How to wash stretch ceilings?

Stretch ceiling - this is a specific and rather capricious material used for interior decoration. He has both refinement and practicality.

Despite the beliefs of manufacturers that such ceilings do not require careful maintenance, over time, they, in any case, will have to be washed.

The principles of safe care and cleaning are determined by the type of canvas, but their observance and implementation does not need to possess serious knowledge and skills.

General recommendations and methods of care

Stretch ceilings are made of either PVC film or polyester fabric. These materials have a high level of strength and resistance to external damage. To increase the period of operation of such ceilings, it is necessary to clearly know the rules for caring for them at home and to listen to recommendations for the safe cleaning of these surfaces.

Cleaning of suspended ceilings depends on the degree of pollution and is carried out by two types of cleaning:

  • Dry cleaning It is carried out with the use of a soft cloth, applied on the coating in a circular motion without pressure. It involves the removal of dust accumulated over a short period of time.
  • Wet cleaning involves the implementation of washing and cleaning more complex contaminants with a soft cloth and special detergents that are not capable of damaging the structure of the material. Cleaning the surface when applying solutions is a more thorough and difficult process, since after washing it is necessary to achieve the absence of various kinds of stripes and streaks.

Before carrying out the ceiling cleaning procedure, the following useful recommendations should be taken into account:

  • When processing surfaces, you can only use a soft sponge, a fabric of flannel or suede.
  • You should start cleansing from some distant part of the ceiling in order to practice in controlling your movements contributing to a rag pressing on its surface.Necessary small, but sufficient to eliminate dust or stains, effort.
  • In the presence of high ceilings you need to use a ladder, light and short mop. The preliminary stage is to check the serviceability of the ladder and its height, which should be enough to reach the ceiling surface. When using a mop that has sharp corners, it is recommended to act with extreme caution, as this device can seriously damage the material.
  • A prerequisite, the strict observance of which is necessary before starting work, is the removal of rings, bracelets, watches and other jewelry. They can easily touch the delicate surface and leave a scratch or groove.
  • It is forbidden to scrub dirt from the ceiling with improvised means made of metal or plastic - this will lead to serious damage to the web, the restoration of which structure will no longer be possible.

Stretch ceiling must be cleaned as it is contaminated and carefully take care of it, then it will serve for many years and will please the pristine look.

Choice of funds

Stretch ceiling is made of a rather fragile material, to clean which does not fit every detergent. The use of abrasive cleaners is strictly prohibited.

Soap solution is considered the most proven and safe way to stretch ceilings., prepared by mixing water with liquid soap, having a transparent color, or with soap shavings. To obtain this type of product, it is necessary to rub on the grated half of the soap and dissolve the obtained chips in a bucket that is filled with warm water.

The solution should be infused for half an hour, and then it must be passed through a sieve or gauze cloth. An alternative soap replacement is envisioned - this is a washing gel.

Any washing up liquid is also suitable for washing., based on no abrasive particles or granules. After applying this type of tool, the initial gloss of the surface will help give a dry cloth from the flannel, which wipes the treated area.

From the dust generated during the repair work, the ceilings are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. With this type of cleaning, it is impossible to touch the nozzle with a soft bristle brush to the ceiling covering, otherwise it will contribute to the formation of serious damage on the surface.

Of course, it is better to clean stretch ceilings with products recommended by manufacturers. It is these agents that neutralize odors and can cope with soot and yellow spots formed from nicotine.

Manufacturers are advised to use for each type of surface a special compound containing additional components that avoid the formation of stains and streaks after processing. Before using specialized tools you must familiarize yourself with the terms of use. Exact compliance with the instructions of the substance and the absence of exceeding the specified dosage guarantee a brilliant result.

How to wash?

Before proper cleaning of the stretch ceiling, It is necessary to stock up a certain set of materials:

  • ladder;
  • special sponge;
  • suede or flannel fabric;
  • vacuum cleaner or mop;
  • detergents.

Methods of cleaning the ceiling directly depend on its type and degree of pollution:

  • To remove dust or stains, it is necessary to moisten a rag in water and wash the contaminated area with it. After treatment, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  • Get rid of the impressive layer of dust formed after the repair, will help a vacuum cleaner or mop. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner. Its nozzle with a soft brush should be at a distance of 3 cm from the ceiling surface. Ignoring this rule may result in a ceiling sag or severe damage. When removing dust with a mop, it is recommended to avoid contact of the sharp corners of the device with the surface of the ceiling.

Remove stains by using a cloth and cleaning agent. It is recommended to wipe the ceiling with soft and gentle movements. After the work done, the ceiling must be wiped dry.

  • To make the surface shine, you should soak the sponge with a window cleaner. or 10% solution of liquid ammonia. When working with ammonia, you must take precautions: put on personal protective equipment and ensure good ventilation of the room. After the procedure, the ceiling is carefully wiped with a dry cloth.
  • A rag moistened with previously diluted dishwashing liquid will cope with grease stains. After processing the cloth with a detergent, it is necessary to squeeze it well and walk with a cloth over the ceiling, while making light movements along the contaminated area. Strong pressure is not worth it, otherwise the surface will be damaged.
  • If you want to remove the web from the cornerit is better to get to this place with a cloth than with a vacuum cleaner or mop.

Regardless of the type of ceiling covering, the removal of stains and dirt from the inside of the surface is impossible. The only way to solve this problem is to remove the ceiling.

There are basic rules, compliance with which ensures the safe removal of dirt from the ceiling:

  • movements must be made from one angle to another;
  • when using window cleaning agents, it is recommended to spray it no more than two or three times and to walk on the surface with a rag or sponge, making circular motions;
  • using soft paper and reducing the intensity of spraying will get rid of streaks.

Cleaning of different types of cloths

Correct removal of pollution from the surface of the ceiling is possible when identifying differences between them and taking into account the features of their structures. According to the material of the canvas, two types of such coating are distinguished:

  • PVC;
  • tissue.

Recently satin stretch ceilings, which have all the advantages of PVC ceilings, are very popular, and their appearance resembles an expensive fabric ceiling covering.

To wash the ceiling is possible only when taking into account the characteristics of the material from which it is made.


In order not to harm the impeccable appearance of the glossy ceiling, you must use the right substances and acceptable methods of their use.

The best option to cope with contamination on this type of surface is a means for processing windows. But before you apply it, you need to check its effect in the corner of the ceiling. It is necessary to splash a little solution (one drop) on the selected surface area and wait a few minutes (about 10). If this period of time did not affect the coating: it did not change the shade and did not lose its shape, this means you can process the entire ceiling surface.

The use of universal wipes for cleaning the premises will help to avoid tearing, scratching and other damage to the ceiling covering. They can be purchased at any hardware store.

Saturation and attractiveness of the glossy coating is able to return ammonia. When using it, you must wear personal protective equipment and during the procedure, carry out regular ventilation of the room. Ammonia is applied to a rag, with which the ceiling covering is gradually processed. Each rubbed area should be wiped dry with a clean cloth. There is another way to use liquid ammonia to give a dazzling gloss to a glossy surface - to dissolve the alcohol in water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and wipe the surface with the resulting liquid. Alcohol can be replaced by vodka.

Vacuum cleaner will help to save the glossy ceiling surface from dust. When using it, a distance of 3 cm from the nozzle to the ceiling should be observed.

Before processing a glossy surface with a specialized tool, it is necessary to carefully study the application guide on the substance's packaging. Mandatory compliance with the terms of use and compliance with the specified dosage will provide the desired result.


Opaque ceilings are made of polyurethane.Such a coating is not capable of attracting a lot of dust to itself, and therefore it is rather difficult to stain a matte surface. However, even the most immaculate surface of the ceiling needs compulsory care.

Cleaning of matte ceilings is carried out with the use of water vapor or ordinary rags, which are coated with a special tool that has a degreasing effect. Having made processing, the cleared site dry is wiped with fabric.


Durable fabric cover is much stronger than synthetic. Care for this type of surface is much more difficult. It is necessary to wash such a ceiling extremely carefully.

To clean fabrics made of cloth, you should not use a special cleaning solution for glass, because it contains dyes that are capable of soaking it on contact with the fabric, dyeing in a completely different shade and leaving stains.

You can not clean and wash the fabric cover in a circular motion, as this will lead to smearing of dirt, and not to its cleaning. It is preferable to produce movements in only one direction - this helps to effectively remove dust.

In the presence of severe contamination, you should use a solution of a gel for washing clothes with water. Before using this cleaner it is also recommended to test its effect on a small area of ​​the room.

On the kitchen

The kitchen is a place of rapid pollution of all types of surfaces. This problem is particularly relevant in kitchens without hoods.

The main causes of pollution in the kitchen are smoke, soot, grease stains formed during cooking. The smoke from tobacco, which ensures the subsequent formation of yellow bloom, also refers to one of the causes of the appearance of pollution on kitchen ceilings.

Cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen is not particularly different from a similar process carried out in other rooms.

The main rule is to not use abrasives, and the procedure of ceiling washing is recommended to be carried out with extreme caution.

The ceiling in the kitchen can be washed using a simple and proven method - a cloth soaked in soapy water. She will need to wipe the ceiling, and at the end of the procedure it is necessary to walk on the surface with a dry cloth.

Useful tips

To keep the delicate surface of the stretch ceiling clean and attractive for a long time, the following tips should be taken into account:

  • Ceiling coating is recommended to handle once in 6 months.
  • It must be remembered that frequent cleaning of ceilings is unacceptable, as it leads to deterioration of the coating.
  • Ceiling fabric needs to be constantly treated with an antistatic agent that prevents the accumulation of dust.
  • Quickly clean any surface can only specialized means for washing suspended ceilings.
  • There is one main limitation that should be observed when washing this type of ceiling - it is the prohibition of the use of rigid sponges or brushes that can cause damage to the fabric or its ruptures.
  • Abrasives, laundry detergents, soda, and creams with solids are among the products that are not recommended for cleaning the ceiling.
  • Solutions for washing ceilings should not contain acetone, because it contributes to the deterioration of an attractive appearance. It is recommended that you carefully study the instructions of the substance before purchasing it.
  • When using an improvised tool, it is necessary to test its effect on a small portion of the ceiling, causing a drop of mortar to the surface and after waiting a quarter of an hour. After this action, you can evaluate the result and decide on the use of a particular cleaning method.If deformation has occurred and the shade of the web has changed, it means that the selected agent is not suitable for cleaning this type of surface.
  • To quickly remove dirt and avoid damage to the fabric, it is necessary to apply a warm liquid.
  • Clean the ceiling is capable of foam cleaning solution.
  • Concentrated liquids are not recommended, especially when it comes to the presence of photo printing on the ceiling.
  • It is important to know that effective cleaning agents are based on ammonia and antistatic, which keep the ceiling clean for a long time.
  • When working with ammonia, be sure to wear a respirator, special glasses and rubber gloves.
  • If there are stretch ceilings in the house, it is better to refrain from using highly heated lighting elements, cultivating indoor plants of impressive size and flying poultry, smoking indoors with such ceilings, careless opening of champagne, children's games that could harm the delicate surface.
  • In the bathroom should hang a special curtain, excluding the possibility of the spread of spray on the surface of the ceiling and the formation of stains and stains on it.
  • In the kitchen, be sure to install a powerful hood, which will be located above the stove.
  • When processing a glossy surface, the use of sponges is prohibited, since their use can lead to the formation of small scratches.
  • Washing the ceilings with a matte finish is done with a steam cleaner or a regular rag, on which a soft product is applied.
  • The steam generator will perfectly cope with a scum, fat, oil spots.
  • The residues of glue are washed with glass cleaner or white spirit, and at the end of the cleaning procedure, the treated surface is wiped dry.
  • A stain of soot can be removed with soapy water, which is applied to the ceiling for a third of an hour, and then it is recommended to wipe the surface with a clean, damp sponge. When getting rid of this kind of stains should be made scraping movement.
  • Dust after repair is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • When detecting stubborn stains, it is recommended to consult with the relevant company engaged in the installation of ceilings. The specialist will be able to suggest how you can wash the tension structure with the described type of pollution.
  • In the most difficult situations, a reasonable solution would be to use the services of a cleaning service.

From the video below you can learn a lot of useful information on the care of the stretch ceiling.

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