Sound insulation panels for the ceiling: types and characteristics

Noise accompanies people everywhere - at work and in the store, on the street and in transport. The house is perceived as the only quiet place where it should not be. But in reality, the situation is often quite different: even the most cautious and polite neighbors can sometimes make noise. Since it is not always possible to force them, especially if there is no formal violation of the law, it is worth taking care of self-defense. And an important role in its composition is played by soundproof panels for the ceiling and walls.

Special features

All sounds that can be heard in an apartment or house are divided into two groups: air and drums. The first includes sound waves propagating through the air:

  • the sound of a riding vehicle;
  • conversations;
  • music and soundtracks of films (videos);
  • phone calls, calls and knocking at the door.

Impact noise occurs when in an apartment or private house something acts on the walls, floors and floors. It is shock noise that causes the most problems during repairs, they occur when something falls to the floor, when furniture is moved, and when children or animals are running fast. Sound absorbing materials and structures should ideally cope with both types of harmful sounds.


On the Russian market there are many attractive solutions for protection from extraneous noise. The attenuation level of these products is as follows:

  • IPPC 4 cm - 10 dB;

  • IPPC 13 cm - 20 dB;

  • Isotex 12 cm - 23 dB;

  • Isoplaat 10 cm - 23 dB.

These figures relate to airborne noise. Choosing sound insulating means, it is required to consider the size of the room where they will be mounted, the level of air humidity and temperature difference. Since thick and multi-layered systems are heavy enough, even with relatively light substances, floors and walls must withstand a certain load.

Hard sound insulation materials may not have an absorption coefficient greater than 0.5. This group includes:

  • granulated mineral wool;

  • pumice;

  • foamed perlite;

  • vermiculite

In semi-rigid materials, the sound insulation level rises to 0.75. Typical options are polyurethane foam, pressed mineral wool and foam plastic. But only soft coatings (such as glass wool, foam rubber and rock wool) provide maximum protection.

Advantages and disadvantages

ZIPS panels are structurally designed as a sandwich based on fiberglass or mineral wool. The solid part of the construction is a gypsum fiber sheet. It should be noted that fiberglass is not suitable for home use, it represents a greater threat to health. IPPS panels allow for quick and relatively light sound insulation, and the noise absorbing properties are quite high in terms of both airborne and impact noise. In addition, they do not need to create a frame.

But we must bear in mind that such a solution is quite expensive, and the total thickness of the structure sometimes reaches 130 mm.

Teksaund noise insulating membranes appeared relatively recently and have a number of positive aspects:

  • flexibility and ease of installation;
  • excellent suppression of airborne noise and long service life;
  • moisture resistance and minimum occupied space.

The only disadvantage of the membranes is a significant price.

Classical insulation with mineral wool (basalt) is very popular due to the effective fight against shock noise, long-term operation, resistance to the action of cold. But it is necessary to supplement such a material with a moisture-proof coating, otherwise it will quickly fail.

Cork noise protection is produced in the form of rolls or plates (the latter can be up to 30 mm in thickness), the coating is held on the wall surface with a layer of glue. The cork looks attractive, it is an environmentally friendly material, but judging by the reviews, at the same time it holds back mainly the impact noise, the sound propagating through the air is suppressed worse.

You can find out how to make a ceiling noise insulation with your own hands in the next video.

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