Tile: features of choice and design

The tile is used for finishing practically in each house. But her choice is so large that sometimes buyers have difficulties. Therefore, before buying it is important to explore all the options for finishing tiles and choose a good coverage for the repair.

Special features

The tile is one of the most popular floor coverings today. But the wall tile is considered very relevant, it is often used for finishing wet areas, because it is not afraid of moisture. The interior is used and ceiling tiles. That is why it is considered that the range of application of the tile is as wide as possible.

An important feature of the tile is that often after its purchase, buyers prefer self-finishing of the room than the professional work of the craftsmen. This is due to the ease of installation of this coating.The tile can be made of different materials, besides manufacturers present a huge selection of models. Everyone will be able to find tiles for every taste and wallet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tile, like any finishing material, has several advantages and disadvantages.

So, the following applies to pluses:

  • The coating in the form of tiles of any type is quite high quality and sustainable. He is not afraid of external influences, including mechanical.
  • The tile has a special density, so even a strong blow to her uneasy. Quality tiles don't even hurt other things when they fall.
  • Another big plus is the durability of the tile. This coating can serve for decades, and at the same time it does not change its external and qualitative characteristics.
  • The tile does not fade, its drawing does not fade.
  • Such a coating does not collapse, there are practically no cracks on it. Moreover, even with frequent exposure to detergents and some abrasive compounds, the coating is not erased.
  • The tile is the most moisture resistant material. It perfectly tolerates the effects of high humidity and water in its pure form.That is why it is so often used for finishing bathrooms.
  • The tile has a low level of water absorption. In some models, for example, in porcelain, the percentage of water absorption is almost zero. Thus, the coating is not deformed and does not deteriorate from direct exposure to moisture.
  • Big plus tiles - its environmental friendliness. It consists of only natural ingredients. It does not emit harmful and toxic substances. This coating is completely safe for human health.
  • The undoubted advantage of the tile is its versatility. This material is suitable for all types of finishes, both for decorative and for facing of the floor, walls, for accent finishing. It is used in different rooms, regardless of their stylistic design and purpose.
  • The coating is durable. This means that the floor or walls of the tiles practically do not abrade. This is due to the fact that many models are divided into classes for wear resistance from first to fifth. Models of the fifth class are the most resistant and reliable. They are mainly used for finishing the floor. High-end products carry the largest mechanical and weight loads.
  • The big plus is also the fact that a wide range of tile models is now presented.Manufacturers offer a variety of color, size and shape of the coating. You can find even interesting figured products. With their help, you can create an original and unique design.
  • Another plus is frost resistance. Many types of tiles possess this quality. They are suitable for interior decoration of unheated rooms and for exterior cladding. Such coatings can tolerate repeated lowering and higher temperatures.
  • Almost all tile models are resistant to chemical attack. That is why it is easy to care for tiles, it takes very little time. So, from its surface you can easily wipe off dirt and any stains, using even chemicals. She doesn’t salt, acids and many chemical elements that make up detergents.
  • The tile is fireproof material: it is fireproof, therefore it is completely not subject to burning.
  • The next plus is good thermal conductivity. Many tile models are ideal for installing underfloor heating. That is why such tiles are placed in residential premises.
  • The tile conducts electricity well and is a natural antistatic.Because of this, many models, especially tile and stoneware, are completely safe. Such a floor will never hit by a discharge of static electricity.
  • The next plus is hygiene. This coating does not spread fungus, mold, it does not eats dirt.
  • The great advantage of tile, unlike many other coatings, is the ease of reconstruction. It is easy to replace one element with another in the event of a breakdown, which is impossible in some cases with other coatings. So you can at times save on the dismantling of the entire floor.

    But even with such a large number of advantages, the ceramic coating has some disadvantages:

    • Any tile is a cold material. That is why it is not so pleasant to walk barefoot. But to correct this deficiency it is used in combination with warm floors.
    • Because of its hardness, the tile is very traumatic. If suddenly a small child runs and falls, he can hit hard and even break his knee. That is why in the nursery such material is not accepted to be used for finishing the floor.
    • Some tile patterns make installation difficult.Not everyone will be able to cut tiles evenly and accurately, even using special tools and tools. Breakage, cracking and damage are possible.
    • As a rule, when laying using different schemes, they require a large amount of material. At the same time such laying obliges to carry out trimming, which takes a lot of time.
    • Many models of tiles, especially quality ones, are quite expensive, which is a big disadvantage for many buyers. Not everyone can afford a stone tile or models of porcelain, as well as clinker.

    What is it for?

    The tile is a universal material which differs in extensive scope of application. There are coatings for both interior and exterior walls. With its help, facades of buildings and industrial buildings, floors and walls in houses are revetted.

    The interior of the house tiles trim the floors in many rooms, walls in the bathroom, hallway, in the kitchen and in the living room. She is often faced with a kitchen apron, because it is here that the walls are exposed to high temperatures, steam and high humidity.

    In the bathroom, tiles are even decorated with showers.In addition, using the tile, you can beautifully arrange the pool, sauna or even a bath.

    Some fire resistant tiles are ideal for fireplace lining. Especially it concerns clinker or porcelain tile under a stone or a brick.

    Tiled lay out the window and door openings. The interior is now particularly popular decoration of arches tiles under natural stone.

    This material is even used for finishing the working area of ​​the kitchen: tiles are trimmed with tables on which hostesses prepare and cut. You can put a hot pan or frying pan on it and the material will not deteriorate at all. That is why such coverage is in great demand.

    Tile trim and stairs, steps on the street, the paths in the landscape design. Models that are particularly durable and resistant to elevated temperatures are also used for facing furnaces in the bath or finishing the sauna.

    Separately, it should be noted ceiling tiles. These are usually foam models that are fairly light and easy to install. With their help, trim the ceilings in residential areas.


    Tile taken divided into types depending on its purpose.The material is so versatile that many models can be used simultaneously for finishing both walls and floors, for facing outdoor rooms, for interior decoration, for damp rooms and stairs, garages and many other areas. But still you can select several types of tiles, which differ in their purpose and characteristics.

    Wall mounted

    This type of tile is used to decorate walls mainly in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the hall or in the hallway. It is rarely used in other rooms, but still such coatings are in great demand.

    Wall tile has a narrow range of purpose: it can not be laid on the floor. In addition, such coatings are most often used only for interior decoration.

    Modern models of wall tiles can imitate almost any texture. They differ in a variety of colors and design. You can even find soft tiles, as well as models for walls with decoration under the skin, metal, fabric, wood, plywood. Any wall tile is marked on the package in the form of a palm.

    Some wall models have a number of useful features.Thus, manufacturers separately present moisture-resistant models for the bathroom and hallway, as well as frost-resistant models for installation in unheated rooms.

    Frost-resistant wall tiles are marked in the form of snowflakes on the package.

    The specific type of wall tiles must be selected depending on the characteristics of the room where you are going to lay it.


    This type of tile is the most durable and reliable, since it is on the floor in the premises that most of the loads are. These models have a high level of wear resistance, they are durable and reliable. Moreover, such coatings usually have a greater thickness and weight compared with wall models.

    Floor covering is the most versatile. The range of application is unlimited: you can trim the walls with floor tiles or use it for decorative purposes.

    In addition, due to the wide variety of elements and materials that make up this coating, it can be used in almost any room, including residential and non-residential, heated and unheated.

    It is popular to finish the floor tiles of kitchens, hallways, bathrooms, pools.Decorative models of floor tiles for wood or natural stone are also used for lining the living room and other rooms.

    Floor tiles are marked on the packaging in the form of feet. It withstands mechanical stress and high loads.


    This tile is designed for decoration of houses and other buildings outside. It is used for facing works. Facade models are great for home decoration, and it can only be products with a special composition that is able to withstand external influences, including temperature changes, direct sunlight, frost, high humidity.

    Facade tiles can be of any texture and color, and can also imitate other materials, including stone, wood, brickwork.

    It is used both for complete decoration and for the restoration of buildings and structures.


    Such models have the simplest composition and design. In their manufacture using cement, filler and water. It does not require special care and is quite easy to install. The paving slabs are laid on paths, it is an excellent option for landscape design.Such models withstand high temperatures.

      The paving slabs are capable to transfer more than hundred cycles of a full freezing / defrosting.


      Such models are intended only for interior decoration of residential premises. And usually they are not used as the main cladding material, but as an accent. Typically, decorative tiles are made of plaster and can mimic many textures. It also differs in a variety of shades: orange, blue, aqua and other bright solutions are presented.

      You can find interesting models of brick, decorative plaster and natural stone. It is used not only in residential premises, but also in offices, restaurants, hotels.

      The decorative tile has some restrictions concerning the laying process: it is suitable only for dry heated premises with a low humidity level.


      This is the most common type of tile, which is used for cladding walls and facades. This is a large group of tiles, which includes its most popular variety - ceramics. She trim the walls in apartments and houses, floors, facades.

      Any facing tile is rather steady and durable. In addition, many models are frost resistant.

      This is the most practical and common option, which may have a different composition.


      Ceramic tile is currently the most popular variety of this finishing material and is in great demand. Such models are suitable for installation in virtually any room. Basically, this tile is used for interior decoration.

      Ceramic tiles, in turn, is divided into several types:


      This coating is made from a powder mixture. In the manufacturing process, the powder is pressed under high pressure, so that it becomes dense and due to this it coalesces into a total mass. Usually this powder is a clay mixture. It also includes color pigments that give it color. After pressing, this type of tile is fired.

      Models of ceramic tiles are divided into types depending on the number of firing cycles. A single-fired tile passes through only one cycle of exposure to high temperatures after pressing.But the products of double firing are first fired after pressing, and then after applying the glaze. As a rule, such models have more pores, therefore they are characterized by a higher level of water absorption.


      Such compositions are covered with a special layer - glaze. It is a vitreous mixture that freezes when exposed to high temperatures. It creates a glossy shine on the surface of the tile and makes this material more vivid, emphasizing its color. With the help of glaze, you can also put an interesting picture. Thanks to the glazing procedure, it becomes more solid, its pores close, so it acquires the quality of water resistance.


      In this case, the mixture is made not of dry, but of wet mass by molding with an extruder. This way you can get more interesting models of different moldings. As a rule, extruded tiles are made ready-made parts for decoration, such as steps, corner tiles, plinths and some other auxiliary elements.


      The cotto tile is made of clay and has a porous base.The material is created by the raw method by molding, then the composition is dried and fired. As a rule, such a tile has a simpler design and such colors as red, brown, yellowish, brick and others are peculiar to it.

      As a rule, the surface of a cotto tile is left unprocessed and rough. It is often used for finishing floors, as well as facades of buildings and structures.

      Porcelain stoneware

      It is created from a mixture of white clay, quartz and some other components, including minerals. It is the hardest and densest. This is a versatile material that is suitable for both exterior and interior decoration. Such tile passes high-temperature roasting and is characterized by a low level of water absorption.

      Porcelain tiles can serve up to a hundred years.

      It also includes a special dye. Moreover, staining is usually carried out throughout the texture. Thus, even with the appearance of a large chip, it will be invisible, since the color in the structure of the tile will be similar. Porcelain tile can also imitate any textures and materials, including granite, marble and wood.


      A separate type of tile, which consists of inhomogeneous clay and dyes. It burns at a temperature of 1200 degrees and is quite solid. The pores are blocked by fire, so the material becomes dense.

      Most often, clinker is used for exterior decoration, as well as for laying on the floor. Its distinguishing feature is the external similarity with the brick.

      As a rule, these are rectangular models that are designed for brick laying. It also makes steps, facades of buildings, paths.

      Indoors, it can also be used on walls for a basic or accent finish.

      Ceiling mounted

        The tile is designed to finish the ceiling. It is made of foam plastic, PVC, plastic, polystyrene foam. This tile is also safe and environmentally friendly, it is easy to mount with your own hands.

        It is light and not too dense, therefore it is suitable only for finishing ceilings. Using it on other surfaces is unacceptable. The material has a low cost, which determines its popularity.


        New collections of tiles, which are represented by modern manufacturers, are distinguished by a wide variety of textures, colors and shapes.You can choose models with almost any design that perfectly complements any interior decoration. There are the following common types of design.

        Under the brickwork

        This design of the coating has been used for a long time, and even this season is relevant. It differs in that the products have a rectangular shape and, as a rule, small size. They are stacked with a half-tile shift, completely imitating brickwork. And it can be not only brick-colored models, but also any multi-colored coatings.

        Their texture can also be different: you can find both matte and glossy products with glaze. The size of the masonry can also be different. The interior of a small room will look great with small masonry of ceramic tiles, but in large spacious rooms, for example, in living rooms, a massive masonry will fit better.

        Coverage with this design is perfect for both the interior in the style of Provence, and for more modern design options, such as loft or minimalism. The brickwork is usually finished with one or two adjacent walls. This is a great solution for accent finishing.

        Under the tree

        Models with this design have a luxurious appearance. They are capable of repeating wood textures not only in color and natural wood patterns, but also in their texture. And you can meet the cover under the transverse or longitudinal cutting of wood.

        This tile is perfect for those who are supporters of natural interior design.

        In another such models are called wooden ceramics. As a rule, every self-respecting tile manufacturer represents a tree line. Moreover, one can come across both small piece elements of a tile for parquet, as well as larger and more massive elements imitating a plank floor, a floorboard or a laminate.

        Tiles with wood design can be finished both on the floor and on the walls, combining it with a natural counterpart. It is great for finishing kitchen apron and countertops in the work area. The coating is ideal for finishing the floor in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

        Models with the design of wood combine all the advantages of tiles, which include durability, resistance, durability and the external characteristics of the tree.

        Such floor and wall coverings will look solid and can be a highlight of any interior.Besides in combination with warm floors, this coating will be almost indistinguishable from natural woodtherefore, it is often used for flooring in residential areas.


        Collections with this design are covered with a printed photographic pattern. With their help, the walls or the floor can be interesting to diversify with beautiful photographic patterns, making them even whole art objects. She is often laid in the kitchen in the apron area, using models with the image of confectionery, coffee beans, food, flowers and other objects.

        And the image is not just applied to the surface of the tile, but penetrates deep into the texture of the tile under the influence of high temperatures and specialized paints. Photo or drawing remains bright and stable for a long time.

        By means of a phototile it is possible to make the whole panels or interesting pictures. They can replace works of art and photographs in frames on the walls and are usually used for accent interior decoration.

        Under the stone

        Such models look the most natural. Usually products with the design of stone used for interior walls or floors in the premises of the economicdestination.

        This is an indispensable option for the kitchen, bathroom, as well as for accent wall decoration. in the living room or in the hall. Stone tile looks the most natural and elegant. Models of marble, onyx, travertine, granite and other rocks are especially popular.

        Stone coverings are perfectly combined with wooden elements of furniture, with forged fittings and metal.

        This tile is almost indistinguishable from the original analogue.. It is perfect for interior decoration in the style of country, loft, Provence, and some classic interiors, if we are talking about a fragmentary finish.

        Especially popular vintage tiles under the stone with an artificially aged surface and texture. As a rule, the design of such products is distinguished by jagged edges, abrasions and chips. This coating looks very interesting and elegant.


        This tile design is one of the brightest and most stylish. Usually, the walls in the kitchen in the apron area, the walls in the bathroom and in the corridor are trimmed in this way, but it is not customary to fully veneer all surfaces in this style, since this coating is too bright and variegated.

        Patchwork is the use of patchwork technology for wall decoration. Each tile has its own pattern and color.

        In general, they have a common theme, but they look very bright and a bit scattered. And for this finish choose a variety of colors.

        For this design, manufacturers typically use a tile of 10 by 10 or 15 by 15 cm. Such shreds can have both geometric and ethnic or floral ornaments. The covering is ideally suited as for walls, so for floors.

        If you tile the floor with a patchwork design, the floor will create a feeling of carpet on the floor.. In this case, the ideal cover with a design in the form of oriental motifs.


        This coating has the simplest design and is solid. But with the help of monocolor models you can make a bright unusual design. They are combined in different ways, choosing color elements to create a bright and juicy design or choosing black and white elements and laying them out in a checkerboard pattern.

        Any design with a tile monocolor will look very stylish and elegant. In some cases, preference is given to models whose design is similar.

        Using the tile monocolor, you can create an interesting gradient on the walls, if you find and match the matching color models.

        With floral print

        As a rule, such coatings have interesting patterns in the form of flowers, branches of trees, leaves, lianas. Some of these models are able to imitate fabrics, creating interesting color transitions.

        Floral pattern is often used for accent wall decoration. Moreover, the patterns can be embossed and very realistic.

        Under the metal

        Models with metal-like design in the interior look quite unusual. They are great for modern interiors such as high-tech, minimalism or loft. Thanks to the steel shine the room becomes brighter and more stylish.

        Since the metal itself is an impractical material, the tile with a metallized surface will clearly surpass it. This coating will not require special care, but it will look stylish.

        Models with imitation metal can make a futuristic touch to the interior of the room.

        Under gold

        This tile can be both large and small in the form of a mosaic. These coatings completely imitate gold, retaining its yellowish tint and exquisite glow.This coating looks quite expensive because it has an elegant gilded surface. As a rule, it is purchased only for accent finishing..

        Tile under gold looks perfect bathroom near the mirror in the form of a frame, as well as in the area of ​​the kitchen apron. You can combine chrome and gold surfaces, creating the most interesting patterns and play.

        Under the fabric

        In the modern interior is no less popular models with the design for textiles. The design can be a standard fabric with a print, such as a cell or a strip. In addition, modern production technologies can transfer the texture of the fabric so that ceramics will be almost indistinguishable from the canvas.

        It can imitate the texture of single, matting, tapestry and other types of fabrics. This design solution looks stylish and elegant. This coating adds comfort to the room.

        With a bright print

        Some models of tiles have a bright color design. They can have a design with patterns in the form of a geometric print, contrasting ornaments and other simple patterns.

        Usually, this tile is used for accent finishing in the interior of the kitchen, bathroom or children's room.But for such models, designers recommend making a bright glossy background or the most neutral design of the walls. This coating will not look too bright and tasteless.


        Such a tile can be a whole picture. It can be products with images of poppies, tulips, fruits, and also with geometric patterns. The panel is used for accent finishing. They are able to replace paintings and other decorative elements. Many models have a design with a volume texture and pattern.


          This tile is the most interesting and bright. As a rule, to decorate a wall or a floor with a mosaic, they acquire small elements of a tile of various shades and combine them. So you can create interesting patterns or lay out chaotic combinations.


            These models are very stylish, but unusual. The difference of these design elements of the tile is that they are completely transparent products, under the glass of which there are real flowers, leaves, branches, stones, ears and other natural elements. With their help, you can lay out whole compositions or apply them to accent finish. It is better to use such inserts in order to diversify the surface of the walls in combination with the background tile coating.

              Particularly interesting is the finish looks in combination with additional lighting.

              With painting

              Handmade design models are now very popular. Although they have a fairly high cost, but they look pretty advantageous.

              This coating requires a clear match patterns and correct calculations. Moreover, the peculiarity of such decor is that you can buy ready-made painted patterns and just put them in correctly, or you can put in a monochromatic coating, and then paint such tiles with special paints. This design is now particularly relevant, because it will look original and unique.


                Models with embossed design can have any design, but their distinguishing feature is that their texture is heterogeneous and has some bumps.

                This tile looks great on both matte and glossy surfaces. And the design of the tile can be almost anything: from figured with strict lines to delicate floral.


                Ceramics and porcelain tiles from Italian are in great demand. Naxos factories. These are both wall and floor decorative elements, including mosaic.

                Popular is Polish tile Cerrol. Basically, it is a model for finishing the bathroom.

                Italian is equally famous. ceramics and porcelain tiles Rex Ceramiche. It is suitable for both exterior and interior decoration. Separately, it should be noted model for technical premises, they are not every manufacturer.

                Stylish and modern tile patterns represent brand from Italy Vallelunga. Among them are the stylish collections “Opera”, “Pietra Lavica”, “Tabula”, “Venice”, “Full Metal”. They can be chosen for any interior.

                Interesting are the tile models from manufacturer gayafores with 3D design. They look realistic and stylish. Also popular is a collection of models of natural stone.

                Popular Ceracasa tile, namely the collections “Brazil”, “Capitone”, “Damore”, “Dolomite”, “Dorian”, “Dover”, “Ducale”, “Emperador”.

                Cir Serenissima and Novabell Brand Models occupy a leading position in the Italian tile market. They have earned popularity due to good value for money.

                A wide selection of collections of Spanish tiles and porcelain tiles, including models with 3D prints, presents Fanal brand. But the brands Gambarelli and Roca offer more traditional options for tile coatings.

                German is famous for its high-quality glazed tile. Jasba brand. Mosaic patterns are especially popular.


                Shoppers mark Spanish El Molino tiles. Especially they praise the quality of ceramic models from this brand and the design of finishing materials. Some buyers like Chinese ceramic tiles. Her they are most often used for finishing walls and floors in country houses. In addition, many people use it for landscape design.

                Shoppers also like Kerama Marazzi. They praise the quality and large selection of these products.

                Connoisseurs of exquisite design celebrate Portuguese and Belarusian tiles. They write that these materials are distinguished by their durability and original design.

                About what tile will be popular in the current year, see the following video.

                Beautiful examples in the interior

                Currently, fashionable trend is paving of floors in the corridors and other walk-through rooms with tiles similar to pavement paving. This is an excellent solution for both wide halls and narrow corridors. It is only necessary to choose the most appropriate type of paving for a particular interior style.

                Floor tiles can even be used to finish the floors of a classic living room. To do this, select the model under the floor and make laying the French Christmas tree. At the same time, the narrow tile elements are laid tightly to each other without smoothing joints. This creates the effect of a solid wood floor.

                Ceramic tile with a design for steel can be laid completely seamlessly. This will create the feeling that the floor is a solid steel sheet. This is a great solution for high-tech interior or minimalism.

                The interior looks interesting tiled coating that mimics rusty steel, rough traces of industrial grinding, oxidized bronze. With their help, you can create a stylish and unique semi-antique interior with a coarse vintage effect. This design is ideal for the interior in a loft style.

                Wall tiles are now used not only in the interior of the bathroom and kitchen, but also in the living room and even the bedroom. The wall ceramic covering imitating wallpaper or fabric will perfectly fit into these residential areas. The interior of the living room in the Oriental style will ideally look like a mirror wall tiles.

                Designer decorative tiles under the skin of a crocodile, zebra, jaguar are ideal for decorating an interior in the style of art deco or neoclassic. And you can even find a tile with an animalistic design in gloss with a textured surface or matte with a rough and embossed texture.

                In modern interiors, podiums are decorated with tiles, if houses have split-level floors, stairs, columns, niches and other elements. For this purpose, a large-sized covering with a design for a small mosaic is perfect. It can be cut to decorate these interior elements into pieces of any size.

                You can also make a bright contrasting decoration of the protrusions and niches against the background of other monochrome surfaces.

                          Tiled coating can hold zoning in a studio apartment. It goes well with many other finishing materials. They can lay out the floor and walls in the kitchen apron area, and in the dining and living area to cover the floor with laminate. And the tile on design can repeat the laminated covering.

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                          Living room