How to choose a plinth on the ceiling?

 How to choose a plinth on the ceiling?

Plinth, curb, baguette, cornice are additional elements of decoration. In German, the filler is used and in translation it sounds like a “recess, groove”. The plinth serves for a harmonious combination of a wall and a ceiling, hides wires, and also is a decorative element, gives to interior design the finished look.

Baguette - this is the same plinth, but wide. They can hide the backlight, which will even more decorate the ceiling with its soft muted light.

Special features

The plinth was coined in the first century of our era. The first inlaid plinth, which has survived to this day, was invented by the French. The first wooden curb was made by hand, and by the 16th century, skirting sawing machines were made.This gave a new twist to the development of the plinth, they began to produce it from solid woods that were not solid: a baguette made of valuable wood was used on the front side, and the back side was made of ordinary wood.

The most expensive and time-consuming was a ceramic plinththerefore, it was rarely used in mass construction. The galtel, assembled from a mosaic, appeared in Europe and was used to decorate palaces and architectural objects. In the XVI – XVIII centuries, mosaics of mosaics were made by hand, so today, these preserved sights attract the attention of tourists from all over the world.

The material for the manufacture of modern baseboards is gypsum, stone, wood, polystyrene and polyurethane. Galtels are of different lengths, widths, differ in texture and pattern, and can also be concave or convex. Ceiling skirtings are free from mechanical stress.

If a room with a low ceiling, it is better to glue a narrow skirting board, since a wide version visually lowers the ceiling. For walls with a floral ornament, it is better to use a plinth without a pattern, smooth, and a textured plinth with a pattern is suitable for solid walls.

Color plays an important role when choosing a baseboard. Light tones will add height to the room. Traditional white color will be perfectly combined with any shade of wall color, while it looks very harmonious. An excellent option is the combination of plinth with furniture. It is the color of an understudy when a baguette is combined in color and style of a furniture set.

How to choose a plinth on the ceiling and not get lost when there is such a variety of types and models, different in composition, color, texture and purpose.

Foam plinth on the ceiling is called so because of its material production, like other types. The scope of ceiling plinths is quite wide. Framing fixtures can be mounted even on a two-level mansard ceiling.

You can pick up a dark shade of the product, an uneven rope instead of a traditional plinth or a black luminous version. These are the most fashionable directions today.


Depending on the material plinth are divided into several types.

Polyvinyl chloride

The assortment of PVC fillets is diverse in design and models, it is distinguished by color stability.

The plastic profile of this material has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of installation and care of baguettes;
  • moisture resistance, not susceptible to mold and fungus;
  • surface can be smooth and embossed.

There are a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • can not be repainted;
  • fire resistant material;
  • fire hazardous;
  • fragile;
  • problem with mounting on curved walls.


This material is lightweight, but at the same time durable, resistant to moisture, temperature extremes and mechanical damage. The disadvantages include the fact that polyurethane frames are heavy, not suitable for suspended ceilings. They are more expensive than baguettes made from other materials.

Skirting, made of polyurethane, have such advantages as:

  • durable, long retain their original appearance and color;
  • moisture resistant - can be used in a room with high humidity;
  • suitable for painting;
  • for installation of plinths made of polyurethane any glue is ideal.

Ceiling trim for the finishing of polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane ceilings is suitable for finishing the bathroom. Important condition: the baseboard for the bathroom must be resistant to steam and moisture, to the processes of decay and corrosion, to household chemicals. Due to the high humidity, wooden baseboards in such rooms will not be suitable for use.

It will be functional to use a fillet of plastic or tile so as not to assume time-consuming work.


The molding of this material is smooth, durable, applied on plaster and plastic ceilings. It can be attached to the ceiling with glue or mortar, characterized by simple installation, which can be made by hand. The disadvantage is brittle and changes color when heated.


For the production of plinths, wood (oak, ash, mahogany, spruce) is rarely used because:

  • material is expensive;
  • Difficult when installing by hand;
  • relatively large weight;
  • when using glue during installation, good fixation is needed, the ceiling and walls should be perfectly flat;
  • additional treatment with varnish or special protective agent is required.

But at the same time, baguettes made of wood have the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • The interior is given aristocracy and luxury.


Gypsum moldings are a classic. But for installation, a specialist is needed, since it is not so easy to do ceiling molding with your own hands.

Positive qualities include the following:

  • environmental friendliness - patterns of gypsum are harmless, as in the composition of the gypsum there are no toxic substances;
  • plasticity of the material - you can show imagination by creating complex deep reliefs;
  • uniqueness and uniqueness of baguettes - it is possible to carry out design according to the chosen style of the room.

    The disadvantages of gypsum elements include the following:

    • considerable weight;
    • fragility;
    • complexity at installation.

      Depending on the shape, ceiling fillets are divided into such types as:

      • injection possesses a convex, relief surface. It is produced using molds by sintering polystyrene granules. Baguettes have a granular structure and are an independent decorative element;
      • extruded has longitudinal grooves, grooves. The heated liquid mass of polystyrene is forced through the holes of the mold, the resulting baguette has a smooth surface and a uniform dense structure, it can be painted;
      • laminated the plinth is represented by a smooth surface.


      The standard plinth length varies from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, width - from 1 to 40 centimeters. For small, low rooms suitable narrow fillet.

      It is worth starting from the following parameters:

      • room height up to 2.5 meters - a ceiling side up to 3.5 centimeters wide;
      • the height of the room is 2.5–3.0 meters - the finishing panel is 4–6 centimeters wide.

      For spacious large rooms, an ideal version would be a 6–7 cm wide fillet. Narrow rooms should not be framed with thin baseboards, as this will make the room even more elongated. You can decorate the cabinet with a wooden ceiling baguette.

      To hide fasteners or large differences between the levels of slab floors, a wide molding is necessary.


        To begin with, it is imperative to think about the lighting itself, as it will be. LED lights look great on multi-level or suspended ceilings. The main action is a competent measurement of the room where the LED strip will be mounted, and then installation, connection to the common power grid. For this, you need a high-quality DC power supply unit equal to 12 volts.. For ease of installation of the LED tape, on its reverse side there is a strip of universal tape, which will help to firmly glue the tape to any surface.

        You need to glue the strip upstairs of the baseboard so that the light bulbs look at the ceiling. For the bedroom and living room to rest was comfortable, suitable LED strip with light blue, blue or white light bulbs. For the kitchen and the corridor it is worth picking up the bright ones: green, yellow and even red LED options.

        You should definitely choose the option that will allow you to adjust the brightness of the backlight.

        Tips and tricks

        When installing the baseboards should follow the following tips from experts:

        • paint plinth, baguette, fillet need to install it;
        • it is necessary to fix the ceiling cornices to finish the walls;
        • it is not recommended to glue a baguette to the stretch ceiling, as the ceiling can be damaged during installation, and it is also necessary to cover the ceiling with polyethylene so that the glue does not get onto the canvas;
        • the end of the fillet must be sandpaper;
        • special tools should be used when installing the baseboards: ruler, tape measure, simple pencil, miter box (machine for cutting fillets at the right angle), handsaw, paint knife;
        • during installation it is necessary to seal up the slots with a putty or a special sealant;
        • in order to calculate the required amount of ceiling plinth, one should measure the perimeter of the room, then divide the resulting number by the standard length of the fillet, taking into account the length of each wall, try not to allow a lot of joints;
        • you need to decide on the choice of glue, it depends on the material of the baseboard and the wall, while it is necessary to take into account the humidity of the room. Glue should be non-toxic and safe, it is recommended to choose between polymer and acrylic compositions, preference should be given to acrylic, as it is safer. But there is one drawback - the acrylic composition is made on a water basis, when exposed to moisture, it loses its adhesive ability. The polymer composition of the glue is moisture resistant, but it has a specific smell, the room requires long ventilation, and it is also unprofitable at cost.

        For wooden or plaster baguettes for mounting one glue will not be enough, you first need to glue, and then fix it with screws or screws.

        How to decide what to glue at the beginning - a plinth or wallpaper. According to the technology, both options are possible, but The best and correct option is to first install the baseboard, and then decorate the wall.

        Beautiful and right corner molding - this is the main feature of the installation. To do this, there are special stencils 45, 60, 67.5, 900, for a perfect right angle you need to take a stencil 450. First you need to determine which edge of the baseboard will rest on the wall, and which edge on the ceiling. When performing the left cut in the shutter, the lower ceiling part is located at the top, and for the right cut - the opposite. The inner corner of the outer edge of the baseboard should be shorter, and the inner - longer.

        For a room with external corners of the plinth are cut in the same way, the cut is obtained with the same angle, but only in the opposite direction. The outer edge is longer and the inner edge is shorter..

        And it is important to correctly connect the joints of the ceiling moldings along the length. You can use two methods: oblique and straight. In the direct version, the two fillets are joined by the ends, and for the oblique, oblique sections are made on each fillet. When gluing the baseboard, one should have a sharp corner at the bottom, the second one should have a sharp corner at the top.

        Polyurethane and wooden baguettes are combined with oblique cuts, it is important to combine a pattern or pattern. Polystyrene and foam moldings, given the softer structure, it would be more correct to glue butt together, since the oblique is more difficult.

        Paint the ceiling fillets

        Painting requires the following consumables:

        • paint the desired color;
        • masking tape;
        • paint brush, the appropriate size;
        • rubber spatula.

        Plinth can be painted in two ways:

        1. The ceiling fillet is already installed. Painting in this case is harder and more expensive, you need to cover the furniture with plastic wrap, cover the floor with paper, glue the masking tape around the perimeter so as not to paint the wallpaper with paint. For painting ceiling plinths is better to use water-based paint. It should be diluted with water according to the instructions. Paint on the brush to grab a little and slowly, so that there are no stains and smudges, and paint the baseboard. When the paint is completely dry, you need to remove the tape and wipe the contour of the fillet.
        2. The ceiling plinth can be painted before installation.After the paint has dried, the fillet is installed and the joints are adjusted.

        Recommendation of experts: it is necessary to paint a plinth in two layers. The best option for paint is water-based and acrylic, they are relatively easy to apply and washable. When wet cleaning you can use detergents, because they do not affect the appearance and color of the fillet.

        Using the advice of professionals and your own wishes, you can create coziness in the apartment by simply painting the fillets with a different color or making a more pronounced shade, and you can also use a variety of colors to paint the border, ornament or pattern.

          The range of materials for use in the interior is expanding on the modern market. In practice, you can successfully implement any design ideas that not only increases the internal comfort of the premises, but also makes it possible to apply innovations when working with ceilings. To new materials on the variety and manufacturability can be attributed flexible polyurethane ceiling baguettes. They are appropriate when installing original ceiling structures.. Flexible eaves makes it possible to use the most complex suspended structures on the ceilings.They can be spherical or radial, giving the room a final, presentable appearance.

          Polyurethane has high-tech properties - it is flexibility and elasticity. Under dynamic loads, the bonds between polyurethane molecules are not destroyed, but only change direction and shape. As a result, the material becomes durable, flexible and resilient. Industrial polyurethane in its molecular structure and linear arrangement of molecules is similar to rubber. Polyurethane is also durable. It withstands the temperature difference in a wide range, from -60 to + 800ºС. Polyurethane moldings are durable and do not interact with aggressive media.

          The modern market offers ready-made fragments of ceiling baguettes bent at the right angle. Polyurethane plinths are classified according to the angle. There are three categories: 30, 45, 600. This makes it possible to choose the eaves on the optimal curvature for each individual option.

          Features of the installation of polyurethane moldings are as follows:

          • installation to produce on the finished surface. Wall-paper and plaster perfectly will approach, the bending eaves will well keep;
          • installation is made by glue compositions, liquid nails on a two-level ceiling.They perfectly interact with concrete and plaster. To seal the gaps and seams using acrylic-based finishing putty;
          • for installation of polyurethane baguettes in the corners, you need a barrels, cutting the plinth from polyurethane is made with a mounting knife or a hacksaw.

          In the room where columns are installed, suspended ceiling structures or radius panels of complex shapes, there are a number of subtleties and nuances when installing curved baseboards. Since the polyurethane panels and moldings are elastic, they are first securely fixed on the structure with the help of masking tape or thin nails, the length of which is within 20–25 millimeters. Until the end of the nails do not need to hammer, after fixing the adhesive composition, the nails are removed. When working with small arcs, self-tapping screws are used, then they are masked with acrylic putty.

          Curved ceilings are the most attractive type of apartment design. Polyurethane fillets help to equip rounded corners with success, to technically solve the problem finish of radius surfaces.

          Having considered all the disadvantages and advantages of the ceiling plinth, everyone makes the decision himself.The baguette for the ceiling is only a small part of the interior, but it can solve a relatively sufficient role in creating the general interior of the room.

          For how to glue the ceiling plinth, see the following video.

          Beautiful examples in the interior

          • The design of plaster looks just gorgeous. Most of all, it is suitable for a classic interior style.
          • A bold, interesting design solution is to decorate the interior of the room with a plinth with LED ceiling lighting.
          • In order not to overload the interior with decorative elements, it is recommended to choose a laminated baguette with a pronounced texture of the pattern or pattern of the ceiling and walls. The relief fillet will approach a smooth ceiling and a wall, it will ideally fit into a general view of the room.
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          Living room