Subtleties of plaster slopes

Subtleties of plaster slopes

When making repairs in an apartment, it is often necessary to tint windows, and sometimes to putty, and plaster them so that they have the proper look. This work does not take much time and effort, does not require special skills. In the process of replacing windows, especially with metal-plastic, the work becomes much more, because you need to eliminate the empty space from the second frame, level the slope and cover it with plaster as smooth as possible, which requires knowledge and, most importantly, skill.

Special features

Repair and replacement of windows are accompanied by a distortion of the opening and the need to work on it. You can call specialists and they will do everything necessary, but this will require significant financial costs, while the process of plastering slopes can be done by hand.The main thing is to learn how to do it correctly. The slopes on the windows do not play a global role in the interior, but when installing a new window it is much more pleasant to frame it with fresh elements, and not to leave it surrounded by uneven home-made parts of the wall.

Plastering of window slopes is not too laborious process, but it requires knowledge of certain things:

  1. It is important to consider the temperature in the room when the workflow is planned. After all, if it is below five degrees of heat, then the cement and any other solutions will have the wrong consistency and turn into stone much faster.
  2. When buying any dry mixes, it is necessary to dilute them only according to the instructions indicated on the package.
  3. The front of plastering works can be different, in accordance with which it is necessary to correctly knead the solution by quantity. Within half an hour, it will begin to dry out, and it will no longer be possible to use it.

If the irregularities on the side of the window opening are too large, then you need to apply a draft layer of putty. So it will turn out to level the surface as much as possible, and after it dries out with the help of finishing putty, corrective actions will be taken.

The result will be a smooth and neat slope in the room where the work was carried out to replace the window.

When to do?

Good repair involves the replacement of the entire contents of the room, including windows and doors. Modern glass units are very easy to install and serve well. However, there is a new problem associated with the destruction of the dismantling of old windows and doors. To hide the holes and irregularities, they need to plaster their own or hire a team of specialists. If repairs need to be carried out in the shortest possible time and with high quality, then help will not be superfluous. If this is just one window or door, you can completely cope on your own.

After installing plastic windows or the front door, the inner walls experience different degrees of destruction. They must be removed immediately. For exterior window walls, there is often no need to change something, although if desired, they can be evened out and plastered for painting. Inside the room is very noticeable when in the new window there are old slopes made without taking into account the technologies and rules for working with them.

It is believed that the window space has a small role in the interior.Let it not decorate to a great extent the room, but bad work immediately catches the eye and spoils the impression not only of the repair itself, but also of the owners of the room.

To achieve a perfect result and make the room completely harmonious, you need to work out the slopes of windows and doorways, if they were subjected to replacement.

With all its small significance, the window slope still performs a number of important functions, these are:

  • ability to hide mounting elements;
  • additional heat insulation;
  • moisture protection;
  • soundproofing.

As soon as it is planned to replace windows or doors in the room, it is important to think over the work on slopes and openings. This is important, because the process will be completed faster, and the room will get a complete look, without losing its functionality.

Tools and materials

To work effectively on plastering slopes, you need to prepare tools, without which it will be difficult to achieve a good result. Regardless of whether you work with a window or with a door, you need the same tools, namely:

  • Level with a minimum length of 1 meter.
  • The rule on which there will be no damage and distortions on the edges.This is the main tool for leveling the mortar on the surface, so it must be perfectly level.
  • Roulette.
  • Capacity for mixing solution. Its dimensions should be as convenient as possible to connect the necessary components.
  • Spatulas of different sizes. The work will need and narrow, and medium, and wide. They carry out a mix pad, alignment on small sites.
  • Gladilka, with which you can properly distribute the composition and make the surface smooth.
  • Grater, which is selected on the basis of the used plaster.
  • Construction knife so that you can conveniently remove leftovers from the foam.
  • Gun for sealant.
  • A few pencils for marking. Using a marker or marker can cause stains from them on the finished surface.
  • Brushes and roller to prime the surface.

Since the main work will be carried out with the help of plaster, this material must be chosen with all seriousness.

For rooms with high humidity or outdoor work it is necessary to use mixes with cement. For work indoors with slopes the gypsum plaster composition will be the best.

In addition to the basic tools and materials, it is important to have ready and additional:

  • foam in case of too large openings from the old frame;
  • sealant tube to seal the seams on the cut of the foam and the slots on the slopes;
  • primer composition;
  • corners or strips that serve as lighthouses.

The use of dry mixes is justified, because it is possible to independently do the kneading of the required amount and thickness. To use plaster putty, it is important to install a profile that can be either metal or plastic, but it is better to choose the first option.

If there is no experience of plastering, it is better to use the grid, which will speed up the application of the mixture and help to level it more qualitatively.

Priocon block can be decorated in different ways:

  • smooth slopes that form square windows;
  • angular structures that help, if necessary, visually expand the space.

If the work is done on the doorway, then you can not just level the surface of the wall, but also prepare it for future decoration. Depending on the style of the room, you can install pillars at the door, which will look like antique columns.This is typical of the classic style. You can find the original ludka and trim, which will emphasize the interior space.

Starting repair of slopes and openings, it is important to prepare the room itself. Everything around should be covered with something or protected from dust and dirt, which will certainly arise in the process.

Before starting any repairs, it is important to examine all the characteristics of the materials that will be used in the work. This step will help to prevent serious mistakes and accelerate the pace of work.

Application process

Before you begin, you need to prepare the window itself for repair. It is necessary to cover the window sill, and close the window with film and paste over with masking tape. Finishing the slope with your own hands will not be so difficult if you adhere to all the rules and regulations in this type of work.

  • The first thing you need to do is remove the remaining foam, after which you can attach the slats. The bar fits any, but it is important that it has a suitable length, not too large width, and is durable.
  • Reiki are attached to the window opening with a solution of plaster and plaster. Outside, they are treated with a primer and kept until completely dry. After this begins the process of plaster.
  • The surface on which the material will be applied must also be primed. This will provide better traction with the new material.
  • If the window opening is made not of brick, but, for example, of cement, then it is necessary to install a special mesh or prime the surface.
  • The next step will be to check the flatness of the slopes and identify the most uneven places to first fill them with a solution. Application can be done using two technologies: smear the mixture or sprinkle. The second layer is applied using a float, not a spatula.
  • It is very important to properly level the surface, because the final result will depend on it. An additional measure may be the plastering of the angle connecting the slope and the wall.
  • The treated surfaces are overwritten and finally aligned until the result is perfect. If there is no experience in such matters, then you can ask your friends or hired craftsmen to show a master class on how exactly you need to make slopes and doorways after dismantling old structures.
  • The window surface to be plastered should be completely ready for work, care should be taken to clean the top layer of dust and dirt left over from the dismantling works.When preparing the mixture it is important not to do it too much, because the plaster dries quickly, after which it is no longer possible to use it. To determine the optimal amount of solution, the deepest part of the slope is measured, from which the initial calculation is made.
  • It is most convenient to apply the mixture on the wall with a spatula of medium size, and as a rule it is very convenient to make an even angle. To level the surface it is convenient to take a large spatula, which will be slightly larger than the width of the slope.
  • To remove an unnecessary amount of mortar, the spatula is installed at a right angle and held from bottom to top, like any other movement on the window opening. Everything superfluous that was formed on a large spatula is conveniently removed by an average one.
  • The resulting slopes do not need to dub to perfect condition, because the next stage of work will be the use of graters. She aligns everything to the required state.
  • When applying layer upon layer of plaster, it is important to wait for time to dry. If there are only two of them, then half an hour will be enough. If there are more layers, for example, four, then they can dry up to 24 hours. It is thanks to the application of each new layer of plaster and it is possible to level the surface of the slope, which is checked each time by level.
  • The plastered slopes at the end of all these works can be simply left with putty put on them.

If the subsequent painting is planned, then they should be additionally primed. This option is more reliable and will help easy coloring, as it will improve the color cohesion with the surface of the slopes.


In order to plaster the window slopes and doorways correctly, you need to follow all the recommendations:

  • Special attention should be paid to plastic windows.which at different temperatures can change their value. In the heat frame may expand to some distance, which will adversely affect the slopes and contribute to the appearance of cracks. To avoid this, it is necessary to make an additional recess.
  • When the mortar has already been applied to the slope and everything is ready for completion, not far from the frame itself is to make a small notch, no more than half a centimeter depth. It is filled with silicone sealant. While the frame sizes fluctuate, the slope will not be subject to change, and this is all due to the well thought-out protection.
  • If we talk about the convenience of working on a window slope or a doorway, then it is advisable to think over the deviceon which to stand during the process. Equipment such as goats will be the most appropriate. You can choose the optimal width, and there is no need to move it in different directions.
  • Works with doorways are similar in principle, but there may be differences. Especially in the case of erection of arched structures. In this embodiment, it is best to use drywall. You can try to do everything yourself, using the available tools and materials.
  • To align the opening you need to set the bar over the entire height of the door, and level it with a rule using it.
  • If you plan to install the door, the arch will not be the most profitable solution, because finding such doors is problematic, and making it to order is expensive. Interior passages and specially erected structures can also be in the form of an arch, and have any other intricate design, the work on which will not differ fundamentally. This means that align the walls, make the opening neat is no longer difficult. It is very convenient to install the doors in a well-designed opening.They will sit tight and serve for a long time, and high-quality windows will please the eye for many years without causing any problems if they are correctly mounted and finished.

How to plaster the slopes on the windows with their own hands, see the following video.

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Living room