Popular models of forged gates and variants with forging elements

If you are tired of the usual wooden fence with a corrugated flooring in the country, you can always think of an interesting option with a decorative wrought-iron gate. It will look great, decorate the site and protect the territory from intruders and stray animals. The main thing is to determine the main set of functions.which must be performed by the gate with elements of forging at a particular site, as well as with its cost. Not everyone knows how to understand the subtleties of material selection, design options, popular models of forged gates, installation steps on a specific foundation or soil. After reading this article, you will learn about all the important nuances.

Special features

Nevertheless, having decided on the installation of any new decorative element in his garden-dacha area, in particular, a wrought-iron gate, It is necessary to determine the following parameters and objectives:

  • What should serve as a gate: an impenetrable fence that protects the site from prying eyes, neighboring curiosity, dust from the street, or just a beautiful fence.
  • In what terrain a wrought-iron gate is installed: on a hilly territory, either on fragile soil, in loose earth, or on an already prepared foundation. The labor intensity, the speed of the work, the most important thing is the price for the installation of the gate.
  • The climate of the area where the suburban area is located. A gate made of suitable materials will differ in resistance to frost, heat, temperature changes (if you use certain protective materials).

A variety of factors affect the strength and durability of a wrought fence. It is necessary to take them into account when choosing the most suitable fence.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of wrought iron fences is undoubtedly the aesthetic pleasure that the site owner will receive each time entering the house or sitting on the veranda facing the gate for evening tea. If you add decorative wrought-iron elements, for example, on window shutters, small fences with flower beds, you can get a beautiful and interesting design of the whole site.

With the right arrangement of the rods, forged fences protect the site no worse than tall and deaf fences. If the gaps between the rods are not too wide, even a teenager will not be able to crawl into the site area unnoticed. The tops of the twigs in the form of sharp peaks may scare off intruders altogether: they will be afraid of catching and getting hurt.

Being a metal construction, the forged gate is very strong and durable. She can serve up to fifty years - or even longer, if you regularly take care of her. On the modern market there are many protective coatings, so you can not worry about the fact that in a couple of years rust will appear on the structure.

Of course, forged gates have some disadvantages, but they are few, and some owners of country houses do not consider such features to be disadvantages.

The main disadvantage of acquiring a wrought-iron entrance structure is the price, which will be significantly higher than the cost of an ordinary wooden fence or wicket from a picket fence, sheeting and other inexpensive materials. However, the result after the installation of a wrought-iron gate should exceed all expectations, because such products are characterized by a long service life and a unique design.

Similar products are often created on individual projects., so that one more minus can be revealed: from the moment of ordering the wicket to its installation, it takes a long time to wait. At first the sketch is coordinated, and then each element of the designed pattern is carefully made.

You can get by with a ready-made plain design of monograms or geometric figures: it is cheaper and faster, but you still have to wait.

Everyone chooses whether to have an exclusive wrought-iron wicket in the country or you can do with a simple wooden fence. If, however, to decide and establish such an original and beautiful design, the result will almost certainly not disappoint.


Gates are different, it all depends on the materials and manufacturing techniques. In Russia, when choosing fences for suburban areas, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of climate and other important factors. Most often order designs with a height of about two meters.

Very popular wickets made of metal with bars: everything seems to be seen well, and protection of the site is provided. Among the Russian owners of country sites are also popular designs with polycarbonate.

Metal wickets with roller shutters are preferred by homeowners, often using machines. Material base moves apart quickly and virtually silently. This type of construction is easy to use, such products are quickly made and look very interesting in combination with forging.

How to choose?

There are many types of forged gates, as well as combinations of forging with other materials. Unfortunately, there are no universal options for fencing, so it’s worth deciding whether you want to see the surrounding landscapes through the grid or separate yourself from the surrounding areas and enjoy the privacy. It should also be clearly understood how much the family is willing to spend on decorating the entrance. Focusing on the amount, you will need to choose the material for the gate and the type of pattern.

Talk about the environmental and natural material is not necessarybecause metal is the risk of corrosion on the surface or a characteristic smell on the hands, if you hold on to this gate for a long time. When you want the gate to “merge” with the surrounding nature,You should choose a tree (or at least a wooden base with forging and casting elements). It is very difficult to combine these two materials, only a professional with extensive experience will help here. It should also be borne in mind that metal and wood differ in wear resistance: it may happen that the wooden part of the fence will rot or burn before the forged elements are destroyed.

Stone and brick are wonderfully combined with metal. Metal gates look very good with these materials. Forged elements can also be attached to the stone base, and then it will be possible not to think over the design of the fence. It will look very harmonious, look like a single whole.

Forged wickets are often created with elements of corrugated and polycarbonate. Though it is artificial, but rather wear-resistant - and at the same time inexpensive materials. Sheet corrugated sheets come in different shades, which allows you to choose the gate to the color of the house or other parts of the fence. Such a structure will serve as long as the metal inserts, and under the gusts of the wind it will not bend (if properly reinforced such a frame).

Many people believe that polycarbonate may begin to release toxic elements in the heat, but there is absolutely no need to worry. Sheets for sale in modern hardware stores are already protected, they are treated with special compounds.

In everyday life, polycarbonate is just as unpretentious as the metal, but it will be easier to replace it with a new material if damaged or, for example, if you want to change the design of the gate.

A small minus of such artificial materials, which are noted by the owners of the gates - is the noise during heavy rain or when birds are sitting on the flooring. Installation of a visor over a wicket door made of artificial materials can protect from rain.

Having decided to order a forged lattice consisting solely of metal rods and forged elements, it will be necessary to determine the method of manufacture. The so-called cold forging is a simpler and cheaper way to get the desired wicket.

If the house has a welding machine and a grinder, you can try to make a design with your own hands.

Having connected the rods-bases by welding, you can buy ready-made decorative elements in the store.By purchasing forged flowers, whole sections with floral, ornamental motifs, animal figurines, complex monograms, and other elements, you can then weld them to the finished design, getting some semblance of the author's design.


When ordering a wrought iron gate with or without a professional sheet, it is possible to agree on the service of its delivery and installation. This is the most reliable option, because experts know under what conditions the installation of the gate will last as long as possible. However, it will be installed at an additional cost. If your budget is limited, but you have the skills to perform installation work, then you can do it yourself.

When installing a forged wicket in a pre-prepared base of the fence should not have any problems - especially if there are concrete, metal or brick pillars below. If there are load-bearing posts, then with the help of a welding machine it is necessary to fix the gate on the ready support.

There are cases when there is only a foundation: then you have to dig in or brew metal rods, on which a bearing pillar will be installed later.

It should be remembered that the main perimeter of the forged gate should be a couple of centimeters narrower than the intended opening. This is necessary in order for the product to open normally in the future - taking into account the drawdown and a slight bias, which after five to seven years is found even at the most expensive fence. From the ground, the distance should be no less than 7-10 centimeters, because the metal gate is a rather heavy construction, which tends to settle down a bit after installation.

When the columns are installed, the hinges are attached with a welding machine., and after the installation, these elements should be lubricated with machine or special oil so that they do not creak. The joints, to which the hinges were welded, posts and other elements are better treated with a grinder to eliminate chips and irregularities. Then you need to remove residual dirt, apply a corrosion-resistant coating and paint the surface.

That's all - the gate is ready, you can receive guests. Such a metal structure should stand for many more years if it is properly maintained.

You will learn more about how to set the gate with your own hands in the following video.

Care instructions

The convenience of a metal forged wicket is precisely the fact that care for it is minimal. However, this does not mean that you can install an expensive fence once and completely forget about it for half a century. The main "disease" of any metal product is corrosion. Do not forget at least once every three or four years (or more often - it all depends on the climate) to clean the rods, degrease the surface and paint it with special paint with anti-corrosion elements.

Particular attention should be paid to the loops on which the leaf, constantly in motion. They should be lubricated regularly with oil so that they do not creak or wear out prematurely. It is better to buy a special tool for metal products.

If there were no similar oils in the house, then the usual, machine-made, but only by no means food-grade sunflower is quite suitable - so you can spoil the design.

The last care recommendation is to strengthen, once every 5 years, the soil or concrete foundation to which the wrought-iron gate was originally attached. A rather massive construction can sag: if you do not follow this, it can simply stop opening and start touching the ground.

Design options

Ordering a wrought-iron gate with an individual design and sketches, the owner can give free rein to his imagination. Even if the fence is only with elements of forging, then these same elements can reflect the whole personality of the house. You can, for example, draw a sketch of the family coat of arms with crowns, letters and monograms. Yes, having made such an order, you will have to wait, and the artistic forging will be quite expensive, but then you can admire the result for a long time.

You can translate into reality the drawings of your child by ordering metal patterns for the gate, repeating elements from his children's work. Let them be simple snowflakes or flowers - when they see them on the wall in the hall, guests, no doubt, will still be delighted. But the main thing is that the child will remember the best moments of his childhood every time he passes through the gate of the house.

    The unique design can be obtained even with a combination of ready-made elements of the decor, if you place them correctly. You can make a beautiful design by simply setting several rows of rods at certain angles. The main thing is to make the overall composition as harmonious as possible.

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