Choosing a sealant for windows

Any window system requires the treatment of seams and joints with a special window sealant. This niche of goods in the domestic market is filled to the limit with offers from Russian and foreign manufacturers. Making the right choice is difficult, but possible.

Special features

Window sealant is a mixture that looks like a paste. It is plastic, contains in its composition various components. An important feature of such compositions is their ability to harden after application to the surface. Thus, the formation of a special layer, which is moisture-resistant and airtight. With the help of window sealants, structures can be protected from temperature fluctuations, exposure to weather and atmospheric phenomena. Also, such mixtures are responsible for the attractiveness of structures.

Criterias of choice

You can not buy the first available material for sealing window systems,that you liked the label, price or laudatory speeches of the seller - it will be a blunder that will not allow to achieve the desired result.

Before going to the store you need to answer yourself a number of questions:

  • where the work will be carried out: indoors or from the street;
  • what material the work surfaces are made of;
  • what loads and impacts will the treated areas resist?
  • Will the sealant be coated on top with paint.

When the answers are prepared, the selection of the composition will be greatly facilitated.

Let us consider the criteria that should be considered in the first place.

  1. Performance characteristics are the most important criterion that should be taken into account when making a choice. It is better to overpay for a qualitative composition than to engage in its replacement after a short time.
  2. The color of the composition is selected in accordance with the colors of the window design. Many manufacturers offer a wide palette of colors, so there is no problem with the selection of colors. If, however, it was not possible to find the desired shade of sealant, then universal transparent material will come to the rescue.
  3. The time of year that has been determined for the performance of work also affects the selection. For the autumn and winter period it is necessary to use materials based on thiocol and polyurethane. At high temperature extremes, butyl compounds are recommended.
  4. For the price, if you want to save without sacrificing quality, you need to choose acrylic materials.
  5. The presence of aseptic additives prevents the development of harmful organisms (mold, fungus). Sealants with these additives are predominant.

It remains only to create the image of an ideal sealant:

  • the consistency is flexible and elastic, so that the composition can easily penetrate into the smallest crevices;
  • high adhesion with respect to the materials to which the sealant will be applied;
  • high resistance to mechanical influences, climatic conditions characteristic of the region of residence, and sunlight, which is a powerful source of destructive ultraviolet radiation;
  • the ability to stay on a vertical plane, and not to drain from it;
  • chemical neutrality regarding materials that will abut or in any way contact with the sealant.


Window sealant can be made of various materials, which determines its properties, features and the area in which it can be used. The composition of hermetic compositions are divided into several varieties.

  • Silicone - the most affordable of all options. White material is most often chosen, although some manufacturers offer a wide range of colors. This material is used for thermal insulation of structures and filling gaps. Silicone sealant should be applied on a well-cleaned surface, otherwise the adhesive characteristics will be very low. Also wet surfaces are not suitable. Silicone mix well fills small cracks and shrinks a little on drying.
  • Acrylic may be applied to places treated with foam. It is a good and affordable material that fits perfectly with many types of surfaces, even wet ones. Most often, white varieties of sealant can be found, although transparent materials are also produced. Acrylic sealant can be used as a putty for crevices and cracks that may appear after installing the window.It is a vapor-permeable material, it is able to absorb moisture and darken from that.
  • Polymeric The composition is often called liquid plastic. Such sealants have a short curing time, demonstrate excellent adhesion properties. Such advantages are somewhat fading in the face of high cost and ability to break under the action of loads. It is not always advisable to take a polymer to seal windows.
  • Butyl It is based on polyisobutylene, suitable for interior use. The filler is chalk, the amount of which forms the strength characteristics of the composition. Its amount should not exceed half of the total composition, otherwise the sealant will crumble and dry. Also in the composition of the material is paraffin and oil substances, which are responsible for high adhesive characteristics. This vapor barrier composition, which is an important advantage.
  • Polyurethane material on the market exists for a long time, is popular, is a good option for sealing joints and filling cracks. The mass after hardening increases in volume, which ensures good sealing.With the help of this mounting means it is possible to significantly increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the structure. The user is not afraid of even the high cost, since it is fully justified by excellent performance and durability.
  • Thiokol The composition has polysulfide components in its structure. To freeze it, you do not need to create special conditions and follow certain rules. With such material you can work in any weather and at any time of the year. Performance characteristics are also maintained regardless of external conditions. This material is great for exterior work.
  • Polysulfide the material is superior to its competitors in fluidity, density and viscosity. It fills everything, even very small cracks. The composition is two-component, which causes different drying times, in some cases, this process may take even several days. This sealant is not afraid of high temperature and ultraviolet, it is frost-resistant and durable. It is advisable to use it for low tides and for sealing glass. The only drawback is the high cost, which is fully justified by operational characteristics.
  • Suberic The composition is an absolute novelty, which, despite the short period of existence, managed to win the favor of users. The main part of the composition is given cork crumb. Such compositions are used in many areas, maintenance of window structures is no exception. The features and characteristics of cork sealants are so high that many other materials are relegated to second place.

Scope of application

The area of ​​use is largely determined by the type of composition.

Acetate materials or acidic (relative to the scope of) require the following subtleties:

  • Do not apply on metal and stone, as surface damage may occur;
  • poor adhesion to a plaster and concrete wall is also noted;
  • It is not recommended to use such compositions for the processing of plastic frames, since the adhesive properties in this case also leave much to be desired;
  • sealing glass can be performed successfully, because in this case, the adhesive properties are at a high level.

Neutral silicone compounds are recommended for the following tasks:

  • can be used for the treatment of window sills and blocks made of materials that are sensitive to acids (such materials are limestone and marble);
  • silicone-based sealants can be used for metal openings, as they do not provoke the development of corrosion;
  • such compositions exhibit good adhesion properties with respect to plastic outer boxes and non-porous (glazed) materials, which often appear between the facade and the window construction;
  • Silicone materials are good for sealing and warming seams outside;
  • for interior work, they are better than acetate materials, since they do not emit an unpleasant and persistent odor when cured.

Sealants have a huge scope.

Many formulations are universal and can be used without restrictions for the implementation of the following tasks:

  • protection of joints in PVC structures and window openings from the negative impact of atmospheric phenomena;
  • fixing window frames and glasses;
  • insulation of openings for the winter, which must be performed periodically before the heating season;
  • fixation of window sills;
  • filling cracks and processing seams of external and internal type, which are formed between the walls and windows during installation or re-sealing of aluminum, wooden or plastic boxes;
  • execution of work on the treatment of seams in structures made of concrete or reinforced concrete, subject to the presence of deformation not exceeding 25%;
  • glazing and sealing balconies;
  • installation and insulation of ventilated warehouses.


  • Stiz A well suited for working with wooden structures, but there are no contraindications to plastic. The working temperature of the acrylic composition starts at -20 degrees.
  • "Moment" - a well-known trademark in the market of building materials, in particular compositions for sealing window designs. The manufacturer produces sealants in an extensive color palette, which facilitates the choice for the user. Formulations with different bases, characteristics and performance parameters are offered by the manufacturer. The price is at an average level with excellent product quality. This trademark is respected by professionals, so you can safely give your choice to mixtures "Moment".
  • Tytan professional - a trademark, by which it is impossible to pass. Under this brand a large line of mixes is produced, which allow to solve various tasks in the field of repair and construction. The manufacturer offers excellent universal sealants and mixtures with a narrow specialization. It seems amazing affordable price with such premium quality.
  • Krass trademark It belongs to the LAKRA group, which includes a number of large Russian companies. Production facilities are located in different countries: Switzerland, Finland and Estonia. Compositions for sealing Krass window constructions from domestic and foreign users are respected, therefore they are worthy competitors to many manufacturers. The product catalog contains a large number of compositions with different bases, excellent characteristics and different areas of use.
  • Bauset company specializes in the production of many products for the maintenance of window designs. This number also includes hermetic compositions. The catalog contains many universal mixtures that have a wide range of uses.Among the advantages are affordable cost, excellent quality and durability while maintaining the declared performance characteristics.
  • Isocork and Bostik - these are the trademarks under which high-quality cork sealant is produced. Experimenting with other manufacturers is not worth it, because not all of them have achieved excellence in the production of this composition.

On the properties of another sealant, Sikaflex AT, you will learn by watching the following video.

Useful tips

And finally, I would like to give some practical advice, that will help make the right choice and not regret it.

  • Efficiency and reliability are important parameters that need attention first of all. Suppose you have to overpay for them, but you can not save on this.
  • The composition of the mixture and recommendations that the manufacturer provides - information that must be carefully and carefully studied.
  • When working with a sealant, it is important to follow the instructions for use and not to deviate from it.
  • The conditions that are necessary for the solidification of the composition, must be met necessarily. Otherwise, the composition will harden badly and will not fully gather its operational characteristics.
        • When you do not know what to choose, stop on silicone sealant.In many ways, it is better than its competitors, at the optimal level is the combination of price and performance characteristics. Similar properties possesses polyurethane material.
        • If in the process of sealing you want to achieve a high noise insulation effect, it is better to choose silicone compounds.
        • The choice of a well-known manufacturer, which consumers respond well to, is the right decision. Do not be afraid to overpay for a trademark, brand or advertisement. But you get a quality product that will cope with the tasks assigned to it.
        • Shelf life of sealant. This parameter is rarely paid attention to. And in vain, because such materials, like many building compounds, have a limited shelf life. At its expiration, the sealant loses its properties, becomes unreliable and can spoil all the work done.
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