Plans for planning a summer cottage area of ​​10 acres

If you have purchased a 10 hectare country house and are thinking about the layouts, then this is absolutely true. The right approach to this business will help you not only live comfortably in the country, but also get a good and stable harvest from the beds.

Where to begin?

When 10 acres moved to your location, you should not hurry and perform rash actions, because you can get a dacha for life. If you want to create a beautiful, well-kept plot, which will have everything your soul desires, then it is important to put everything in its place correctly. The most important thing to think about from the early days is cadastral plot plan, to have absolutely accurate information regarding the territory of your allotment.

As soon as all paper issues are resolved, it is necessary to move on to an equally important part of planning: the allocation of land for certain zones.The most important thing that people pay attention to at this stage is the location of the house, the elevations and even the location regarding the cardinal points. An equally important issue will be the level of groundwater, which can both contribute to a good soil moisture, and prevent you from constant floods.

Proper zoning

In order for your garden to be in spring in bloom, and not be torn by the wind, not the sun was hot, it is important to plant the trees in the right place. Layout garden bookmarks carried out according to the principle the most successful location in a particular area relative to the cardinal points and buildings, if they are.

Fruit trees love light, because for them the most suitable place will be south or southeast of your site, where the sun's rays can illuminate your garden the longest, which will contribute to a good harvest.

Another point that is immediately worth considering is groundwater: it will be extremely harmful for trees to be in an environment where precipitation will constantly stagnate, this will lead to rotting of the roots and the appearance of parasites, after which the tree will die. When creating a garden plan, it is necessary to take into account the approximate growth of the tree and its dimensions in order to determine the optimal distance between the trees.And the last thing that is also calculated is the pollination of each species, so that there is no mixing of pollen and mutations in the taste of the fruit.

Choosing a place for the house, it is better to arrange it so that it is convenient to enter the plot, you can easily get into the garden, and all the necessary infrastructure facilities are located in their places without interfering with each other. Determining exactly where the entrance will be, it is best to orient it to the south or southeast, and the rest can be created on the basis of what you have. If for you the cottage is a place of gathering and rest for the family, then it is better to build a solid and large house, perhaps even a two-storey one. For those for whom it is important to grow a garden or a vegetable garden, but the minimum time to stay in the house and relax there, a small room with minimal amenities will do.

As for the garden, his planning is no less thorough, because you need to arrange the beds so that the shadow of the trees and the house does not interfere with the growth of vegetables, but at the same time they can save in the most heat. Based on this, the best place would be the eastern side, which can provide the plants with the desired rate of light daily. The size of the beds you can determine on your own, given the popularity of one or another vegetable in your family. When planting seeds or seedlings, keep the distance between the beds so that you can easily weed it out without damaging the seedlings.

Slope of the territory

If you are confronted with the design of the territory for the first time, it is best to consult with a specialist, carefully read the relevant literature. Without taking into account the features of the ground and the height difference, you may encounter a number of problems. This is true for the construction of the house, and in case you want to make your own pool.

Choosing a place to build a house, it is best to arrange it on flat terrain or higher: if you put it in a valley, then all precipitation will accumulate at the foundation, and sooner or later the house will crack. As for the pool, the principle is about the same - the highest point on the site will be most favorable, otherwise all the wastewater after the rains and melting snow will fall into your pool, and it will have to be cleaned too often.

In the event that your cottage is located on the lowest street, and even in a valley,It is very important to create a good drainage, so that the stream that will go down from all the dachas does not flood you or flush all the vegetable beds.

In this case, saving is not worth it, and it is important to make the drainage system as efficient as possible, which will help save the country house from adverse impacts and protect the entire crop.

Norms of designing a country house

In order for your manor to give you not only the opportunity to hide from the heat and have a snack, but also allow you to enjoy the outdoors, away from the city, noise and dust, it is important to build a suitable room. There are certain norms that have long been introduced, and it is best to comply with them. For example, the distance from the building to the neighboring site or exit to the street should be at least 5 meters.

For the rational placement of the construction of homestead type is best move it closer to the center of the plot. There is enough space for 10 acres for this, so there will be no problems with the design of all other zones. The starting point from the house to the fence traditionally takes a porch, which is removed 5-7 meters from the street, which makes it possible to make a small cozy courtyard with an arch and even an arbor.

If the layout of the suburban area is not even, then the house should be built accordingly. For such options there are T-shaped and L-shaped forms, which can be easily entered on the territory of non-standard form, so that it is convenient and practical. Dimensions and height of the building can be performed at any scale, because it will depend on the availability of materials and the number of people living in the room.

When you have decided on a place to build a house, the first thing you need to think about is not the foundation, but the connection of all communications, such as gas, water, electricity and sewage. If the street held gas, water and light, it will greatly facilitate your task. In the case of sewage - most often it is not provided at the dacha plots, and you can either make a street shower with a toilet or dig up a drain hole in the place furthest from the house, preferably away from your neighbors.

Elements of the dacha

In order for your cottage to be a gathering place for the whole family for active recreation, it is important to provide everything necessary for it. If you already have a work plan in your head, this is good, but it is better to look at examples of the location of all zones in the territory that are recommended by popular publications. These options are often time tested and allow you to optimally locate all objects in a given area, among them:

  • green spaces;
  • playground;
  • beds with vegetables;
  • greenhouse (optional).

Landscape design provides for the green areas of the decorative type, where there will be flower beds and flower beds that will allow you to enjoy your stay in the country with more power and have a good rest from any problems and worries. Each piece of land should be given to its task, only then you can make the perfect place for work and rest of the whole family.

In case you have children, Be sure to make a playground for them. It does not matter how big it will be, but you will allocate a place in the country to the younger generation, which will give them an incentive to become familiar with this place, will encourage them to help adults in the beds and with the harvesting of fruits.

It is best to install such a platform near the house and near the trees so that you can always see the children, and those, in turn, did not overheat in the sun during the day.

For consistently good harvest it is best to hold drip irrigation system which will allow to constantly maintain the soil moisture, and will enable the plant to be strong and give a high percentage of the crop. If you want to grow exotic plants or have vegetables out of season, you can lay a greenhouse, because 10 hectares of land allow you to do it in full.

Based on your own wishes and knowledge of others, you can make your cottage one of the best and help your neighbors, invent schemes for their territory to create the same comfort, comfort and productivity of their summer cottage.

Tips from an expert in planning a summer cottage can be viewed in the next video.

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