How to make a cement mortar?

In the construction process rarely anyone does without the use of cement mortar. Such material for construction work may be present in the composition of various finishing complexes. Cement is a substance that is not mined in natural resources — it is created by exposing components to high temperatures, grinding them, and adding impurities. By itself, the work on the manufacture of cement is not high-tech. If you have certain skills, the solution can be made even with your own hands, but first you need to learn how to make a cement mortar and what will be its proper preparation.

What you need to know: the composition and properties

Cement compositions for use in the construction process can not only be purchased, but also made yourself. To do this, you will need to mix components, such as sand and cement, in the ratios you need for your work.

It should be remembered that the creation of a cement-based mortar is a tedious task.and sometimes it is even impossible to perform because of inexperience in the uniform distribution of components.

A practical solution could be to use a concrete mixer, but it is not necessary to purchase it - you can simply rent a unit or borrow from friends.

The most demanded cement is the one that can be used in working with brick masonry. Most often, for this purpose, used cement mortar and cement-lime type. The first option is used for the purpose of erecting load-bearing walls. As for the second, it is used to carry out work on laying the walls inside, and only a small proportion of cement is added to its composition.

In the event that the solution will be used during the winter period, it will be necessary to add a special antifrosty additive to its composition, which will not allow the consistency to freeze. However, despite this component, experts say that it is not recommended to make cement mass at a temperature of -20 degrees, since the components lose their qualities.If, however, there is a need for preparation, then it is important to obtain a solution that will have mobility and elasticity.

Experienced builders recommend adding shampoo to increase plasticity: half a liter of this ingredient will be required per cubic meter of mass. Many people prefer to use salt as an antifreeze additive, but you should not do this, as there is a risk of efflorescence.

If the cement consistency is used as the basis for creating monolithic foci with an open source of fire, for the firebox or the furnace, you must use fire-resistant and heat-resistant solutions, which include a certain composition and clear proportions. So, for finishing an open hearth, a cement brand with an indicator not lower than 400 will be required. Even crushed stone is added to the mixture, which includes a brick of red type in its composition, in a ratio of 1 to 2. Then two parts of finely ground chamotte sand are added to the composition. If the work concerns the firebox, then the composition here will be identical, and the proportions will be as follows: 1: 2: 2: 0.33.

Tools and materials

Before you start kneading cement mortar,You should be familiar with some of the parameters that are fundamental in the process of creating a mixture at home. It is necessary to dilute the consistency with the help of such components that are easy to get, so that later you don’t look around the city for the material that was once acquired just because it is exclusive. Due to the absence of one or another component, it is possible to completely abandon the solution.

After all materials are prepared, you need to become familiar with the technology of creating cement mortar. It is better not to give preference to complex recipes that a person who does not have a sufficient level of skill in construction will not be able to repeat.

The first thing to remember in manufacturing is that, even if budget materials are used and the primitive technology of creation, the cement should be reliable and strong.

For cooking will require:

  • plastic or metal packaging (bucket, trough basin);
  • construction type mixer;
  • fine sieve;
  • water;
  • wet sand;
  • dry cement.

It should be noted that there is a sieve in the list.It will be needed for the purpose of pre-sifting the ingredients, as a result of which you can get the best quality of the batch.

How to knead: the preparation of components

Before you do your own preparation of the cement composition, all the components need to be prepared. Preparation is an important stage, which will be decisive in obtaining a qualitative composition, so you need to know what may be required from a specialist at this stage. Before kneading the ingredients, you need to prepare the container. Its volume should be suitable for expenditure indicators for work.

If the prepared container is less than the volume of the obtained consistency, then the material that was obtained during mixing will be poured onto the floor or the ground. If the selected capacity, on the contrary, is larger than the required volume, there is a high probability that the master will not be able to get a uniform mass: it will form lumps, as a result the look will be sloppy, and the resulting construction will be technical dangerous. On top of that, the selected container should stand steadily on its platform and have increased strength.

Before starting the workflow, it is imperative to make sifting of the powder from which the mixture will be prepared. In addition, you should also know that it is not recommended to prepare a solution in the fresh air: the cement standard can absorb moisture from the environment, as a result of which it will lose its basic qualities. If possible, it is better to carry out the batch in the room.

Preparation of the solution

So, after all the materials and tools are prepared, You can start making the solution with your own hands.

  1. 1 layer of cement is poured into the container, then a layer of sand, after which all layers alternate. The number of such layers should be at least 6. Thus, all the components will be able to dissolve more qualitatively. Sand and cement should be poured in the form of a bed. The total height should not exceed 300 mm.
  2. Components poured into the container, you need to mix several times with shovels until such time as you get a homogeneous mass. Do not forget that the quality of the finished mixture and further work will depend on the mixing process. After everything is properly mixed, experts recommend once again sift the composition through a sieve with 3x3 mm cells. Homogeneous mass must be absolute.
  3. After mixing the dry ingredients, water or other components, such as water glass, cannot be added immediately. The addition of liquid should be carried out gradually and carefully. Water needs to be added very slowly, thus it is possible to control the process of acquiring the desired consistency density. If the fluid supply is large, it is gradual addition that will not allow the mass to become too fluid.

No less important indicator for cooking is the temperature of the liquid: it should not be either low or high. Try to use such water, the temperature of which will be close to the environment. The ambient temperature also plays an important role: it is necessary to dilute the ready-made cement mixtures at air temperatures not lower than +5 degrees.

As for the consistency of the cement slurry, everything will depend on the area in which it will be used. For example, for laying will require a thick material, to fill - liquid.

Try not to make a large amount of solution right away, especially if the composition contains wet sand. In any case, there will always be an opportunity to make the batch again.

For screed

The rules for preparing the solution depend on the purpose for which it will be used. For example, for the screed to prepare the mixture is easier than for the organization of the foundation. There is no need for crushed stone, and the proportions of the remaining components will be as follows: cement grade M400 and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

To properly prepare the consistency, follow the steps in the following order:

  • lay a metal sheet on the floor;
  • pour 1/3 of sand and 1/3 of cement onto the surface, mix until a homogeneous mass, repeat this action before the components run out;
  • from the resulting dry mixture, make a handful, and in it a notch;
  • Pour some water into this “container” and mix everything well.

The mixture is made with use, that is, after the end of one solution, the next one is prepared.

For foundation

As for the preparation of the mixture for the foundation, the process is more difficult, and the best solution would be to use such a device as a concrete mixer.

Begin the kneading process with the addition of water. Determine the desired amount of the ratio of 1: 4. Experts recommend initially pour less water, because you can add it at any time.During the preparation of the cement mixture for the foundation is very important to monitor the consistency. It is better that it is liquid, but water should be used carefully. If there is a need for density, this indicator can be achieved after the mixing process is completed.

For finishing

Cement mixture is used in the decoration of the premises. The need for it appears when you need to carry out high-quality plastering of the surface.

The use of components that are in the composition of the cement makes it possible to obtain the desired consistency. Please note that more solution is needed for this job. If there is a need for sanding a small area, you can use a hand batch, but in any case, the concrete mixer will make this process faster.

In order to understand whether the consistency is right in front of you, apply it on the trowel: it should slide off smoothly when tilted.


So, the first step was the preparation of the tools and all the necessary working materials to make cement, the second step was the creation of the mortar, the third was left - the application of the obtained consistency in the work.For any builder, the fact that such a solution is the material that cannot be stored for a long time after work is obvious. This is due to the fact that it has a high viscosity and freezes very quickly, which means that its further use will be impossible.

The consistency that was made during the kneading process can be used in construction work for several hours., moreover, on the condition that all the components were selected correctly. Therefore, it is very important to get the volume that can be immediately used in the work, and its balance will not work. If the substance obtained is not enough, you can make the batch one more time.

If you need cement, you should also know that it is not always the best option to use a classic composition. Sometimes there are situations when it is better to use non-traditional recipes that can be used on all construction sites, regardless of the purpose of the repair work.

Custom cement-based recipes can be made by adding some kind of impurity. Additives are most often used to change the initial properties of the solution, for example, the rate of solidification. The addition will slow down this process so that the builder has more time to work with the consistency. It can also increase the viscosity index. The solution in this case will be more plastic and pliable, which is very important in difficult areas.

Well, if there is a need for repair work in a room in which there is an increased humidity indicator, then it is better to give preference not to the standard composition, but to the cement of a hydrophobic variety: it will not be afraid of contact with water.

If there is a desire to improve the quality and characteristics of concrete, it will be necessary not only to change the composition of the mixture, but also the proportions in which the substance will be made.

In the process of mixing it is very important to remember not only that the proportions will depend on the selected raw materials, but also on the quality of the original components.

To learn how to knead cement mortar, see the following video.

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