How to equip the suburban area of ​​10 acres with their own hands?

Country plots in our time do not differ a large territory. Therefore, their owners often have to solve the issue of placing all the necessary residential and farm buildings, not to mention the garden with a garden, in a very limited space. In most cases, they solve the problem in terms of practicality, leaving comfort to the background. This circumstance inevitably affects the appearance of the landscape. However, with a rational approach, the arrangement of a plot of 10 acres with their own hands can be quite a solvable task.

Important aspects of rational placement

It should be noted that this type of design includes a number of areas with unique variants of technical ideas and solutions. They relate to the size of each zone and its saturation with certain elements. This diversity gives the consumer the opportunity to choose with a phased layout of the scheme of such a site.

The advice of professional designers regarding the location of a residential building comes down mainly to recommending that it be located closer to the access road and the entrance to the site. Due to this, conditions are created to facilitate access to communication systems, which, as a rule, pass along the route.

As a result of the use of such planning, the dacha area of ​​10 acres leads to a rational separation of the residential zone from the garden and garden part of the plot, which is extremely important given its so small area.

According to another type of project, the placement of residential buildings is expected in the background of the villa territory at a distance from the roadway. However, such a variant of country design should be resorted to in the case when it is planned to equip a lawn or lay out a small park in the foreground of a summer house.

The final decision on the layout should be made based on personal preferences or the desire to give the site a certain appearance.

In order to decorate the main structure, it is appropriate to use compositions composed of trimmed shrubs or restrict one large bush or symmetrically plant beforehome of two or more trees. In addition to garden plants, decorations can serve as special decorative objects.

Location of household buildings

The buildings of this type, in addition to garages and parking spaces, should include greenhouses, greenhouses, sheds for tools and various garden tools. This may also include premises for livestock, pigs or poultry, if the owners of the dacha are engaged in poultry farming or animal husbandry. In order to maximize the useful area such structures should be placed in the form of a complex. To do this, the garage is often tried to combine with outbuildings or attach them to the main building.

Some experts in the field of design and landscape design in order to highlight the working area often recommend to have such buildings (with the exception of the garage) at the other end of the suburban area. In this case, the working part of the territory does not spoil the appearance and does not interfere with the rest.

It must be said that the placement of such buildings is planned to create maximum comfort during their operation, therefore The improvement of such relatively small suburban areas are always discussed by designers with their future users. In the design process, it is advisable to use special software that allows, in addition to the plan, to get a picture of all the elements in a three-dimensional perspective.

Communication systems

When creating a design project for a dacha with an area of ​​10 acres, it marks the position of all communication systems, because there is no point in talking about the complete improvement of such a site without water and gas supply systems, electricity and sewage systems. This part of the design not only facilitates the work on the location of buildings on the site, but also allows you to properly apply electricity, water and gas to the buildings and competently divert sewage from them.

At the same time, in order to comply with the operational requirements, transformer booths, wells for wells, gas pipelines themselves and places for entering gas pipelines should be placed separately.

Many designers prefer to use special constructions - technical premises for distributing communication systems. It is recommended to install all these systems at some distance from the main residential building in order to comply with fire safety regulations and other technical standards.

Lawn or garden?

It is impossible to imagine any dacha plot without a garden, garden or at least a lawn, if it is considered only as a resting place, and not a territory for growing vegetables or fruits. Therefore, the design of the territory of a small area is created not only taking into account the personal tastes of future owners, but also with a bias towards the most aesthetic landscape. This is very appealing to most of the owners of such villas, giving them the opportunity to grow certain crops for their table on their own plot. In addition, site planning is a process that allows you to realize your creative potential in the field of landscape design.

According to experts in this field, the garden should be located at the far side of the land plot, and fruit trees should be placed in the foreground. If it is planned to equip greenhouses on the site, it is more expedient to split them deep in the territory, choosing the space most open to the sun for this.

As for the device of a green lawn in the dacha area of ​​10 acres, this idea has recently become increasingly popular.After all, a lawn with its natural grass cover can become a favorite resting place for the whole family, while the price of the grass itself is relatively small, and caring for it is not the slightest difficulty.

Since large-sized lawn grounds look deserted, some designers advise not to arrange large lawns or dilute them with shrubs, flowers, trees or other design elements.

General recommendations

Of course, each section is different in its own way, and therefore the rules for a particular territory may vary. This is mainly due to uneven terrain or irregular shape of the territory. Lovers of decor can be recommended to place sculptural compositions or individual figures on the site.

Also, when designing, you can use the following tips:

  • Farm buildings should be located close to the apartment building, while respecting the principle of visual disguise.
  • When dividing the garden and backyard, the house should stand in the northern part of the territory for uniform illumination and exclusion of shadow over the crops.
  • The optimal ratio of the area of ​​the house to the area of ​​the plot should be 1/10 of the total area.
  • Higher trees and bushes are better to plant behind the house.
  • The garden itself and the garden with fruit trees are most appropriately located in the southern part of the site.
  • Recreation area will be more appropriate next to the bath or sauna.

For the convenience of childcare, it is better to organize a playground in the area with the best visibility.

  • If the plot has a non-standard elongated shape, transversely arranged flower beds and beds can help visually correct it. You should also plant on it as many colors of bright color as possible.
  • In the presence of free space, a decorative pond can become a useful element of the landscape.
  • Be sure to pave the path from the apartment building to the rest of the buildings.

It is natural that the implementation of all these design decisions will be the result of serious financial costs and will take a lot of personal time of the owners of such a site, but it is definitely worth it.

How to decorate the landscape of the summer cottage with your own hands, you can learn from the following video.

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