary design ideas.

Two-color stretch ceilings - truly original, but not pretentious design creation. It is relatively easy to get what you want thanks to a combination of different colors, especially if you know the design features.

Stretch ceiling construction, in which there are two colors, not uncommon today.

It can be single-level or multi-level:

  • Single level ceiling. Multi-colored canvases in this design are interconnected and have the appearance of a single product. Additional materials during installation are not needed, so this option is more affordable finish than a multi-level option.
  • Multi-level ceiling. Each tier of such a hinged system is different in color. To install it, you need auxiliary structures and more time than for the previous version, as a result, and the cost of installing a multi-level ceiling is many times more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern buyers make a choice in favor of this design solution, because it has many advantages.

  • Beautiful appearance. The correct combination and position of several colors - a guarantee of an attractive appearance of the ceiling hinged construction. Combined mounted systems look extravagant in any style of interior.
  • Compatible with different directions of decor. A pair of tones, correctly interconnected, will complement the decoration of the rooms in different stylistic interpretations: chalets, shebi-chic, country, etc.
  • The ability to create a variety of ensemble decor.Connect two colors on a single-level ceiling in many ways.
  • The possibility of optical adjustment of room parameters. Thanks to the two correctly chosen and well-placed shades, you can get the necessary effects (lengthen the wall, expand the space).
  • Affordable price. The ceiling construction of drywall is much more expensive than a two-color coating. When the latter appeared, consumers received an excellent replacement for gypsum suspended ceilings.
  • Ease of installation. If you thoroughly study the product manual, purchase the necessary tools, find an assistant, you can arrange the ceiling with a tension system yourself. Of course, the difficulty can be caused by the soldering of two canvases, since it is impossible to join the two pieces by hand.
  • Practicality. Stretch ceilings are easy to maintain. The seams fixing the two parts are practically invisible, they do not get dust and dirt. Using a damp washcloth or cloth, it is possible to wipe off dirt, even soot can be easily removed (for example, in the kitchen).
  • Ability to install various lighting devices. You can combine both chandeliers and spotlights with PVC canvases.The limit applies only to power, since, for example, incandescent bulbs can heat the film when heated, and therefore cannot be used as an additional light source. Remove the burned defect will be very problematic.
  • Security. Stretch canvas in 1 level or more non-toxic. They can even be mounted in rooms where children live. Subtle chemical smell can be traced during the first day after installation of the canvas, but it will quickly evaporate if the room is well ventilated. If the material is not falsified, then it will not cause allergies.
  • Moisture resistance. If there is a bay from the upper floors or the integrity of the flooring is broken and the film gets wet, you do not need to worry that the ceiling will deteriorate. The tensioning structure will hold water, and the material will return to the primary position. Not for nothing, experts are allowed to clean stretch ceilings with water. Thanks to its resistance to moisture, two-color ceilings can be installed in the hall, in the bedroom, in the kitchen and even in the bathroom.
  • Service period over 15 years.
  • The ability to bookmark over the tension ceiling communications.

Despite a number of positive aspects, there are color designs and disadvantages.

  • Stretch ceilings can be damaged by piercing with a sharp object. Such an unpleasant moment can occur during the rearrangement of furniture.
  • You cannot use single-level and multi-level mounted systems in unheated or poorly heated rooms. The film at low temperatures becomes very fragile, can crack or tear at any time.
  • If the film is installed incorrectly, it may sag, which will negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the whole structure.

Color options

Options for how to arrange the two colors on the ceiling, a large number. We give examples of the most successful and attractive from the point of view of designers.

  • Diagonal. Ideally, the seam should be winding, but if high-tech or minimalism is chosen in the room, a straight line will do.
  • Halves. The easiest way to finish when one part of the ceiling has one color, and the second - the other. Thus, it is possible to divide a room into two areas of different functionalities.
  • One lane in the middle. The connecting line in this case should play the role of a bright accent. The decor is more effective if a similar pattern is present on the walls. The strip on the ceiling, smoothly flowing into a line on the wall, looks very stylish.
  • Many strips. A striped hinged system is a great solution if there are items in the room with a similar pattern. For a more expressive effect, it is recommended to combine contrasting colors.
  • Focus in the center. The middle of the ceiling, decorated in the form of a geometric figure (square, triangle), is a frequent variant of the decor. You can install spotlights behind the central zone or hang a large chandelier in the middle. This design trick effectively complement the living space.
  • Chess board. Cloth with squares looks succinctly and stylishly. You can arrange the ceiling in two bright colors or two restrained shades.
  • Patterns. The most difficult to perform variation, for this reason, the cost of such decor is higher than other samples. If finances do not allow to buy this particular decoration for the ceiling, you can replace it with a film with a ready-made pattern.

Designer Tips

Polyvinyl chloride films from which suspended ceilings are produced come in matte and glossy designs. Both options have their undeniable advantages, therefore, in order to determine which model to choose, It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of experts.

  • If the ceilings are low, it is better to decorate them with a glossy film, it has a mirror effect, due to which the lack of height is visually eliminated. High ceilings, on the contrary, it is worth making out a matte film.

The colors of the hinged construction should be selected according to the tone of the furniture, wall decor and floor covering.

  • The glossy and matte texture blends perfectly together. If you need to make a bright accent, you can use the gloss. It looks harmoniously on a matte base. The hue of the latter should be the basis of all color decor.
  • The color palette of glossy panels is much more than matte. Meanwhile, matte textures are more practical. Divorces on similar ceilings after removing dust and other types of pollution are less noticeable than spots on a glossy finish, even if they are well wiped off.

It is important and correctly to combine colors and shades.

Ignoring this requirement can spoil the design idea.

  • All shades create a beautiful duet with neutral colors. This rule is especially true if the owner of the room does not like too bright elements in the interior.
  • An overly bright tone needs to be “calmed down”, that is, combined with a muffled one. A good example is white with blue.
  • The color of low ceilings should be only light. A great duet - soft pink with purple, sand with beige. Such patterns will visually make the room bigger.
  • Contrast on the ceiling will complement any interior. White with red, blue with yellow - successful models that will decorate any room.
  • Illumination of the room also plays an important role in the design of the space above your head. In poorly lit rooms, designers do not recommend the use of cold colors.

To make the room brighter, you should pay attention to such colors as yellow, orange, lime, sand. Cold colors look great in rooms with large window openings facing the east as well as the south.

Cloths of two colors in the interior

Combined ceilings, mounted on the same level, are used everywhere.Any room thanks to such unusual structures, whether it is a room in a house or a typical city apartment, will be unique and inimitable.

But it is worth remembering that the combination of an extraordinary ceiling with walls and floor covering can visually either increase or reduce the space, so you need to take into account the most common design ideas for rooms of different areas.

  • In the kitchen, a two-color ceiling will help divide the space into an area for eating and cooking. Particularly relevant is the option of finishing for housing, the size of which does not allow to apply other methods of zoning - additional walls and partitions, platforms. In the central part of the ceiling you can hang a small chandelier.

The colors of the combined ceiling should be contrasted with each other, so a rich hue should be selected in accordance with the color palette of the furniture set. These colors are red, purple, green. And they can be supplemented with white, beige, yellow.

  • The bathroom is better decorated with panels installed on two levels.The successful combination is white and red. Dark shades can highlight areas where the furniture is located, and light colors indicate the place where there is a bath and a sink for washing hands, if such is provided.
  • Before installing the ceiling in the bedroom, you need to carefully consider how the furniture will be arranged so that the design is complete. If the wall on which the headboard of the bed rests is covered with bright wallpaper, the same shades should be used on the ceiling film.

The use of different shades allows you to veil the flaws of the layout or, on the contrary, to highlight them, making them more expressive. Choosing colors, you need to focus on the size of the housing and its functional features.

How to install a combined stretch ceiling, see the following video.

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